Chapter 3- Exploring and Meeting

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Scar was just waking back to his den when he scented a cat scent that is unfamiliar to him. His fur bristled and Scar unsheathed his claws, thinking it was a Clan cat.

However, the scent was not of the Clans. Scar flattened his fur but he creeped forward to take a look.

There was a yowl and immediately, a black and gray tom pounced towards him. Scar batted the kit away and he meet the kit's amber eyes.

"Why did you creep up on me?" the kit demanded. "You scared the fur out of me!"

Demanding for a younger kit, Scar thought, frowning.

"Well, I wouldn't know if you are a threat or not," he growled. "This is the rogues' territory. Back off before I tear you into pieces."

"You can't and wouldn't kill me!" the kit snorted. "I can tell that you never killed in your life!"

"What about you?" Scar retorted with a slight snarl.

"I killed a mouse," the tom replied smugly, kicking his small paw.

"But not a cat," he growled, getting very annoyed with the arrogant kit.

"Scar, what is going on?" a familiar voice asked.

"I found this kit in our territory, Jaws," Scar replied.

Jaws narrowed his eyes at the black and gray kit, who glared at the bigger and older tom without fear or uncontrollable fury.

"What is your name?" Jaws mewed. It was more of a sentence than a question.

"Long," the kit replied sullenly.

"Do you have any parents?" Jaws asked again.

"I have a mother. Her name is Flamenose," Long mewed flatly.

Scar stiffened. That's a Clan name!

"May I ask why your mother is a Clan cat?" Jaws mewed with a hint of a snarl in his voice.

"Was a Clan cat," Long corrected him without flinching at Jaws' threatening tone. "She was exiled."

Scar could have sworn he heard Long added, "And I was dragged with her."

"I want to be a Clan cat," Long continued, his voice sounding excited now.

"Why don't you join us?" Jaws asked softly, but not in a nice way.

"I don't want to," Long snapped, shaking his head.

Scar waited for Jaws to strike the kit with his claws but he didn't move.

"Scar, let's go," Jaws mewed instead as the black and gray kit ran off, "what you desire will come soon."


"Scar, let's go hunting!" Bark mewed brightly.

Scar nodded enthusiastically. A few days have past and he had grown stronger. He could now climb rocks twice his height easily and stalk for prey more silently.

Cream padded beside Bark, who let out a purr.

They could be mates, Scar thought, happy for his friends.

"I always wanted to check out a Clan territory," Bark commented. "Why don't we check it out?"

"What if we get caught?" Scar asked. Although he would loved to battle a Clan cat, they were no match for a group of them.

"We disguise our scent," Bark mewed, his dark yellow eyes gleaming with excitement and pride. "Roll in the mud."

Cream blinked but didn't hesitate as she rolled in a nearby patch of soggy mud. Scar reluctantly rolled in it as well, silently grumbling at the squishy thing.

"Hurry," Bark mewed. "Follow me!"

Scar and Cream followed the brown tabby tom as they stepped past a strong scent marker.

Scar felt his fur standing up with caution as Bark led them in. He spotted a mouse and he gestured for Cream to try catching it.

Cream acknowledged it with a nod and dropped in a half awkward crouch. She pounced just as the mouse began to scamper off.

It let out a squeal of surprise and Cream quickly bit it.

"Congrats!" Bark smiled. "Let's see if we can catch more."

Scar froze as he heard branches snap. "Some cat is coming!" he hissed.

Before they could run off, a black and gray tom pounced at them.

"Long!" Scar mewed in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"Long? Who's that?" Bark asked.

"A kit I met a few days ago," he replied quickly.

"It's Longpaw now," the black and gray tom mewed with pride.

"Longpaw?" Scar echoed with disgust. "Why did you join the heartless Clan cats?"

Longpaw smiled with a knowing look. "It's a secret!" he declared. "Maybe you would know soon."

Suddenly, he mewed, "I scent a cat coming. You better go."

"Thank you!" Scar called as Bark led them out.

"Consider me not your foe," Longpaw called out. "But not your friend either."


A/N: You all probably know what Longpaw means right? ;)

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