He Is Your Teacher

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A/N:  Since everyone is going to school now, I thought I'd write this chapter to make us all feel better, at least for a bit.

This is non-linear.  Meaning this is not part of the big plot but just a special and you all go back to being adults.  For the sake of this chapter, you all are high schoolers. Enjoy this special chapter~!

PS.  I also included beside the character's name what they teach.

Also, make sure to check out my new book "Love Is More Than A Dream".  I posted it for a writing contest and got a lot of good feedback for it (even though it lost the contest to a Trans-Hamilton one-shot).  And I've been considering doing a sequel for it, so if you have the time or the interest check it out.

Denmark (English Debate Teacher)

"Okay team, we did great against the competitors,"  Mr. Køhler said.  You and your class nodded.  Right now your class was competing against another debate class, with the judges busy deciding who won.

"Alright,"  One of the judges said.  "We've decided that Mr. Smith's class is victorious!"  He said, the other class celebrating as your class sulked.  Mr. Køhler on the other hand, got a bit mad.

"Hold it,"  He said.  "Our class did pretty well, so how'd they lose?"  He asked.  One of the judges coughed into his hands.

"Well, the argument wasn't as strong as Mr. Smith's class and-"

"But we brought a music track to play and snacks."  Mr. Køhler said.  Mr. Smith walked over with a stupid smirk on his face.

"Yes but because your students put so much effort into bribing the judges their debate skills suffered."  Mr. Smith sneered, making your class and Mr. Køhler mad.

"You take that back you pompous hag!"  Mr. Køhler yelled as he tackled Mr. Smith to the ground.

"Never you sorry excuse for a teacher!"  Mr. Smith yelled, fighting back.  Mr. Køhler roared in anger and continued to fight with Mr. Smith on the ground.  Your class stood up and aplauded.

"Go Mr. Køhler!"  Your class cheered.  "Beat the snot out of him!"

Meanwhile the judges and Mr. Smith's class stood there, stunned at what was happening.  You, on the other hand, video taped the whole thing.

'This is going to be a hit on YouTube,'  You thought to yourself.

Finland (Science/Physics Teacher)

"Okay class,"  Mr. Väinämöinen.  "To measure the velocity, you must first calculate the change in position divided by the change in time, now are there any questions?"

"..."  Your class remained silent as they stared at Mr. Väinämöinen.

"None?  Good, now then, [name], start the stopwatch-"

"Why are we doing this?"  You asked.

"Why?  Because it's part of the curriculum to learn about velocity and-"

"No, not that, I mean why are we at a shooting range?"  You asked, looking at your teacher through the special-issued goggles, everyone else also wearing a pair along with some special noise-cancelling headphones.

"To give you all a physical demonstration."  He said, aiming the rifle at the target, you and your classmates really beginning to question his sanity and how he was able to be a teacher.

"Can't we, maybe, do this with a ball, or maybe a dart gun instead?"  You asked.  "You know, something that isn't dangerous."

"No [name], this is just the same as those things, plus we're already here, it'd be such a waste not to go through with our demonstration."  He said.  "Now get the stopwatch ready [name]."  He said.  You sighed and did as you were told.

'Why can't we do something less dangerous whenever we do demonstrations?'  You mentally questioned.

Iceland (IT Guy)

You sighed as your laptop crashed while you were working on an essay.  You sighed and got up, heading over to the IT section where you poked your head in to see Mr. Steilsson working on another laptop while the owner of the laptop flirted with him.

"So~  You free after school?"  She asked, batting her obviously fake eye-lashes.  You and Mr. Steilsson rolled your eyes.

"No,"  He said.

"Then, like, what about this weekend?"  She asked.

"No,"  Mr. Steilsson said again, sounding frustrated.  You pitied him, so you decided to step in.

"Hey Mr. Steilsson, can you take a look at my laptop?  It crashed while I was working on my essay, and [random name], I thought I just saw a love note on your locker."  You said.  She squealed and raced out of the office, making Mr. Steilsson sigh in relief.

"Thank you for your obvious lie."  He said.

"I know, now hurry and finish before she comes back."  You said, shutting the door, knowing that it would add onto the amount of time it would take [random name] to get back into the office.

Sure enough, after five minutes [random name] was back.

"[name],"  She whined.  "There was no love note!"

"I guess the guy who left it there decided it wasn't time yet,"  You said nonchalantly while shrugging.

"Fine,"  She said.  "Mr. Steilsson, would you like to-"

"All set."  He said.

"Huh?"  She asked.

"I just finished repairing your laptop, and now I suggest you head back to class."  He said.

"Oh, now that you're done, can you look at mine?"  You asked.  He nodded, taking your laptop as [random name] huffed and left, knowing she no longer had his attention.

"Thanks [name]..."  He mumbled.

"No problem."  You said.

Norway (Math Teacher)

"-now you multiply x by a factor of 5."  Mr. Bondevik said, writing the equation on the board.  As you were writing in your notes you were disgusted when you felt something hit you.  You looked down and grimaced when you noticed it was a chewed up wad of paper.

'Gross,'  You thought to yourself.  You looked behind you to see a group of boys in the back giggling while holding straws.  'Jacka**es,'  You thought, going back to listening to Mr. Bondevik.

"-Now carry the y and divide your previous value by 16."  He said.  You went back to writing when you felt something whoosh past you.  You looked up, horrified to see a spitball stuck to Mr. Bondevik's back.

'Uh-oh...'  You thought as you and the class watched as Mr. Bondevik became silent.  He raised his fingers and snapped them, making the spitball on his back get off it, becoming bigger before splitting off into four smaller, but still large spit ball.  All four spitballs flew to the back of the classroom, landing right on top of each guy.

"Yuck!"  One of them yelled.

"Boys, be quiet and listen to the lesson."  Mr. Bondevik said, turning to them with a glare.  "This material will be on the exam and be a big portion of it, so I suggest you stop goofing off and take notes."  He said before going back to the board.

'Scary,'  Everyone in your class thought as they went back to note-taking, not wanting to be punished like the idiots in the back of the classroom had.

Sweden (Woodshop Teacher)

"Cl'ss, c'nt'n'e w'rk'ng 'n y'r b'nch's [Class, continue working on your benches]."  Mr. Oxenstierna said.  You all nodded and got to work, pulling out tools, putting goggles on, and getting wood.

Currently, you were trying to get the wood, but you couldn't pick up the piece you needed for your group's bench, and your group was too busy to help, so you were left to struggle on your own.

"N'd s'me h'lp? [Need some help?]"  Mr. Oxenstierna said.  You nodded.

"Yes please, I need help moving this piece of wood over to the cutting station."  You said, pointing to a large piece of wood.  Mr. Oxenstierna nodded, using one hand to lift the wood up and take it over to the cutting station.

"Wh'r' d' y' n'd t' c't? [Where do you need to cut?]"  He asked.

"About five feet."  You said, grabbing a marker and ruler.  With Mr. Oxenstierna's help, you two managed to measure the wood and cut it using the saw.  He then carried it back to your group's table where he glared at your group members.

"Y' n'd t' w'rk t'g'th'r 'nd h'lp y'r gr'p m'mb'rs [You need to work together and help your group members]."  He said sternly.  Your group members nodded and got to work, Mr. Oxenstierna keeping an eye on them since he didn't want you to be lumped with all the difficult parts.

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