Who's Dare To Him - 20

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This is the chapter 20
Hope you enjoy it...

'Who's dare to do this to my best friend' in his thought and his friends running at him trying to help James.

"God, what happened?" ask Blake towards Evan.

"I don't know, he's laying on the floor with many blood on him" said Evan with truthfully voice.

"Okay, let's heading to the nurse room to check him to the nurse" said Blake while carry him in bridal style.

They go to the nurse room and the nurse shocked when she seeing James like that.

"God, what are you doing to him?" ask the nurse at them and they just shook their heads.

"We don't do anything to him, we found him laying on the floor with many blood on him" explain Evan with reassuring tone.

"Okay, I will check him and you all can wait outside until I let you know to come here" said the nurse towards them and they just nodded their heads.

With that all of them go outside waiting for the nurse to let them in again.

After 30 minutes waiting for the nurse to let them in, the nurse go outside and walk toward them and all of them stand up and walking to her.

"Okay, so I think the reason why he laying on the floor with many blood is he got beaten up by someone and made many bad injury in his face and in his stomach" said the nurse to them and they just widened their eyes after hearing that.

"What?! But in this place I think nobody else in here, except for us and the teacher and you" said Blake towards the nurse.

"I know, but maybe someone settle in to the school and beaten him up very badly" said the nurse said all of them just frowning at her.

"Okay, are him woke up?" ask Evan to the nurse.

"Not yet, it's too many injury on him so I suggest you to bring him to the hospital to get the right treatment" said the nurse while walking in her room.

"Let's bring him to the hospital" said Blake to them.

"Okay, I will call his parents" said Evan while pull out his phone and searching for his parents number and he got James mother number 'Grande Cristian' and he press the calls button and wait for her to pick him up.

"Hello Evan, how are you doing darling" said Mrs.Cristian to Evan.

"I'm doing very well, but I want to tell you something that James is got beaten up by someone mysterious" said Evan and the phone is silent and he heard Mrs.Cristian crying in the phone.

"Ssh, Mrs.Cristian it's gonna be okay, James gonna be okay. We will bring him to the hospital" said Evan with reassuring her that James is going to be fine.

"Okay, just let me know where you bring him at, okay?" said Mrs.Cristian and with that Evan said okay to her and hung up the phone.

When he hung up the phone, Blake already carry him in his hands and walking in hurry with all of his friends.

"Let's go" said Blake towards Evan and Evan nodded at him. They brought him to Evan's car and Evan drove his car to the nearest hospital in the city.

They arrived at the hospital and with hurry they hop off and brought him inside the hospital and the nurse and the doctor running at them and laying him in the hospital bed and brought him with them to check him.

Evan and others is sighed in relief and Evan decided to text James mother and tell her about where is the hospital they brought him.

Evan text his father too, to tell him that he's going home late because James in the hospital and tell him the hospital location too.

They all just hope that James gonna be okay. After that James mother come in hurry with Evelyn his sister. His mother just crying while hugging Evan.

And Evan trying to calm her down and tell her that James is going to be fine because he's the grow up man now.

And Mrs.Cristian just nodded at him and ask him what happened and Evan explain everything to her and she just nodded her head while sobbing her tears.

Not long after that, the doctor came to them and tell meet them and James mother.

"Okay, is this James Cristian family?" Pointing towards Mrs.Cristian and Evelyn his sister.

"Yes we are" said Evelyn to the doctor and the doctor just nodded at her.

"James seemed get very bad injuries on his face and his ribs is broken. May I know why he like that?" ask the doctor towards them and Mrs.Cristian looking at Evan and his friends.

"We found him laying on the school floor with many blood on him, but nurse said if we seeing in the way he bleeding, it's because someone beaten him up" explain Evan with truthfully tone at him.

"Yeah, that's true he got beaten by someone because his ribs is broken" said the doctor to them.

"Okay, we will see his health progress" said the doctor to them and they nodded at him and the doctor excuse himself and go away.

"Who's dare to do this to him?! He's the good boy and he's never told me about his problem and I thought that you know what is his problem" said Evelyn to them.

"No we're not, he is the good students and he never made a problem in the school so we thought that he's going to be okay" said Evan with truthfully.

They just hoping and hoping that James is going to be fine and he can wake up again to meet them.

By the time, it's going to late and Evan and his other friends excuse themselves at Mrs.Cristian and Evelyn.

They walk to their car and Blake hop in Evan car because his car is on the school parking lot.

After Evan drove him to the school parking lot, Evan drove himself to his house and meet his father is work with his laptop.

"Son, what happened with James?" ask his father with worried tone.

"He's got beaten up by someone and he got bad injuries and his ribs is broken" explain Evan to him and his father eyes is widened with Evan words.

"Why it happened?! He's the good students and he's never made a problem at school, right?" said his father at him and Evan just shook his head sign he don't know why.

After that, Evan go upstairs to his room and hop to the bed and thinking about who's dare to did this to James.

'I hope James is gonna be fine' with that Evan sleep with all of his questions about who's beaten him up.


Hey everyone,
I am very proud I can make 20 chapter for this story.

There will be another chapter to make you impress and read it...

Hope you enjoyed it...

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