Author Note!

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Hey Everyone, it's me...
I'm gonna to say thank you to all my readers who supports me and vote for me.

I'm very excited because today my story #BoysGrowUp got 100 readers.

I'm very happy about it and I want to give a special thanks to:
And others of my friends who read and support me. And to my family my mother and my father and my younger sister 'Jasmine'

I can't believe it, I'm just wrote and published this story a week ago and I'm very excited for the gained.

I want you to comments on my story and make it better with your idea and input for this story.

I can't wait to see your response to my story.

By the way Evan now is on senior year so yeah, I'm sorry for the suddenly change on chapter 6.

I just want to inform you because I thought that's made it a little confusing but I promise I gonna make this story more interesting and worth for you to read.

This are some quotes for you :

1.Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are.
–Mason Cooley.

2.I think of life as a good book. The further you get into it, the more it begins to make sense.
–Harold Kushner.

3.Reading Is Cool and Writing is Hot
-Adhitya Mulya.

4.Books is the windows of the knowledge, you just need to read and you can see the whole world.


Maybe I think that's enough for this time, I will update the story as fast as I can.

And the next chapter will be more interesting...

And, lastly you can follow me on Instagram :

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TheFortune14 _

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Don't forget to follow my #wattpad to get the latest update...

Okay, that's all from me



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