Find Out! - 9

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Evan can't sleep because his just thinking about Angela and someone who bumped him in the library.

'I need to find out it!' thought Evan.
With that he sleep.

Evan wake up late because last night he just thinking about Angela, he wake up and go to the bathroom and take a bath.

Suddenly,his father knock on his bedroom door.

"Evan, are you ready to go to the school?"yell his father.

"Just a second,dad!" He still using a pant and using his shoes.
After that he come out and go downstairs to have some breakfast.

"What are you taking so long?"ask his father while dab the jam to the bread.

"I'm just late wakes, that's all"said Evan.
"Oh okay, now eat that sandwich and go to your school" pointing to his sandwich.

"Yep" said Evan with popping the 'p'

After they had a breakfast they rushed up to the school.
His father dropped him in the parking lot and went to his office.

Evan just walk to the gate when someone yelling for some help. He go to find out where it from.

It's from some old lady, her bag is stole by some thief so that he coming to her and trying to calm her while he run to search the thief.

He find out the thief and come close to the thief, the thief know Evan is coming so he turn around to face Evan.

*This may have an fighting scene.

"Hey you!" Yell Evan to the thief.
"Give that bag to me!"add him.

"Are you trying to be the hero?!"answer the thief to Evan.

"No, I'm not just give that old lady bag to me!"pointing to the bag.

"Are you thinking it's gonna easy?! Not it's not!"said the thief while shook his head.

"I think you made it hard!"said Evan.
"Just give that bag to me! I don't want a fighting!"said Evan step closer to the thief.

But when he step closer to him. He nearly got a punch from the thief but he can avoid it. This made Evan more angry to the thief.

"Okay,maybe you have to learn something!"said Evan.

He started the fighting and he can hit the thief face until bleeding. Now the thief just fall weak to the ground and give the bag to Evan.

"Next time don't do that again!"said Evan and the thief just nodded and go running like a little girl.

He walked back to where the old lady are. She just crying in the bench and Evan step closer to her.

"Ma'am"Evan said and make the old woman staring him.
"This is your bag" handing her the bag.

"Oh boy, thank you so much. What can I do without you" said the old lady.

"It's nothing, now I think I should leave because it's already late" but before Evan can leave the old lady handed him an address.

"Please boy, just go to my house anytime,okay?"said the old lady.

"I'll try ma'am, thank you for the invitation"said him for the last time and go to the gate.

He's already late so he have to go to the principal office.
He go to his math class and sit with James.

"Hey dude, why are you late to school"said James.
"It's because Angela isn't it?" Teasing James, just make Evan punch him in the arm.

"Of course not, why I'm supposed to be late of her"said Evan with something in his thought.
'God! Why he said like that, that's just made me remember her'

The whole class is boring to him because he already know all about the subject.

Finally the bells ring and it's time to have a break. But before he can go to the cafeteria Mrs.Smith called him.

"Wait Evan! I want to talk to you"said Mrs.Smith to him.

"What can I help you ma'am?"ask Evan with confusing.

"Ah, Evan you know about Mathematics Olympiad this year right?"ask Mrs.Smith

"Yes ma'am, I already know"answer Evan.

"I want you to join it again because you are the smartest one here"said Mrs.Smith with proudly.

"No ma'am I'm sorry" with that his Mathematics teacher shock.

"Why in the world you won't?"ask Mrs.Smith "you're the best student here, right?" Add her.

"I know,but I think I'm not in the mood to join it. Besides, I already join swimming race competition"said Evan to her.

"Oh okay, but if you change your mind this offer is still available until October"said Mrs.Smith

"Yes ma'am understood"said Evan.

"Okay Evan you dismissed and you can have your break"said Mrs.Smith

"Thank you ma'am" with that Evan go out to the cafeteria. When he come to cafeteria he saw Angela with her friends chatting and talking.

Angela meet Evan eyes and suddenly Angela tell her friends to move out from the cafeteria.

'God, why she avoiding me' in Evan thought.

Evan just sit on the chair besides his friends.

"Hey, why you called by Mrs.Smith?"
Ask Kody
"Yeah, it's seemed something important" said John.

"No,just she offered me to join the Mathematics Olympiad"said Evan to them.

"So what are you say?"ask Diana.
"I'm just refuse her offer"said Evan coldly.

All his friends jaw dropped down to what Evan just said.
"Why in the world you refuse that?"ask James.

"Nothing, just boring and I already join swimming race competition so yeah!"said Evan.

"But you had done it when you on sophomore year" said Diana.

"Yeah, that's why I won't do it again"
Said Evan.

"Oh okay, by the way how are you?"
Ask Diana.

"Same like yesterday, nothing much"
Said Evan.

"Are you have find the person who bumped you yesterday?"ask Gina who suddenly came.

"Why are you like to scaring me Gina?!"with his shocked expression.

"I'm sorry, I'm just got here because I got detention by the teacher" said Gina.

"Oh okay, and I don't start to search it" said Evan.

"I think you must to find it out to make her trusted you it just an incident"said Diana.

"Yeah, you're right let's find out!"with that Evan stand and go to the library to find out who is bumped him yesterday.

He asked the library keeper and the students who are in the library yesterday. But they said they don't saw it so he just go asked other people if they saw it yesterday.

Until he find one of the students who saw it.

"I-I saw it yesterday"said some girl student

"You saw it? Do you know who is that?"ask Evan.

"I don't know what his name..."before cut off by Evan.

"You said 'his' but you know what his physical and how it looks like,right?" Said Evan to the girl.

And the girl just nodded at him because she's afraid to the senior.

"Don't worry, don't be afraid to me. By the way how he looks like?"ask Evan.

"H-He's tall like y-you, he had brown hair just like you, he had green eyes color, and he had some injury in his cheek"said the girl.

Evan just thinking it in a second.
"Okay, so you tell me he had the same tall and hair color like me but he had some injury in his cheek and he had green eyes color,right?"said Evan so that girl just nodded at him.

"Okay, is that's all?"ask Evan to her and she nodded.
"Okay, can I have your name?"ask Evan and she nodded.

"M-My name's A-Ariana"said that girl who name Ariana.
"Nice to meet you Ariana, I'm Evan"
With that he shocked her hand.

"Okay, I think I should go, see you around then"said Evan to her.

"Y-Yeah,bye"said her with that Evan go to the next classes and it's English subject.

Evan just thinking about what Ariana said about the person who bumped him yesterday.

He trying to remember the person with that physical looks.
'Who is he?' in his thought.


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-Steve Jobs-

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