Chapter 12....

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Sending my mom a quick text telling her we were 20 minutes away, I started to ready myself for this week. Seeing my family after 10 months was going to be....odd. I've always come home to visit every few months but this past year I haven't. With work being so busy, and after...everything else I couldn't bring myself to do so. Only sticking to calling my mom every few weeks, and exchanging texts between my brothers.

I had horrible daughter down pat.

"Just a fair warning..." I glanced over at Knox then at Olivia who just woke up. "My mom can be a bit too friendly. So if she asks something you don't want to answer, then you don't have to." No doubt my mom would try and learn every little detail about Knox.

"And if you guys are at all uncomfortable and don't want to stay, you are free to leave. You don't have to stay if you don't want. I will give you the two grand no matter what." I didn't want Knox or Olivia thinking they had to stay if they were uncomfortable.

"It will be fun! I know it." Olivia chirped. I tried to get some of her cheerfulness as we neared my childhood home. I shouldn't be this nervous to see my family. It's my family for crying out loud. But as I gave Knox directions a pit was forming in my stomach.

I don't think I can do this. I haven't been back here since that day and a huge part of me wanted to demand Knox to turn around. I'd make up some lie to my mom about some snow storm that held us back. Yeah, that could work!

"Are you okay over there?" My head snapped towards Knox who was looking at me with a raised eyebrow. It was only then I realized I had been bouncing my leg up and down annoyingly.

"Uh yeah. All good." I squeaked out, but even I didn't believe it. "I don't think I can do this." Breathed as he turned down the road that lead to my parents house.

"Aubrey." My eyes gazed down at the hand that suddenly touched my knee. I followed the arm up to Knox's face, mouth parted in surprise. "You need to take a few deep breaths. In and out." He instructed. I followed along, my heart rate slowly down slightly.

"It will be fine. We will act like a couple around your parents. We'll hold hands, smile, and it will be over in a few days." I was more than shocked at the soft tone he was using. He seemed suddenly okay with this whole thing and it was throwing me for a loop.

"I...okay. You're right." Even if he didn't know I wasn't fully freaking out about our fake relationship, I was touched he was trying to calm my nerves.

"Don't forget about me." Olivia chimed in. "I'll be a good distraction if needed." She smiled kindly at me. True. Having her here will definitely help keep my mom's attention off of the two of us.

I nodded, my nerves only slightly going down only to rise when I saw the house on the left. Directing Knox where to pull in, I gulp. The house looked the exact same. The flower beds were empty right outside the front door because of the freezing cold and snow. The huge tree seeming even bigger than before and it still held the swing my father made from years before.

I barely opened the truck door when the front door to the house flew open. From here I could already smell the baked goods coming from inside. I jumped out of Knox's truck and turned just in time to see my mom's petite form lunging for me.

Despite only being 5'3 my mom sure was strong. Her arms pulled me into a tight hug. Just the scent of my mom brought tears to my eyes as I leaned down and hugged her back just as tightly. When we finally pulled away she beamed up at me, her brown eyes shimmering with tears.

"My baby is finally home!" I tried not to let the words get to me. Thankfully my mom's attention was brought elsewhere when Olivia jumped out beside me.

I watched as her eyes lightened up at the sight of her. Yep, poor Olivia was going to be bombarded with my mom's attention these next five days.

"Well aren't you a beautiful thing." My mom cooed before wrapping her in a hug, no doubt just as tight as mine was. I probably should have warned them that my mom was a hugger. "You must be Olivia. I'm Colleen but you can call me anything, I respond to it all."

"Nice to meet you." Olivia grinned back at my mom, not at all seeming fazed.

"And you must be the man that's got my daughter in knots." I blushed at her words even though they were fair from the truth.

"Knox Mikelson. It's nice to meet you Mrs. Lynn." Knox greeted my mother with a kind smile, a smile I have yet to see and now wanted to see more often.

"Mrs. Lynn is my mother-in-law, call me Colleen." I watched as my mother seemed to blush at Knox. Is she already falling for his charm? He's only said like five words?! "And the pleasure is mine." My mom looked at all three of us with a wide grin. "Come on, lets get you guys inside. It's freezing out here!"

My mom ushered Olivia forward, leaving Knox and I to carrying the luggage. While Knox grabbed the bags and set them on the driveway I rubbed my arms to stay warm.

