Dance battle

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It was a chilly and cool night everything was calm for once as the boys were with their girlfriends. Leo was Meditating or trying to as Mari was sitting on his lap snuggling him, Raph and Midnight were Arm wrestling loving a good challenge while Donnie and Hope were in the lab trying to invent something, ever since April confessed to Donnie about Dating Casey he for once didnt mind since he had his eyes on his flower. Once in a while Donnie and Hope always finds ways in giving surprising kisses before running off. Meanwhile Mikey and Lucy were betting on who would win a dance battle "No way, us Boys will win" Mikey said smugly "Yea right, by the time us girls finish, you boys will drool away wanting us to win" Lucy said smirking "That's it, im calling a battle, Boys vs Girls" Mikey declares "you're on!" Lucy yells "What's with all the yelling?" April said confused as she and Casey walks in "APRIL!" Both Lucy and Mikey yells scaring the living daylights out of her "What!?" April yells now getting angry and still confused "We are having a dance battle in the dojo" Lucy said as she grabs April and runs towards the dojo grabbing Midnight on the way there "hey! what the-" Midnight said getting pissed off but Lucy explains what's happening making Midnight smirk "Dance battle you say?" she had a very funny idea how to make Raph drool alright. Mari groans "Not again" she mumbles making Leo chuckle "I'm guessing this happened before?" he asks earning another groan from Mari as she stood up "yea we might as well have fun tonight, who knows it can get us loose that tension we've been having ever since that battle with that sock-" "Sack,'s Eric Sacks which I still find it weird that he's from another dimension where we exist too" Leo said as he rubs his neck "yea that" Mari smiles softly and kisses his cheek making him blush as he always does. 

Not a while later girls were in one side and the boys were on the other side of the dojo as Hope look like a blushing mess, embarrassed and shy, just wanting to die there but one look towards her boyfriend who smiles sweetly was enough to calm her. "well you know what they say, girls first" Mikey said smirking "with pleasure" Lucy said angry but not really as she puts a music on and the girls begin to dance

(( skip to 1:25 for the girls till 2:37))

Mikey mocks playfully at Lucy in one of her dance moves making the boys laugh/snicker as Lucy pouts then huff at her boyfriend once the girls finished dancing "Is that all little princess?" Mikey said and laughs "Let's see what you got then lover boy" April smirks as Mikey and the boys grins as Mikey changes the song and starts to dance

(( watch the second team and pretend its all boys ))

Midnight wolf whistles her boyfriend who blushes then growls "down boy~" Midnight flirts as Mari and Hope giggles, Lucy pouts more as April thinks of an idea and smirks as she pulls the rest of the girls and whispers as Hope blushes red at the idea "Hope you dance better then us and in order to win you have to do that dance" Lucy said with mischief in her eyes "b-b-b-but" Hope stutters "welp it's settled" Midnight said smirking big. 

((Start at 3:52 for the girls till 4:31 ))

Donnie jaw drop seeing his shy girl dance a little dirty than expected which got him turned on as he churrs without noticing "calm down lover boy or you'll have waterfalls come out of your mouth" Casey playfully said as Raph snickers (( continue 4:32 till the end)) as they begin to dance together having fun now, Midnight as promise dancing dirtier teasing Raph. By the time they finished they cheered "wow that was fun" Mari said as Leo pulls her close and smirks pecking her forehead "yea it was" he said and glances towards Donnie and was shocked "well I think they are having a little too much fun" Leo said making Mari look over and covers her mouth seeing Donnie and Hope having a heated make out session behind the tree of the dojo "Hey Hey Hey! there are children in here" Raph said amused "HEY!" Mikey and Lucy yell offended that they were called children as April and the rest laugh but Donnie growl as he picks Hope up and runs off towards his lab and locks it leaving both teams amused and smirk at this "well that was um a battle we cant interfere with" Mari said making everyone including her boyfriend stare at her, not for long they burst out laughing "gotta love this family" Mari said as she nuzzles Leo "I can agree with you on that" Leo said seeing everyone having fun and relax for once. 

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