Someone Flirts With Him

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You two were at a pub, Mattias planning to get drunk on beer, while you would be the smarter, soberer person who would drive home.  But just as your drinks arrived, some chick jumped into the seat beside Mattias.

"So~  What's a good-looking guy like you doing~?"  She asked in a flirty voice, batting her fake looking eyelashes.

"Drinking!"  Mattias answered back, oblivious to her flirting.

"Alone~?  Then why don't you join little old me~?"  The girl asked cutely, only irritating you more.  And Mattias, being himself and being a bit tipsy, remained oblivious.

"Naw, I'm with my girlfriend."  He said, making you smile while the girl looked confused.

"Where?  This chair was empty."  She said.  It was at this point that you leaned on the bar counter so this chick could see you.

"Right here sweetheart, and I'd appreciate it if you not only payed more attention to your surroundings, but check to see if the other chair on his other side was empty."  You said in a sweet voice, masking the venom.  The girl huffed and marched off.

"Admit it, you were jealous~"  Mattias said, a big grin on his face.  You shrugged and drank your water.

"A Queen has to protect what's hers."  You said, smirking at Mattias's confused look. But soon enough he shrugged and went back to drinking.


You two were out at a park, playing with your dogs.  But you should've seen this coming; who wouldn't be interested in a cute guy with an adorable puppy?  Definitely not these two ladies who were in front of Tino, flashing him flirty eyes.

"Come on, we know a wonderful shop that sells cute outfits for such a cute dog."  One said, grabbing onto one of Tino's arms.

"Yes, it would be so great if a man as sensitive as you could come shopping with us."  The other said, grabbing onto Tino's other arm.

"I, uh, ugh..."   Tino was struggling to say much, obviously intimidated by being outnumbered.  With a sigh, you pulled out your dog whistle and blew, getting both Hana's and Cocoa's attention.

You watched as Hana jumped out of Tino's arms and ran towards you and Cocoa, pulling Tino and the two women forward, making them all lose their balance as Hana tugged at the lease in Tino's hand.  Though unlike Tino, these women couldn't regain their balance in time to avoid falling to the ground.

You chuckled darkly as the two complained about how Hana was a mutt for getting them dirty as Hana dragged Tino back over to you.

"Thanks for the save rakas."  Tino said with a smile as he stood up straight.

"Anytime Tino."  You said.


A nice restaurant, good music, good food, and your boyfriend.  That sounds like it should be a nice date right?  Well, it would be if not for the flirty waitress.

"And what can I get you handsome?"  She said, completely ignoring you.  Emil tried to ignore her, but it was kinda hard since she was in front of him.

"Well?"  She asked, her tone going a bit seductive.  Emil kept his eyes on the menu, giving off a 'don't disturb me' vibe that she wasn't picking up.

"Allow me to recommend the dessert."  She said, leaning closer to him as you glared daggers.  "Whipped cream, chocolate sauce, and-"  She was cut off by you slamming your menu down on the table.

"I'm ready to order, and I think I'll order you to stop flirting with my boyfriend in front of me when he is giving you an obvious cold shoulder."  You said in a deadly voice.  The waitress was shocked, and continued to be in shock as you stood from the table and took Emil's hand, heading out of the restaurant.

"... Thanks elskan..."  Emil said, a blush on his face.

"No problem, that was just infuriating."  You said.

Norway  [A/N:  Best scenario ever written in the history of this chapter]

You two were at a cafe, getting some coffee and maybe a pastry.  Now, normally, if someone is flirting with your boyfriend, especially in front of you, you'd be mad, but not when it was like this.

"Come on darling, a hot lady like you should ditch this place and have fun with me."  Some dude said, which made this all the more funny; a guy trying to flirt with Lukas, thinking that Lukas is a girl.

"..."  Lukas ignored him and drank some of his coffee as you were trying to hold back your laughter.

"Aww, the cold type huh?"  The guy leaned closer to Lukas.  "That just means you'll be even better in bed~"  He said, and at this point you burst out in laughter, catching everyone's attention.

"Hey, what's so funny?"  The guy asked, giving you an annoyed look as you wiped a tear from your face and clutched your side.

"Only the fact that you're flirting with my boyfriend, thinking he's a girl."  You said, regaining your breath.  The guy stared at you, and then at Lukas.

"No way, this is the hottest chick I've ever seen."  He said.  At this point you laughed more as Lukas sighed and stood up.

"I'm a boy."  Lukas said, undoing the buttons on his shirt to reveal a flat, chiseled body that obviously looked male.  The guy's jaw dropped.  "Now leave me alone."  Lukas said, sitting back in his chair, buttoning his shirt as the guy walked off dejectedly.

"Dyrebare,"  Lukas said.  "You can stop laughing now."  Lukas said.  You took deep breaths.

"O-Okay."  You said, wiping the rest of the tears away.  That whole scene was just too funny.


You had to admit to yourself, you didn't really think many people would try to flirt with Berwald because he usually looks intimidating, but today you were proven wrong.

You two were at the vet, you with Pocki and Berwald with Hana, and unfortunately your vet friend was out on her lunch break.

"Aww, what a cute puppy you have."  A girl gushed as Hana sat in Berwald's lap.  "And no wonder that puppy looks happy.  I'd be happy too if I was sitting in the lap of a good looking guy like you."  She said, looking up at Berwald, who was now blushing.

"T-Tack [thanks]"  Berwald stuttered out in shyness and embarrassment.

"Aww, are you blushing because of little old me?"  She asked cutely, getting Berwald right where it counts.


"Ber-bear,"  You said softly, catching both his and the girl's attention.  "The nurse said it's our turn for our pets."  You said, standing up.  Berwald nodded and walked with you away from the waiting room to the office of the vet.

"Wh'r's th' v't? [Where's the vet?]"  He asked, looking around.

"Still at lunch."  You said, sitting down.  Berwald raised an eyebrow before he figured out that you had lied just to get him away from that girl.

"Tack älskade,"  Berwald said, petting your head.  You blushed a bit but smiled softly as your vet and friend walked in.

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