1 Demon, 2 Demon, Red Demon, Blue Demon (Part 1)

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A/N:  So guess who got sick with a cold?  Me.  But I still took the time to write these.  And beside the name of each guy I'll have the type of demon plus a small description.  And while in the scenario, I'll show what you essentially look like (it is the url beside the description of what the guy is)

But for those of you who find having to type the url to the pictures a challenge, below is the link to my Quotev account where you will find this exact same chapter.  Just click on the blue words in the scenario to see the picture:


Also, I decided to do a sort of "Underworld Saga", where you all are, you guessed it, in hell.  It's going to be multi-part (not sure how many) but at least 2 parts.

So this chapter will be told from the normal point of view with a sort of you guys all adjusting to being down in the underworld, and the next one will be told from his point of view of the whole situation.  After that... I'm still thinking, but it'll probably be funny. Enjoy~

Also, I would like people to take the time to please appreciate the amount of work I put into this chapter, from finding the pictures, to researching each guy's individual cultural/historical mythological creatures/demons, and then taking the time to incorporate them into a story because, I will not beat around the bush, it was pretty time-consuming.


I hit a snag when researching the Nordic countries' mythical creatures/monsters/demons in that most websites lump the those things together for all Scandinavian countries, plus some ancient Germanic, Scottish, & English legends as well.  So apologizes if any of the Nordics end up as a creature from another country's legend.


Why?  Why?  Why?  Why do you all keep accepting Vlad's (aka Romania's) help when it doesn't help?

Oh yeah, because Author-chan said so and because every other country who knows magic doesn't want to have to lift a finger to change a situation that they are either involved in or have no connection to.

So anyway, the most recent "cure" did cure him of being a werewolf, but now, he's a demon from the fiery pits of hell, where you both are right now.  Now what will you two do, especially since you are changing too?

Denmark (Bysen - a legendary gnome-like creature that haunts the woods because he apparently committed a crime and is condemned to walk the Earth forever carrying an axe, and causing mischief for people who enter his woods) (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/18/33/fe/1833fe3445aa64d5407fc33607a7fa71.jpg)

"Elsker~  You're lookin' pretty gorgeous today~"  Mattias said, staring at your form.  You giggled.

"Aww thanks Mattias but I will not give you any kisses till you shave that beard~"  You said back, continuing to brush your hair.  Mattias pouted.

"Come on elsker, don't you want to kiss a legendary gnome?"   He asked, his cheeks puffed out.  You smiled at him through the mirror.

"Mmm, maybe~  But I don't like beards and I don't like the possibility of getting hair in my mouth during a makeout session."  You said.  Mattias just pouted on the bed, knowing that you had a point.  He sighed and tried to sit down, only to yelp as his legs began moving.

"Looks like you have to get moving again because of your curse."  You said, getting up and following Mattias out of the room.  He sighed and put his hands behind his head.

"Ugh, I hate this stupid curse that goes with being a gnome.  But at least I get this cool axe!"  Mattias said, motioning to the axe strapped to his back.

"Just be careful not to hurt either yourself or someone else."  You said.  Mattias nodded rapidly.

"Yeah, don't worry!  I'll only use it on other dangerous demons!"  He said.

Finland (Wulver - a sort of immortal spirit that appears as a man with a wolf's head, that tends to not bother people unless they bother it, but sometimes help unfortunate souls)  (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/7b/51/67/7b516768c3b037e47862303b97f5e72f.jpg)

"[n-name], h-how can y-you still l-love me w-when I-I look l-like this?"  A teary Tino asked, looking out from under the pile of blankets he amassed.

"It's not... that bad..."  You said, although you did find the wolf head part scary.  "You're not bothered by how I changed, so your change shouldn't bother you."  You said, hoping to help the situation.  Tino shook his head.

"How can you say that when you still look good and... not like this."  He said, sticking an arm out just to motion to himself.  You sighed.

"Well, I kinda had a chance to adjust to this form of yours back when you turned into a werewolf."  You said.  Tino was silent, as you grinned and sat beside him.

"From that experience I know what will make you feel better~"


"Scratchies!"  You said, your hands slithering into the blanket, quickly finding his head.  One hand began scratching behind his ear while the other went under his chin.  You heard him begin to hum happily.

"Who's a good boy?  Who's a good boy?  You are!  Yes you are!"  You cooed at him.  You heard him begin to pant happily like a dog would, knowing that you had finally made him stop crying.

