The Blue Teddy Bear - 28

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More close to the end of the book, and for the next books...


"Don't worry Ariana, you're going to be okay and I promise you that you will be fine until it done" reassuring him with the warm smile that make her smile back at him and blushing.

"O-Okay, I-I trusted y-you" said Ariana and with that they sit in the roller coaster and wait for the rollercoaster to start.

After that the rollercoaster start to move and Ariana grab Evan hand with her and they hold their hands together.

The rollercoaster go upward and Ariana grip Evan hand tighter than before and Ariana closed her eyes and take a deep breath.

Then the rollercoaster slide down with fast and all the people at the rollercoaster screaming very loud including Ariana who still closed her eyes and grip Evan hand.

After the rollercoaster stable, Ariana slowly opening her eyes and sighed then looks at Evan who staring at her and they look at each in the eyes.

The world feels disappear when they look at each other and then Evan smile at her and squeeze her hand.

Then the rollercoaster stopped and brought them back to the reality and then they leave the rides and go to try the others rides.

Then Ariana notice some cotton candy seller and her stomach growled and Evan notice what she staring at.

"Come on, let's buy some cotton candy" with that Ariana nodded and blushing because Evan grab her hand and pull her to the cotton candy bar.

Then they ordered the cotton candy, Evan decided to buy the cotton candy with heart shaped for them.

"This for you" With winking Evan handed her the cotton candy with heart shaped and she instantly blushing because that.

"T-Thanks" said Ariana with shyly then Evan smirks at her and nodded, then they decided to search for Fahira and Blake.

Then they seeing Blake and Fahira sat on some bench talking to each other, Evan notice how Blake talking to Fahira and decided to turn around and tell Ariana to search another rides.

"Hey Ariana I see something interest-ing, do you want to come?" Ask Evan while looking down at her.

"Uh,um o-okay, uh I mean uh..." But before she can continue her words, Evan shut her with his finger on her lips and the Ariana blushing constantly.

"Shh, c'mon let's check out another things"

With that they turned around and left Fahira and Blake who talked to each other and seemed like very 'comfortable' with each other.

Then they headed to see the others rides and Ariana smile brightly when she noticed some blue teddy bear with beautiful pink and white dress.

"Hhm, I think you want that" while pointing at the blue teddy bear on some shooting games.

Then Ariana nodded shyly at him and Evan just chuckled softly at that and grab her hand.

"C'mon let's play that to win that 'teddy bear'" then they arrived at the stands and Evan decided to play it.

"Hey, can I have some ball to playing it?" Then Evan paid for the ball and he gets 3 balls to make all the cans fall.
And it's mean Evan just have 3 chances for winning the blue teddy bear for Ariana.

Evan take a deep breath and he got more relax to focus to make the ball hit all of the cans. Evan square off and throw the ball to the direction but unfortunately the ball not hit once of the cans and Evan just groans.

"Damn it!" Exclaimed Evan and he trying again for the second chance. He took a deep breath like before then swing his hand and the ball just hit one can of all.

"F*ck, it's very hard" and with that Ariana nerve herself and grab Evan hands and look at him in the eyes.

"I-I believe you can do it" and with that Evan just speechless and nodded with shocked expression at what was Ariana say.

"Okay, I can do this!" Yelling at them and he look Ariana in the eyes and smile at her.

"Thank you, I will winning that blue teddy bear for you, Ariana" whisper Evan at her and then Ariana just blushing and nodded shyly at him.

"Okay, let's see how I can do it" with that Evan grip the last ball and took a deep breath then look at Ariana in the eyes for the last time before he throw the ball to the cans direction.

And magically the ball hit on one can but that can made all of the cans fell and that's made them winning the prize.

"Congratulations, now you can choose the prize for you" said the man who maintain the games.

Then Evan choose the blue teddy bear for Ariana then he thanked the man and he looks Ariana in the eyes and with smile he give the blue teddy bear for her.

"This for you Ariana, thank you for reassuring me" said Evan and Ariana just smile and grab the blue teddy bear with her and buried her face on it because of blushing.

Evan chuckled at her childish attitude and then they left the stands and heading back to Blake and Fahira because it's been late.

Then they meet them at the same bench when he saw them talking to each other.

Evan tell them to heading back to home because it's probably been late and they nodded and go to Evan car and drove themselves to their house.

First Evan drop off Fahira, then he drop off Blake and now they just alone in the car.

Evan drove her to her house. They arrived at Ariana front house and then Ariana hop off and followed by Evan who accompany her to her house front door.

Then they look at each other and sighed.

"Here we are, I think you should probably enter the house" said Evan and Ariana nodded shyly at him.

"Y-Yeah, t-thanks f-for tonight that w-was a-awesome" and Evan nodded at her and smile at her then he excuse himself and heading back to his house and find that the light of the house probably off because his father usually turned off the light at 8PM and it's like 10 PM so probably it's normal.

Then he entering the house and go upstairs to his bedroom then bruised his teeth and crawled up to the bed and sleep with peace.


3K readers is mean a lot to me, thank you very much for all of you.

These are the questions from all of you :

Q : Why James needed to dead?
A : 'Cause it's the part of the story that made it more interesting.

Q : Why are you so talented at writing the books?
A : No, I'm not that talented 'cause sometimes I don't got any idea for the next chapter/the next books would look like but I have many supporters for give some ideas for the books.

Q : Why you figured Ariana as the shy girl at the school who blushing whenever she got attention from someone?
A : Um, I think it'll be interesting if I created the shy character on the book 'cause I think that's why the readers like to read of some book.

Thanks for your questions for me, it's mean a lot to me.

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