Shocked - 16

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I'm sorry to update it very late...
This the 16th chapter
Hope you enjoy it...

*From earlier

"Hello" said Evan to the phone.

"Hello, are you Mr.Firtzmith?"said someone at the phone.

"Yeah"said Evan with concerned.

"Your father is in hospital"with that Evan just shocked.

"Oh god"with that Evan hurried to go to the hospital.

Evan running as fast as he can and his best friend notice him running very fast and came running besides him.

"Hey what happened?" Ask James in between his running.

"I don't have time" answers Evan with fast to his best friend.

"Okay, but where you going?"ask James with breathless.

"To the hospital" when he reached the gate James tell him to go with him.

"Let's use my car" with that they both hop in the car and drove to the hospital.

'This can't be true!' Evan thought with frustration.

"Evan we're here" announced James to Evan.

With that Evan hop out of the car and running very fast to the information to search the name.

"It's on room number 1421" said the information center person.

With that he running fast again to search the number.

"1401,1402,1403,..." Mumbled Evan in his breath.

"1421!" Evan sighed and open the door and there's laying someone his own and the one who always support him.

"Dad!" With that Evan hug him with very tight.

"Evan" said his father and hugging him back.

Evan eyes full with sadness and fear.

"I-I thought you were coma or worse than that" said Evan with fear on his voice.

"No boy, I'm okay" exclaimed his father.

With that Evan sighed sign of now is know that his father is okay.

"What happened to you?" ask Evan to his father.

"I'm just came back here when my asthma came immediately and someone brought me here" said his father.

"Next time please just call me if you're came back from there or anywhere" said Evan with frowned.

After that, someone open the door and revealing James with many sweat on his face.

"What's wrong?! Is something okay?" said James look at Evan then to his father.

"Yeah, I'm good now" said Evan father.

"You made me heart attack Evan" pointed to Evan.

"Sorry,I thought my father will get any worse than this" Evan said with laughed and put his hand on his neck with smirk.

"You both just hilarious" said Evan father in between the laugh.

"So when you can back,dad?" Ask Evan looking at his father.

"Actually doctor said I can go back tomorrow" said his father.

With that Evan sighed and immediately James change the topic.

"Hey Garmin,you know this lunch Evan go date with Ariana?!" With smirks on his face and Evan just widened his eyes.

"Wow, I think my little boy ready for the marriage" said his father with laughter.

All people in the room just laughed when his father said like that.

"Dad,not like that. Besides that was not a date yet" said Evan with serious tone.
"Maybe to me it's not a date" said Evan and his hand on his neck.

"Why can't you ask her out to go on a date with you?" ask James.

"It's not like that, it's maybe we just met a week ago and I have ask her out to go on a date immediately, it's that a little bit ridiculous" said Evan to his best friend.

"Nope, you're not ridiculous" said his best friend.

"Ah, you're not help" said Evan with frowned.

"Neither I am" said his best friend.

After that they just talking each other to comfort his father in the hospital.
Until it's time to get out from the hospital because it's already late night.

"Okay dad, I think we should have to go now. Probably because tomorrow we have school" said Evan to his father and hugged him.

"Yeah me too" add James to his father.

"Okay, you two be careful" said his father before heading home.

"Hey dude, let's go to my house to play some video games?" ask James to Evan and Evan just shook his head.

"No, I'm fine. Besides tommorow I have to go to the school earlier because I skipped the class and my punishment" said Evan with sighed in the last word.

"Okay, I guess you will be very busy tomorrow" said James and they hop in his car.

In the road to his house Evan thought about so many things.

'what if my father asthma attack him?' with that Evan just shook his head.

'no, he's going to be fine and can go back to the home tomorrow, I believe' in his thought.

"What in your mind?" ask James towards him.

"Nothing, just thought about my father" said Evan with the sadness tone to his best friend.

"Oh okay, let's buy some McDonald's in drive thru" said James and Evan just nodded at him and back to his thought.

When they arrived the drive thru Evan and James order some burgers for them for the dinner. After paying the burgers they brought the foods and eat the foods.

"Mmh,I zhink I don eaet it for fou yeaar" said James while chewing the burger in his mouth.

"Swallow the burger first before you talking" warn him with that James swallow the burger and repeat what he said.

"I think I don't eat it for four years, I guess?" said James.

"Yeah, I don't usually buy it too" said Evan.

After they both done eating, James drop him off on his house. Evan unlock the door and go inside and turn the light on.

After that he close the door and locked it and go upstairs to his bedroom to take a bath.

After he done he hop to his bed and get ready for some sleep. Before sleep he got some notification from his phone. When he open it he just smile to himself.

'It's Ariana' in his thought.

*The message conversation
H-Hey, E-Evan

Evan just chuckle after see the stuttering words on his screen.

'God, why she so adorable when she stuttering on this message conversation' in his thought.

Hey, what's up?

U-Uh, y-you t-text m-me back?

Ariana stuttering again and again even in the message conversation.

Yeah of course,do you think I'm a robot?

I-I'm so-sorry i-if I ma-made y-you a-annoyed to t-text m-me. I-I w-will de-delete y-your nu-number and s-stay a-away f-from y-you.

Evan just widened his eyes and type the keyboard.

No, I'm just messing around with you, you don't made me upset by the way. You made me chuckled :)


Because you keep stuttering while you in text conversation 😁

O-okay, I-I ha-have to do so-something

Okay, bye Ari

Y-Yeah, b-bye E-Ev

*End the text conversation

Evan just chuckle with the nickname her gave to Evan. With that Evan turn off the light and laying on the bed.

'She's so adorable' with that Evan sleep with the smile on his face.


Thanks for 700+ readers I can't believe it.
Thanks to all my supporters and my family.

Vote, comment, and share this story to everyone.

Hope you liked it...

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