Chapter 12

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I take a deep breath leaning on the edge of the building looking out at the city trying to bring my heart rate down

I needed to leave, I may be mad at him right now but I don't want to start shouting at him and say something I might regret

"Trust me I wanted to yell." I mumble to myself and I hear the door to the roof open and I look up and see Kiri put his hands up in surrender

"Its only me." He laughs and I see he is holding to go containers

"What?" I ask and he comes over and hands me the bag

"You should eat something." He smiles and I sigh and take it and he stuffs his hands in his pockets

"Look, Denki told us what he did." He says and I glance at him worried

"Please tell me he didn't tell you what he read." I asked worried

It's one thing if he read it but if he told them I think I'd be extremely mad at him

"Nonono. No, he didn't tell us. He already knows he screwed up. He knows how dead he be if he told us your personal business." He says and I sigh in relief and lean back against the ledge

"Thank God." I mumble and he looks at me and sighs

"Toshi...he didn't tell us but....if you want to and only if...can you tell me what's this all about...I feel like it's more then just him reading something. Denki knows almost everything about you." He says and I sigh and slide down to the ground

"I think I'm me and Denki relationship to the next stage..." I mumble and Kiri eyes widen as he sit next to me

"Toshi that's great! You're moving on, you're growing I'm so proud of you!" He says and I smile a little and sigh

"Denki read that in my journal.." I say and he frowns a bit

"Oh...and I guess you weren't ready to tell him right?" He asks and I shake my head and a tear slips out

"I was nervous to. So I wanted to tell him when I knew I was ready too. I may feel ready for that but I didn't want to say anything until I was 100% I over reacting about this?" I ask and look at him and he reaches over and wipes my tear away

"No it makes sense, Toshi what you went through is something no one should go through. Denki knows he crossed a boundary doing that. You had the right to wait until you were ready to tell him and he crossed that line reading your journal." Kiri says and I sigh

"I need to talk to him but I needed to get out of there because I didn't want to yell at him. I'm mad but I would hate myself for yelling at him." I admit and he smiles a little

"That shows a lot of how an amazing boyfriend you are. He hurt you by doing that but you still didn't want to hurt him." He says and I sigh and hug my knees and we here the roof door open and Kat is standing there and I notice Denki behind him

"He wants to talk to you. Is that alright?" Kat asks and I glance at Kiri and he points at me

My decision.

"Yeah, come on Denki." I mumble and Kiri gets up and kisses my head and goes to the door patting Denki on the back as he walks out to the roof and Kat and Kiri close the door leaving

Denki sits down in front of me and is nibbling his lip nervously and takes a deep breath

"Toshi I am so so so sorry for invading your privacy like that. I wasn't even thinking when I did that I just saw the journal on the bed and realized it was yours and just opened it. I know that doesn't fix it but I feel horrible please please please forgive me." He says and I look at him and sigh

"Denki do you think that's the only reason I'm mad? It's the main one yes but there is another reason." I say remaining calm and he tilts his head and I resisted the urge smile at that

He looks cute when he does that. But your still annoyed Hitoshi no giving in just yet

"What is the other reason?" He asks me and I sigh glancing at the ground

"The one part you read. I wasn't ready to tell you I was feeling ready to do that yet. I wanted to tell you myself Denki, it was really hard for me to get to this point. To feel ready to take that step in our relationship, it was a big thing for me and I wanted to be the one to tell you. Not for you to read about it in some journal." I explain and I see him sadden hearing that

"I'm sorry, I know I keep saying that but really feel horrible about it. I understand what your saying. I know it doesn't make up for what I did but I promise I won't do something like that again." He says and I take a deep breath and sigh grabbing his hand

"I forgive you Denki. But I'm still annoyed." I state and he smiles a little and squeezes my hand gently

" it a bad time to bring up the topic now or wait....up to you up to you." He states and I sigh blowing at my hair in my face

Well, as you know...I've been thinking about getting intimate with you...I...think I'm ready for that next step but I'm still..." I hesitate and he scoots back agasi t the ledge to be next to me

"Scared?" He asks and I nod quietly sighing

"I know you weren't hurt me. Not on purpose, but I'm worried about my reaction, I'm worried I'm gonna be emotional or freak out and back p
Out last minute. I'm so scared I'm gonna make a fool of myself!" I exclaim and he interlockes his hand with mine and squeezes it

"Well, if you were to get emotional I wouldn't mind it because I understand. If you freaked out and wanted to stop I'd  understand that too and id stop immediately. I love you Toshi and I would never force you to do something you aren't comfortable with. I'd wait as long as you needed" He explains to me and I lead my head on him sighing

"I know...that's why I'd rather it be with you at first." I admit and he leans his head on mine and we relax with each other

"I love you so much Toshi." He says and I smile lightly

"I love you too. I'm still annoyed about what you did though." I smirk and he huffs

"That's fair I deserve it." He says and I laugh lightly and snuggle closer and he wraps his arms around me and I relax happily

"Denki?" I ask and he looks down at me

"I...I think I want to try...the night of our anniversary...after the clock hits midnight and it's new years.." I say and he smiles softly and kisses my head

"I'd be honored." He says and I lean up and kiss him and he kisses me back then kisses my head and I relax against him again and we sit there peacefully as the gentle cool breeze blows by

Soon I felt my eyes get heavy and I lean close and soon everything goes black


It's been an hour so Katsu and I decide to go check on them to make sure they were okay

"I hope they made up it will be a little awkward if two of us are fighting." I say and Katsu sighs

"Couples fight, and Denki did something fucked up but he feels horrible about it and Brainwash isn't the type to hold grudges. They've also been together for almost 2 years. They'll be fine." Kat assures me and I nod

Our biggest fight wasn't even that bad. Katu tends to distance himself if we have heated debates then comes back when he's calmer so we can discuss it. Since he has a temper he tries to keep it under check when it comes to us arguing and that's why he goes quiet and takes a break.

I don't really have a temper it depends what's going if I get mad or not.

Actually what Toshi did was a lot what Katsu did. He backed off before he started yelling at Denki. That's honestly a similarity.

We get to the roof and open the door and Katsu gets a smile and I raise an eyebrow

"Told you they'd be fine." He chuckles lightly and I go up a few more steps and look and smile

Toshi was laying against Denki while Denki was holding him and they both were passed out

"You get Brainwash and I'll get Denki." He says and I gently pick up Toshi and he puts Denki on his his back and I notice Denki snuggles his face in Katsu neck and I laugh quietly and I feel Toshi scoot closer in my chest

"They both are cuddlesrs." I point out quietly as we leave the roof

"I noticed." He muses and we head back to the room and he takes a deep breath as we enter the elevator. Adjusting to Denki a bit

We get to our floor and get to the room and Katsu had to open the door and we walk in heading to our room

I put Toshi on the bed and Katsu carefully takes Denki off his back and puts him next to Toshi

"I love them so much." I smile and Kat kisses my head and stretches

"I love them too. But no more arguing on our break." He says yawning and I laugh lightly

"Tired?" I ask and he shrugs and and goes for his duffle bag

"I'm gonna take a shower." He says running his hand through his hair and I bite my lip and hesitate for a second

"C-can I join you?" I say and cringe at how I sounded

He chuckles at that and pulls me close to kiss me and smiles

"Sure shitty hair." He says and I blush lightly and smile

"I love you." I say and he kisses me agains and I kiss back

"Yeah, I love you too"

3 more chapters left! Woop!

Thank you guys so much for the love and support!

I love ya'll!


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