"Your poor sister is going to have my mom all over her this week."

"Eh she'll enjoy it." There was something underneath his tone but I knew better than to push it. Grabbing my suitcase while Knox grabbed his and his sisters, I lead him towards the front door.

My childhood home wasn't much. It was a modest two story house. It had four bedrooms, which was nice growing up since none of us kids wanted to share rooms. It was perfectly homey and as soon as you walked in you knew it was a well loved house.

The moment the two of us walked through the door I was hit with the smell of food. My stomach instantly rumbled at the thought of it. I hadn't had anything to eat but a cup of coffee this morning; too stressed to eat.

Beside me I could feel Knox looking around at everything. His face was almost calculating as he glanced around. Like his military training was kicking in and he had to know where all the exits were.

"As you can see the living room is on the left." I gestured with my hand. The living already decorated to the nines with christmas stuff. "Connected to that is the Kitchen and dining room. To the left is the laundry room and leads to the garage. Straight ahead is my parents room."

"Upstairs are the bedrooms. We can go put our stuff away before coming back down." I suggested. I knew as soon as we got into the kitchen we'd be hit with question after question. Would be nice to prepare ourselves first.


Going up the stairs I paused a few times, taking in the picture frames that hung along the wall. All the way up the stairs were tons of pictures of us through out the years. School photos, family pictures, my brothers playing sports, random ones of us having a water fight, me being tackled to the ground, etc. I tried not to linger, especially with Knox right behind me.

We made it to the top, my arm tired from lugging my heavy suitcase. Knox didn't even seem fazed at having to carry two large suitcase.

"Aub!" My mom suddenly yelled.

"Yeah?" She appeared at the bottom of the stairs, gazing up at us.

"The room situation has changed. Olivia will be taking Jackson's, and when Jackson gets here in a bit he will be in the office on a blow up bed. That means you and Knox are going to have to share."

The longer she talked the wider my eyes got. Share a bed with Knox? She has to be joking.

"Mom that is okay. We don't need to share. That will just be awkward." I tried playing the awkward card but by the look on my mom's face it wasn't working.

"It's okay, I don't mind you two sharing. I know you are a couple and have slept in the same bed before." My mom waved me off. "Jackson called and he'll be here in about ten minutes." With that she turned around and headed back for the kitchen.

I stood there with my mouth open, awkward silence now falling on us. My mom literally just mentioned we have had sex before. Awkward. Very awkward.

"Uh well...I guess my room is this way." I can be an adult about this. I am 26 for crying out loud. I'm not new to sex or sharing a bed. He'll stick to his side and I'll stick to mine. Or better yet...I'll find a sleeping bag while my mom is distracted and he can sleep on that.

With flaming cheeks I lead Knox to my room. The door was already open, no doubt my mom cleaning it up before we got here. Thankfully my room wasn't to embarrassing. My bed was shoved against the wall and still had my cheetah print bedspread on it. The walls had a few posters and pictures I had taken over the years.

I had a desk on the other side of the room that still had scattered makeup, papers, books, pictures on it. One thing about my room I absolutely loved was the floor to ceiling bookcase my dad built me. It use to be chuck full of books, still was but a few missing spots were seen from books I've taken with me.

The other part I loved was the little nook I had below my window. I spent days sitting on the 'bench' gazing out my window or curled up reading a good book. I smiled at the sight, the feeling of home washing over me. The shuffling of feet behind me made me jerk my gaze away.

"Um you can put your stuff wherever."

I moved out of Knox's way as he made his way into my room. He paused in the middle of the room as if taking it all in. His huge frame seemed to take up the entire room. My room seemed to shrink with him in it. I guess I've never really noticed how big of a guy Knox was. Too busy staring at his arms or muscular back. My inner voice chimed in.

It was odd having a guy in here. The only ones that have been were my brothers or my dad. I've never once had a guy up here.

"I'll let you settle in while I go freshen up. Feel free to head downstairs whenever you want." I said, slightly flustered. Leaving my suitcase off to the side I beelined it for my bathroom, shutting the door instantly behind me.

Leaning against the door I sighed. This was going to be a long five days.

Now we are getting my favorite parts! From here on out you will see more of Knox, Olivia, and Aubrey's family. <3 <3 <3 <3

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