Ah~ October~ & Special Announcement~

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A/N:  Ah~ October~  My most favorite month of the year~  And do you all know why?
 Simple:  You all know how Finland is with Christmas?  That's me with Halloween.
 So, for this entire month of October, I am going to be having my first annual MONSTER BASH CHALLENGE!

What that means is, I'm going to be challenging myself this entire month to pour out as many monster/Halloween themed scenarios/stories.  So I have from the 1st of October till All Hallows Eve to participate in this challenge, which will end with everyone going trick-or-treating with their guy.

And since I'll be doing this the entire month of October, normal requests will be closed temporarily till the last chapter posted (the trick-or-treat one).  This also applies to specials as well, they will start back up in November.

And for those who think I'm challenging them, I'm actually not.  I'm challenging myself.  With my 3 Hetalia books out there, I want to see how many monster/Halloween stories I can get in a month.  So wish me luck, and enjoy~


You really had to wonder what the Romanian government was thinking sending their vampire representative, who hadn't had any blood in a while, to a world meeting that was bound to have someone getting a cut, even if it was just a paper cut.

So, it was not surprising that Vlad (aka Romania) flipped out and attacked the people closest to him, which unfortunately meant your guy.

So how will you all adjust to having a boyfriend who's a vampire?


"... So explain how you became a vampire again?"  You asked as you sat beside Mattias on his bed.

"This romanian vampire named Vlad went crazy after someone cut their finger and bit a bunch of us at the meeting, turning us into blood sucking vampires."  He said, sighing. You gave him a skeptical look.

"Mattias... I hope you understand, but I don't believe you."  You said.  He pouted.

"Fine!  Then I'll show you then!"  He said, sounding like a stubborn kid.  He walked over to the window and pulled the curtains back, exposing his hand to the sunlight.  You eyes widened as it seemed his skin began turning red and you were beginning to smell the burning.

"Mattias!  Take your hand back!"  You screeched.  He grinned and did so, carefully using his other hand to close the curtain.  You ran downstairs and grabbed some ice and placed it on his hands.

"Geez, if you wanted to prove it so much, couldn't you have tried something like turning into a bat or mist, or just something that won't burn you like this."  You said.  He just grinned in satisfaction for being right as you continued to fuss over him.


"Tino... I get that you don't like the idea of drinking blood but I really think you should give it a try, lest you die or go crazy like the vampire who bit you."  You said, looking at Tino who was sitting at the kitchen island.

"No!"  He whined, puffing his cheeks out.  "I don't like it and I think it will taste terrible!"  He said.  You were silent for a moment before a... unique idea came to you.

"What if we try to make it taste better?"  You asked.  Tino tilted his head at you.  "I mean, you know, mix it with other stuff to try and make it taste better, like making a, I don't know, blood and cocoa drink, or baking them into sweets."  You said.  Tino was silent for a moment.

"Okay... I'll give it a try..."  He said.  You nodded and got out some baking ingredients, hoping to make a sweet for him.

~Time Skip~

"Well?  How is it?"  You asked as you saw Tino sampling the chocolate blood cake you made.  He chewed and swallowed.

"It's... It's delicious!"  He said, sparkles in his eyes.  You breathed a sigh of relief as he continued eating the cake, later storing the rest away to have later.


"Emil... are you really going to listen to Mr Puffin and go through with this idea?"  You asked as you watched him, helmet and safety pads on, as he stood on a chair.  He nodded.

"Yes, if I'm going to be a vampire then I want to fly."  He said, putting his goggles on.  You sighed and placed a huge bean bag chair in front of the chair.

Emil got in position and then spread his arms out, jumping and quickly shape-shifting into a bat.   He started flapping his wings as hard as he could and he was actually flying.

"Emil you're-"

"OH MY GOD THERE'S A BIG BAT IN THE HOUSE ATTACKING ICY'S GIRLFRIEND!"  Peter yelled, having just entered the room.  Before you or Emil could say anything, Peter had already grabbed a broom and hit Emil with it.

Emil fell to the ground and groaned, turning back into a person.  Peter gasped and dropped the broom as you both rushed over to Emil.

"You okay Emil?"  You asked.  Emil gave another groan and then raised his hand and tapped his helmet.

"Okay, just a headache."  He said, slurring slightly.  You nodded and got him some ice as Peter repeatedly apologized, probably making Emil's headache worse.


Since Lukas became a vampire, he told you outright and you accepted it, thinking that nothing would really change, except something did.  Lukas became a bit more... protective *cough*possessive*cough*

"Lukas, do you want to watch a movie?"  You asked.  Lukas nodded and followed you downstairs, where you both sat in the nordic TV room, together on the couch.  Lukas put the movie on and sat beside you, wrapping you in a blanket.

~5 minutes into the movie~

Lukas had gone from sitting beside you to having you sitting on his lap, hugging you tight, half his face buried in your hair.  Just then, Mattias burst into the room.

"Hej [name]!  Wanna-"  Mattias was cut off by Lukas pouncing on him, choking him with his own tie.

"Stay.  Away.  From.  My.  Dyrebare."  Lukas said, venom dripping in every voice.  Mattias nodded, still choking.  Lukas huffed and let Mattias, letting the poor guy scramble out of the room.  Lukas then came back over to the couch, sat you on his lap, and hugged you close again, resting his head on your head.

"Lukas?  You okay?"  You asked.  He nodded and hugged you close.  But while you went back to watching the movie, Lukas kept his eyes trained on the entrance to the room, watching, like a lion waiting for the kill.

You found this both sweet and terrifying in its own ways.


"Berwald?  Is that what I think it is?"  You asked, pointed to the coffin-like box he had been working on in his workshop.  He nodded.

"Mmm.  V'mp'r's n'd 't. [Vampires need it]"  He said.  You nodded and peered over into the completed coffin.

"So are you going to sleep in it from now on?"  You asked.  Berwald shrugged.

"M'yb'. [Maybe]"  He said.  He then stood up, dusting himself off and picked you up bridal style, getting a squeak out of you.  Berwald then stepped into the coffin with you, laying you down and then grabbing the cover and covering the box, leaving you both sealed inside.

"..."  You blushed as Berwald hugged you close.  You were about to say something when Berwald covered your mouth.  You then heard the sound of Lukas probably tackling Mattias to the ground and strangling him with his tie.

Berwald covered your ears for a while till he decided it was safe and uncovered them.  He then went back to hugging you.

"Is Lukas upset about something?"  You asked softly.  Berwald nodded.

"Mmm, n't s'f' t'll h' c'lms d'wn. [not safe till he calms down]"  Berwald said, rubbing circles into your back, trying to keep you calm.  You cuddled closer to Berwald.

'If I wasn't feeling so scared of Lukas right now, then this would probably be a very sweet gesture.'  You thought to yourself.  

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