You Turn Into A Vampire

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A/N:  Thank you all 216 takers for voting and here are the results:

For Question 1 on whether I should extend the monster bash challenge and keep doing a bunch of monster/Halloween themed scenarios, or should I just do the Trick-or-Treat chapter and move on?

114 people said Yes, continue, while 99 people said No.

So I will continue.

For Question 2 on how many extra chapters I should do, here were the results:

89 people said do 2 more chapters. 28 people said do 4 more chapters.  5 people said 6 more chapters.  41 people said to keep going until the next holiday (like Thanksgiving or Christmas).  And finally, I put down an option saying to just stop because October is already over, which got 49 people.

So I will be doing 2 more chapters for the monster bash challenge, plus the Trick-or-Treat chapter, and then moving on.  So here's the first of the 2 chapters, with this one told from his point of view.  Enjoy~  And Happy Thanksgiving to anyone who celebrates it!

Important Note:

I would like to ask everyone not to make any political comments related to currant politics due to fear of certain governments demanding that I take this book down, which is one of my fears.  (Though you all are free to do politics of the past like the the War of Independence in America or the world wars)

I understand a lot of people are upset with the outcome of the elections, I'll admit, I'm not all that happy myself and I am worrying for the sake of the world, and people of all nationalities and religions out there.

Good luck, prayers all around (everyone of every religion should pray to whatever they believe in), and everyone keep an open and accepting mind and try to help others out who will be needing it, because it is only by sticking up for what is right that justice can prevail.

Thank you all for your understanding.

Recap From Last Chapter

In the end, those who actually had been searching for a way out of Hell eventually found it and used it to get everyone back home, whereupon their return, they all returned to normal.

After seeing that they seemed to be completely normal, the guys all went out of their way to hunt down a certain Romanian who was in a lot of trouble.

But you never know, maybe not everything is back as it should be~

"Is it me, or have my teeth become sharper?"


"Mattias~  I'm thirsty~"  [name] whined as she laid on the couch.  I tilted my head.

"M'kay, so whatcha want? Water, soda, juice, milk?"  I asked, listing off all the drinks I could think of.  She pouted and shook her head.

"None of those,"  She said sitting up.  I looked at her questioningly.

"Then what?"  I asked.  She sighed and sat on my lap, making me blush just a bit.  She straddled me and leaned in close to my ear.

"I want to suck your blood Mattias~"  She said in my ear.  I felt her lips brush against my neck before I pushed her off me.

"No way!"  I yelled as I jumped back, falling backwards off the couch and scrambling away.  I only stopped when I heard [name] laughing like crazy.  I turned around and found her clutching her stomach as she laughed.

"O-oh my god, you-you actually thought I-I was serious?!"  She laughed.  I huffed, crossing my arms.

"Yes, I did, for a second I thought you had turned into a vampire."  I said.  Her laughing died down and she stood from the couch.  She walked over to me and gave me a peck on the cheek.

"Mattias, I was only joking about wanting to drink your blood."  She said, walking away.  I still had my arms.

"But if it makes you feel better Mattias, I did turn into a vampire, fangs and all~"  She said, walking out of the room, leaving me slack-jawed.


"Come on [name], you have to try!"  I said, trying to coax [name] into trying some of her vampire abilities.

"No, that's a really dangerous idea Tino.  What if I hurt you or me somehow?"  She asked, arms crossed.  I pouted and gave her my puppy-dog eyes.

"Please rakas?  Pretty please with cherries and sprinkles on top?"  I asked, using the sweetest voice possible.

"Ngh... ugh... fine,"  She said, slouching.  "One vampire ability, and that's it, alright?"   She asked.   I nodded, eager to see what she would do.  But, just as she was about to do something, Denmark came in and rested his chin on top of my head, which really hurt!

"Yo, whatcha doin' guys?"  He asked.

"Get off my head."  I said.  He looked down at me and shook her head, his chin digging into my head.

"Don't wanna."  He said.

"Mattias."  [name] said.


