He Catches You Changing/In The Shower

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A/N:  This chapter is told from his POV.


'Oh boy, oh boy!  I can't wait to show [name] my newest lego set!  It's the coolest!'  I thought to myself as I took out the spare key and entered [name]'s house.

"Hey [name]!"  I called out.  "It's your favorite King of Scandinavia!"

No response.

"[name]!  Where are you?!"  I called out, pouting a bit.  No one's supposed to ignore me, especially my queen.

I started walking around her house when I heard something come from upstairs.  I walked up and into her bedroom and put my ear against the bathroom door where I heard [name] singing something.

"Found you!"  I said, bursting in through the door, only for [name] to scream.  I blushed when I realized why;

I had caught her singing in the shower... naked.

"Mattias you idiot!  Get out!"  She yelled, grabbing things and starting to throw them at me.

"Wah!"  I said, covering my head.  "[name], it was an accident, I-"

"I don't care!"  She yelled, still pelting me.  "Get out!"  She said, now beating me away with her brush.

"Ouch!"  I yelled, running out of the bathroom door, shutting it behind me.  I rubbed the back of my head where I could feel a bump forming.

"Mattias..."  [name] said in a deadly voice as she opened the door, standing in front of me in a towel.

"E-elsker,"  I said, not liking the look she was giving me.

"Mattias... do you repent entering the shower without permission?"  She asked.

"Um... yes?"  I said.  She glared at me.

"You do not."  She said.   She then grabbed her phone from the nearby table and called someone.  I'm not sure who it was but they were here in like 5 seconds flat cause someone started knocking on the door.

"Come in!"  [name] yelled.  I looked to the bedroom door and listened as someone walked in before opening the door.

"H-hey Lukas."  I said.  He just glanced at [name] before nodding.  She nodded back and slammed the bathroom door shut as Lukas knocked me to the ground, straddling me as he grabbed my tie, beginning to choke me.

"Stupid Dane."  He said.  "Don't you know not to go into a lady's bathroom while she's showering?"  He said.

I would've answered but I just couldn't since he was choking me.  It's really hard to make an argument when you can't speak, or breathe.


"[name], what movie should I pick?"  I asked, sitting on the couch with Cocoa and Hana.

"How about-"  [name] was cut off by the doorbell ringing.  "Hang on a sec."  [name] said.

"Sure,"  I said as [name] walked off to the door.  She came back after a few minutes holding a package.

"Tino, could you watch the pups while I go take care of this package?"  She said.

"Sure, I can do that."  I said.

"Thanks Tino,"  She said, walking off.  I took out my phone and started playing on it as Hana and Cocoa began playing together on the ground.


I looked up and found two guilty pups standing near a knocked over potted plant, both of them standing in the dirt.

"Oh boy, you guys are in trouble,"  I said, picking them both up and taking them to the backyard.  I put them both there before heading back into the house.

"Rakas,"  I called out, heading upstairs.  "Hana and Cocoa knocked over your plant.  It's not hurt but the dirt spilled out."  I said, arriving at her bedroom door, beginning to open it.  "Could you tell me where the v-?!"

I stopped dead when I saw [name] with her shirt off and holding a new shirt.

"Ugh..."  I said, blushing a bit.  "S-sorry!"  I squeaked, shutting the door and running back downstairs.

'I guess I should've asked what was in the package,'  I thought to myself as I sat on the couch, trying to calm my blush down.


"Ack!"  I heard [name] say.  I turned and saw that she had stumbled on one of Mattias's legos on the ground, making her spill some of her juice on herself.

"Ugh, Emil, can I go borrow a shirt of yours?"  She asked.

"Sure elskan,"  I said.  "We can put your shirt in the washer here."

"Thanks,"  She said.  "I don't want to stain this shirt."  She said, walking out of the room, leaving me on the couch flipping through channels when-

"Big Brother,"  Lukas said, appearing out of nowhere.


"Big Brother,"  Lukas said again, coming closer.


"Big Brother,"  Lukas said, getting right in my face.  I stood from the couch.

"No."  I said.  He only came closer.

"Call me Big Brother."  He said.

"..."  I took this as my cue to leave but-

"Big Brother,"  He said, following me.

"Quit following me!"  I yelled, now breaking into a run as he ran behind me.  I hurried up the stairs and ran into my room, slamming the door shut.  Just as I was breathing a sigh of relief, I heard a small shriek and looked up to see [name] with her shirt off.

"Emil!  Get out!"  [name] yelled, kicking me out and slamming the door shut on me.

"But... it's my room..."  I said.  But standing there was a bad move, since he swooped in like a hawk descending on its prey.

"Big Brother,"  Lukas said.

"No!"  I yelled, resuming my running.


I arrived at [name]'s house with the bag of soap she asked me to buy her since she ran out (and only found out when she had started to shower).  I pulled out the spare key and opened the door.

"[name], I'm here."  I said, not wanting to be like a certain stupid Dane and just wandering into my dyrebare's house.

"In the bathroom,"  I heard a muffled voice say.  I walked over and knocked on the door where I could hear the sounds of a shower.  The door opened just a crack as [name] peeked through it.

"I brought you your soap."  I said, holding the bag up.

"Thanks Lukas,"  [name] said.  "I c-can't go out like this."  She said.  I nodded.  [name] reached her arm out through the door, about to take the bag when she slipped and the door moved forward, exposing her wet body.

"Eek!"  [name] shrieked, quickly grabbing the bag and slamming the door shut.

"..."  I couldn't help but stand there for a bit, frozen from shock as my cheeks colored a bit.


I opened my eyes and quietly put my glasses on before looking down at my chest to see [name] still sleeping.  I paused for a moment before gently moving [name] off me.  I then got out of the bed, and retucked [name] back in.

'... C'te [cute],'  I thought, looking at my äskade's sleeping face.

With that done, I quietly snuck out of the room and into the kitchen, planning on serving [name] breakfast in bed.

'P'nc'kes w'll b' g'd t'd'y [Pancakes will be good today],'  I thought to myself as I got out the ingredients.

~Time Skip~

I lifted the tray of food up and began to carefully make my way back to the bedroom where I used my back to push the door open.  As I turned my body, I heard a gasp, causing me to look into the room.

There I saw [name], her face already turning red as she held her pajama pants in her hands, making me blush as I realized I had walked in on her changing.



We both were silent, trying not to look at each other but too embarrassed to do much else.

I bit my lip and gripped the tray a bit before backing out of the room and hurrying downstairs and back to the kitchen.  I placed the tray down and sat down at the table, let out a low groan of embarrassment.

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