Iceland (Yule Cat - monster from Icelandic folklore, said to be a huge and vicious cat that during Christmas time eats people who have not received any new clothes to wear before Christmas Eve)  (http://s109.photobucket.com/user/Kaloray/media/anime%20girls/supposedly%20normal%20people/Cool20black-1.jpg.html)

"... Emil, please stop trying to catch my hair."  You said, your back to the giant white cat known as your boyfriend who was trying to catch your hair.  Though you kept moving it out of the way.

"No,"  He said simply, his paws still trying to catch you hair.  You sighed.

"I asked,"  Was all you said before you used your hair to lift Emil off the ground and hold him in the air in front of you.

"H-hey!  Put me down!"  He said.


"Elskan,"  He whined, using his cat-looks to try and make you give in.


"Meow?"  He said, going in for the kill.  You placed a hand on your face.

"Ugh, I give up, just don't step on my hair,"  You said, placing him down.  "I think its developed nerves, so if you pounce on it, it - OW!"  You shrieked as Emil pounced on your hair.

Emil's eyes widened as he got off and you moved your hair over to your hand, rubbing it with your free hand.  Emil slowly, cautiously, came over and rubbed his soft head against your side.

"I'm sorry Elskan..."  He mumbled softly.  You sighed.

"I know, I know, you couldn't help it."  You said, getting up to go get some ice while Emil followed/sulked behind you.

Norway (Water Horse - has the head, neck and mane of a normal horse, legs like a horse, webbed feet, and a long, two-lobed, whale-like tail & can live in both water and on land)  (http://s1108.photobucket.com/user/blazingstar97/media/Anime/Natural%20Hair%20Colors/7a3d7cb196fbf8080940004869ba7c8b631080b6.jpg.html)

You were humming a tune, leaning against a wall in a surprisingly nice part of Hell, that actually had flowers and what appeared to be clean water and sunshine.  You stopped when you heard water splashing but smiled as Lukas came over to you and settled beside you on the water's edge.

"Dyrebare, how are you doing?"  Lukas asked.  You smiled.

"I'm doing alright,"  You said softly.  Lukas eyed the wall behind you, along with the chains around your waist.

"Are you sure?"

"Yep, these cursed chains stopped pulling me towards the wall once I came in contact with it."  You said, patting the wall behind you.  Lukas sighed and came forward, nuzzling you.

"Still worried?"  You asked. He nodded and wrapped his long tail around you.

"It's going to be okay Lukas,"  You said softly, petting his head.  "You and your friends will find the answers to this solution soon, and then we can go back home."  You said, trying to keep optimistic.

"..."  Lukas didn't say anything, but you knew he was just stressed over this whole situation.  So you just began humming again, still petting him, hoping to make him feel less stressed.

Sweden (Bergsrå - A mountain troll/Rå that lives in the mountains where it is said to take humans into the mountains to spend time with it)  (https://www.walldevil.com/wallpapers/w03/023429-anime-artwork-demon-horns-girl.jpg)

You peeked through (literally) the door of the room Berwald had told you to stay in, curious about where the giant known as your boyfriend could be.

"Berwald?"  You called out.  You heard a deep rumble come from nearby and hurried in that direction.  You peaked around the corner and saw Berwald bending over something.  You walked forward and placed your hand on Berwald's back.

"Berwald?  What are you doing?"  You asked.  Berwald looked at you over his shoulder before turning his body slightly, still hiding whatever he had behind him.  He held one of his huge hands to you, letting you on where he raised you up to his face.

"Y' sh'ld b' 'n th' b'dr'm älskade [You should be in the bedroom älskade]"  He said in a stern voice.  You looked down.

"Sorry..."  You said softly.  Berwald stood up, holding you close to his chest as he trudged down the halls and back to the bedroom.

"St'y.  S'f'r h'r' [Stay.  Safer here]."  He said, opening the door and then setting you down on the bed.  You sighed.

"But Berwald, I don't want to be left alone..."  You said shyly.  Berwald sighed and used his finger to lift your chin up.

"I kn'w, b't y'r' s'f'r h'r' th'n 't th'r' w'th m' [I know, but you're safer here than out there with me]."  He said.  You looked down as Berwald withdrew his hand and closed the door.  But you smiled when you heard a thunk, signalling that Berwald was sitting outside of the room.

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