"Look into my eyes."  She said.  I guess Mattias did.   "Now get off of Tino and do a handstand."  She said.  And weirdly enough, Mattias got off me and then did a handstand.

"Whoa!  How did you do that rakas?"  I asked.  She shrugged.

"Vampire hypnosis."  She said.  It was then that an idea came to me.

"[name], can you make Mattias go and clean the entire house please?"  I asked.  She smiled and nodded.

"Sure Tino, you do way too much work and he really doesn't."  She said before ordering Mattias to do so, which he did!

'Yay!  Now I get more time with [name]!'


I sighed as I walked into [name]'s bedroom and found her huddled under all her blankets.

"Elskan, you need to drink blood."  I stated, plain and simple.  I received a shake from the mound.

"Elskan, you'll get weak and sick and then die if you don't drink some."  I stated.  There was a pause before [name] somewhat peeked out of the blankets.

"I'll be a vampire vegan."  She said.  I raised an eyebrow.

"A what?"

"A vampire vegan, meaning no human or animal blood."  She said, retreating back into the blankets.

"So what'll you eat instead, plant sap?"  I asked sarcastically.  She peeked out again.

"No, tomato juice, now go get some."  She said, retreating back under the blankets.  I sighed and got up, heading to the kitchen to get some tomato juice.  Once I came back, I handed the can to her.

She opened the can and took a sip before gulping the whole thing down.  She then handed the can back to me.

"Still thirsty?"  I asked.  She nodded, making me sigh.

"You wouldn't be so thirsty if you just drank some blood already."  I grumbled.  I guess I was heard because I got a pillow thrown at me, hurrying me out of the room and back to the kitchen to get more tomato juice.


"Here you go dyrebare."  I said, passing her the bag of things she asked me to get her.

"Thanks Lukas,"  She said, giving me a shy smile before going to put those things away.  "It's hard being a vampire."  She said.  I nodded.

"Anyway, thanks for getting these things for me Lukas, I would've gone myself except..."  She looked away.  I placed a hand on her shoulder.

"It's not your fault dyrebare."  I said.  She looked up and smiled before hugging me.

"Thanks Lukas, for... everything."  She said.  I nodded and had her sit down with me, cuddling a bit.

"Don't worry dyrebare, either Arthur or I will find some sort of cure for this."  I said.  She just cuddled into my chest.

"I know, and that's why I'm still trying to deal with this instead of giving up."  She said.  I squeezed her hand as we went back to pleasant silence with only the TV making any noise.


I placed my large present for [name] down and knocked on her door.  She quickly opened and let me inside.

"What's in the package Ber?"  She asked.  I just waved her off and carried it to her bedroom.  Once inside, I placed the package down and proceeded to shut the door, not letting [name] in as I unwrapped her present.

Once done, I opened the door and let her in, where she gasped at the sight of her present; it was a very nicely made coffin.

"Berwald?  Did you make this for me?"  She asked.  I nodded and watched as she looked it over, her hand running over the designs I had made.

"It's like a fairytale..."  She said.  I felt the corners of my mouth twitch.  She then turned to me and hugged me.

"Thanks Ber-bear."  She said.  I hugged back.

"Mmm,"  I then lifted her up and placed her inside the coffin.  "H'w 's 't? [How is it?]"  I asked.

"Pretty comfy, and this lining is so soft..."  She said, seeming to begin to drift off to sleep.  I went over to her bed and took her blanket off, drapping it on her before closing the shades.

"Sl'p älskade. [Sleep älskade]"  I said.  She nodded and got comfortable.



"Could you... maybe stay?  At least till I fall asleep."  She said, hiding her blushing face under the blanket.  I nodded and sat on the edge of the coffin, holding her hand as I watched her fall asleep.

'Sh' l'ks s' p'c'f'l [She looks so peaceful],'  I thought to myself.  'N'w I w'sh I m'd' th' c'ff'n b'gg'r. [Now I wish I made the coffin bigger]'  I thought, wanting to cuddle a bit.

'G'ss I h'v' a n'w pr'j'ct t' w'rk 'n.  [Guess I have a new project to work on]'  

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