Chapter 11 (special BlazePaw edition for BlazeStreak)

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BlazePaw tussled uncomfortably in his dreams. He was at the mercy of the Starclan cats feet's blood streaking down his muzzle. Suddenly there old leader before WhaleStar, ShadowStar beckoned him to follow him. he was confused why wasn't ShadowStar with the other StarClan cats? he followed him for as he didn't attack him first off. he found himself consumed in the darkness of a shadowy forest. he suddenly felt relaxed this was surprisingly nicer then the warmth of the StarClan camp.  He knew that he had not strictly followed the laws of StarClan when becoming a medic apprentice. that wasn't his fault though but they still took it out on him. so when they dragged him there he lashed out at the cat next to him it was but a small kit. he had stained his muzzle with blood when he did it though. then there was a White cat obviously Snow appeared from the shadows. then he found two more cats next to him they were both night black. Snow came forward and nodded to ShadowStar he soon realized that snow was a deep red the colour of blood from head to toe. she sat down and began grooming herself "you are probably wondering why you are here." she said inbetween licks then spat "uh I sound like a goody two shoes". ShadowStar nodded "you do there is no need for that". "i'll get to the point then" she replied. " Join me" she said simply. the black cats tilted there heads " for what reason?" the male said. snow replied " I am running a new band of cats I needed territory as well to help my cats live so I simply killed FlameStar it was a pester really he kept coming back to life but I developed a technique that made it quick" she paused to clean of some more of the blood. " then I killed those FireClan cats who wouldn't join me". The male black cat growled " I won't join you then KILLER" he spat. Snow then lunged at him and sliced his neck his head dangling from it she looked proud " yup I learnt that from Scoundrel clever fella really rebellion cat from long ago attack wehn they don't expect it is key to that move".  the other black cat didn't move she froze. Snow continued " all the greatest end up here great place for learning techniques they were abandoned by StarClan like you are".  the black cat seemed to think this over " I'll join you" she finally said. " that is very wise of you HalfHeart unlike your brother" she spat. Blazepaw thought this over this was a road to greatness away from torture but away from his family his adored brothers and sisters but their faith was in StarClan they would have faught more if they cared about him. BlazePaw growled " tell me where to go Snow I'm In". Snow grinned " you always were bright BlazePaw well anyway you just need to pretend to get herbs then go across FireClan border".  She turned to HalfHeart " I think I figured out how to get you across" she thought " AirClan is a bit away go hunting tomorrow  i will send two of my best loyal cats um GingerHeart and uh DuskMountain one is ginger and they other a brown dusty colour check the entire border" she mewed.  she looked at ShadowStar he nodded " that about sums it up". BlazePaw woke up with a jolt HazelSun was nudging him he growled at her and got up.

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