AHH! A Mummy!

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A/N:  Ha, ha!  Got you all who thought that this next chapter would be you as a zombie.  Sorry to say but nope~

So this one is an off-shoot (meaning it doesn't follow some stuff in the other linear chapters).  Enjoy~

Also giving myself a 10/10 for the prologue.


Somehow, you, a person who isn't in a relationship (at the time) or have a degree in archaeology, managed to go on an archaeological dig in a newly discovered pyramid in Egypt.

While exploring a dark, foreboding tunnel with several other archaeologists, you stumbled upon a chamber.  One of the guides raised his torch up, letting the light flood the chamber of someone who was obviously of great importance.

As you all looked around, your eyes were drawn to the very center of the room where a large sarcophagus lay.  One of the archaeologists stepped forward, examining the sarcophagus.

"This is going to be the find of the century!"  He exclaimed, getting cheers from the rest of you.  But you all stopped cheering when you heard something chilling.



You all exchanged glances before turning towards the sarcophagus, fear coursing through all of you as you all came to the same conclusion; that the lid of the sarcophagus was being opened, from the inside.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!"  Everyone screamed, running out of the pyramid... everyone except you, who was too paralyzed in fear to run.

With horrified look on your face, you watched as the sarcophagus opened, what appeared to be a male mummy sitting up and turning to you, two gleaming undead eyes staring back at yours, and you couldn't help but think;

'Hey, he's not all too bad looking for a centuries old dead guy.'

And little did you know that moment would change your life forever, as you two went back to yours (and apparently his) home country and started a very unique relationship with each other.

So let's take a peek at what happens when you enter a relationship with a mummy.


"AHH!!!  WATER!!!"

~Backtracking 10 Minutes Ago~

"Mattias, it's pretty cloudy out today, are you sure we should be here in the park?"  You asked as you and Mattias walked in the park, Mattias wearing his usual trench coat.

"I'm sure I'll be fine elsker."  He said, waving his hand.  You shrugged.

"Okay, but remember; if you get too wet then you'll literally wash away part of yourself, and get your bandages all moldy."  You said, knowing that his bandages were pretty water-sensitive.

"Aww [name], I'm telling you I'll be-"


"AHH!!!  WATER!!!"  He yelled, running to a nearby tree to take shelter, you dashing after him.  After you caught up to him, the rain started pouring down, effectively trapping Mattias under the tree.

"What are we going to do [name]?"  Mattias wailed, not wanting to face water.

"Well... I do keep an umbrella in the car..."  You said.  Mattias got on his knees and grabbed the hem of your shirt, looking up at you with puppy-dog eyes.

"Wha-?!  Mattias, I-"  You were cut off by Mattias beginning to whimper, making you sigh.  "Alright, alright, I'll go to the car and grab the umbrella."  You said, removing Mattias from you.

You were quick to run through the rain and to the parking lot, grabbing the umbrella and hurrying back to Mattias who was quick to use the umbrella and dash back to the car, leaving you in the rain.

'Really Mattias, really?'  You wondered to yourself as you began your run back to the car, now completely soaked.


You stared at Tino who was just polishing his sniper rifle, just like he did every week.

"Hey Tino?"

"Yes?"  He asked, looking up at you.

"You're a mummy who's got to be at least several centuries old, if not thousands of years old, right?"  You asked.  Tino tilted his head.

"Yes, I am.  Why are you asking?"  He asked.

"It's just... I find it a little odd that for someone older than, let's say 800 years, knows how to use a rifle that has only been invented in the last 400 years."  You said.  Tino gulped.

"I... ugh... um..."  As he struggled to speak, his eyes darted around the room till they locked onto something.

"Look!  Hana and Cocoa are snuggling together!"  He said, pointing to the corner of the room.  You 'aww'ed at the sight.

"That's so cute~"  You said, taking a picture before turning back to Tino, wanting to know the answer to your question, only to see the seat he was sitting in was empty.

"That little weasel..."  You muttered to yourself.

'I'm so going to find out why someday,'  You vowed to yourself.


It was a quiet, rainy day over at the Nordic house, so you and Emil were watching TV, flipping through channels till he found a documentary on the history of licorice.

Naturally, Emil decided to watch this documentary while you sighed and held your tongue, deciding to let Emil have his way since it was only going to cost you maybe two hours of your life.

Mr. Puffin, on the other hand, was not happy, as he knew that at the same time a really good movie was on, but Emil would not change the channel.  It was then that Mr. Puffin hatched a plan.

"[name], did you see how they-"


"Huh?"  Emil whipped around, only to see Mr. Puffin flying away with part of Emil's bandages in his beak, more unravelling off Emil as he flew away.

"Mr. Puffin!"  Emil yelped, jumping off the couch and running after the flying bird.  "Give me back my bandages!"  He yelled.

"I'll help Emil!"  You said, running after the duo when a blushing Emil glanced at you.

"[name], please just sit and cover your eyes!"  He said.  It took you a second to realize why he said that; because right now, all that was covering Emil's body were those bandages, so if they all were to be taken off...

"... I think I'll just wait in another room..."  You said, walking away from the living room, not really wanting to see what a mummy looks like under their bandages.


You and Lukas had been out on a stroll in the town when you two decided to go to the ice cream parlor.  While you went and got the ice cream, Lukas grabbed a table for you two.  Unfortunately, a group of stupid teenage guys sat at a nearby table.

"Man, did you see that girl over there?"  One said, pointing at you.

"Yeah, pretty good-looking."  Another said.

"Think if we go up to her we can get her number?"  A third one asked, annoying Lukas who could hear them.

"Sure she would, she's obviously here alone since I doubt she'd go out with that mummy guy sitting nearby."  One said, making the others laugh, which really made Lukas mad.

Lukas snapped his fingers, deciding to put a good old-fashioned mummy's curse on the group of guys.  One of the guys lifted his spoonful of ice cream before screaming, the other guys following his lead before they all ran out, horrified at the sight of their sprinkles turning into little scarab beetles.

You walked over to Lukas, handing him his vanilla ice cream.

"What was that about?"  You asked, having no idea what just transpired Lukas shrugged.

"Who knows?"  He said, already taking a bite of his ice cream, his bandages hiding his smirk.


It was mid-morning and you had a friend over who you hadn't seen in years.

"Man, that was a g-good joke."  You said, taking a sip of your drink.  Just then, you heard the doorbell ring.  You got up and went to get it, your guest saying they were going to go use the bathroom.

"Hello Berwald."  You said, opening the door to see you trench coat-wearing boyfriend.

"Mmm."  He said, coming in, taking his coat off, leaving him in just his usual bandages.

"What are you d-doing here?"  You asked.  Berwald brought out a bag, handing it to you.  You peeked inside.

"Wow, you f-found them, I've been l-looking all over for this."  You said.  "Thanks Berwald."  You said, hugging Berwald.  He hummed.  Just then you heard the oven go off.

"Oh, my c-cookies are done."  You said.  You then turned to Berwald.  "Berwald, c-could you leave this i-in my bedroom for me?"  You asked.  Berwald nodded, taking the bag as you went to the kitchen.

Berwald walked into your bedroom and gently placed the back on the bed before leaving the room, only to bump into your guest.  Your guest looked up at Berwald and paled before screaming and bolting out of the house.

You walked out of the kitchen, finding a frozen Berwald standing in the hallway.

"Berwald?  What h-happened?"  You asked.  Berwald just stood there, head tilted slightly, not quite sure himself what happened.

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