Chapter Thirteen: The Wonkavator

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Later, Braedey, Valka, and Mr. Wonka arrived at the candyman's office. It was rather shocking to know both Martins had managed to make it through the craziness of the factory.

"So much to do, so much to do." Mr. Wonka mumbled to himself, walking up to his office door. "Invoices and bills, letters, I must answer that note from the Queen."

"Mr. Wonka, do you know what happened to the kids?" Braedey asked. "Violet? Augustus? Veruca?"

"My dear boy, I promise you they'll be quite alright." Mr. Wonka reassured him. "When they leave here, they'll be completely restored to their normal, terrible old selves. But maybe, they'll be a little bit wiser for the wear. Anyway, don't worry about them."

"Mr. Wonka, isn't there anything else you wanna tell us?" Valka asked, remembering the promised prize the final child would get at the end of the tour.

"Oh, yes." Mr. Wonka shook their hands. "I hope you enjoyed yourselves. Excuse me for not showing you out. Straight up the stairs, you'll find the way, I'm terribly busy, whole day wasted, goodbye to you both, goodbye." With that, he shuts the door, leaving the two Martins confused at this.

"Did we do something wrong?" Braedey asked his mother in concern.

"I don't know, Braedey." Valka replied, now grabbing the door handle. "But I'm going to find out."

The two entered Mr. Wonka's office, and they noticed some abnormalities around the room: some items around the room were cut in half, like the clock, the sink, along with the bank safe, while the walls were in faded pink and yellow.

Valka walked over to Mr. Wonka's desk. "Mr. Wonka?" She asked.

"I am extraordinarily busy, Madame." Mr. Wonka replied.

"I wished to ask about the chocolate. The lifetime supply of chocolate?" Valka asked. "For Braedey. When does he get it?"

"He doesn't." Mr. Wonka replied simply.

"What?" Valka and Braedey's eyes widened. "Why not?" Braedey asked.

"Because he broke the rules." Mr. Wonka replied.

"What rules? We didn't see any rules, did we?" Braedey asked in confusion.

"Wrong, sir! Wrong!" Mr. Wonka stated to him. "Under Section 37-B of the contract signed by him, it states clearly that all offers shall become null and void if, and you can read it for yourself in this copy: "I, the undersigned shall forfeit all rights, privileges and licenses, herein contained," et cetera... fax mentis... incendium gloria culpam," et cetera, et cetera. Memo bis punitor della cattum!" It's all there! Black and white! Clear as crystal!" He then pointed at Braedey. "You stole Fizzy-Lifting drinks! You bumped into the ceiling which now has to be washed and sterilised! So you get nothing! You lose! Good day, sir!" He then turned away to look at his desk.

Valka's eyes narrowed in anger. "That wasn't Braedey's fault!" She snapped. "It was my fault! I got lost from the group and he helped me down! If anyone should be in trouble for nearly harming me, it should be you! You built up Braedey's hopes, and smashed his dreams into a billion pieces when I promised to give him a great time! You ungrateful, inhuman monster!"

"I said GOOD DAY!" Mr. Wonka yelled at them, then looked away, continuing to write in some papers in anger.

Valka's eyes narrowed at the candyman, then she breathed a small sigh, gently grabbing Braedey's hand, and began to lead him to the door. "Come on, Braedey. Let's get out of here." She told him. "Once we leave, we're going home. I'm so sorry this journey turned out so badly." She apologised to her son.

Braedey was about to follow his mother, but something made him stop. He looked to Mr. Wonka, then looked down at his left arm. He tapped a small button on his arm, opening a small hatch on his arm, revealing the Everlasting Gobstopper he was given back in the Inventing Room. He pulled it out of the compartment, held the small candy in his hand, after closing the hatch, walked quietly over to Mr. Wonka's desk, placing the candy down on his desk, turned on his heel, and began to make his way to the door.

"So shines a good deed in a weary world." Mr. Wonka gently cupped the small candy in his hand. He turned around to face Braedey. "Braedey." The brunette turned to face the candyman. "My boy... you won!" He got out of his seat, and lifted Braedey off the floor with delight. "You did it! I knew you would! Oh, Braedey, please forgive me for putting you through this." He puts him down on the ground. "Please, forgive me. Come in, Mr. Wilkinson."

At that moment, Slugworth came up in the office. "Pleasure." Mr. Wilkinson took out his hand for the brunette to shake.

"Arthur Slugworth?" Braedey asked in confusion as he shook his hand, Valka walking back in.

"No, this isn't Slugworth." Mr. Wonka clarified. "He works for me. We had to test you, Braedey. And you passed the test. You won!"

"Won what?" Valka asked in confusion.

"The jackpot, my dear lady, the grand and glorious jackpot!" Mr. Wonka shook hands with Valka.

"The chocolate?" Braedey asked.

"The chocolate, yes, the chocolate, but that's just the beginning. We have to get on, we have to get on, we have so much time and so little to do. Strike that, reverse that." Mr. Wonka gestured them over to an unusual elevator that fit them all securely. "We'll take the Wonkavator. Step in Braedey, Valka, you too. This is the Great Glass Wonkavator."

"Isn't this just an elevator?" Valka asked in confusion.

"It's a Wonkavator." Mr. Wonka clarified. "An ordinary elevator can only go up and down, but the Wonkavator can go sideways and slantways, and longways, and backways."

"Frontways?" Braedey added.

"And squareways." Mr. Wonka continued with a nod. "And frontways and any other ways you can think of. It can take you to any room in the whole factory, just by pressing one of these buttons. Any of these buttons. Just press a button and zing! You're off. And up until now, I've pressed them all, except one." Mr. Wonka pointed to a button with a red casing around it. "This one. Go ahead, Braedey."

"Me?" Braedey looked back, as Mr. Wonka nodded. Braedey smiled, and clicked the button.

"There it goes." Mr. Wonka said as the elevator was shooting straight up like a rocket to the moon. "Hold on tight! I'm not exactly sure what's going to happen!" He looked to an altimeter, as it was slowly going up. "Faster, faster! If we don't pick up enough speed, we'll never get through!"

"Get through what?" Valka asked as she turned deathly pale. Mr. Wonka didn't answer her, he just laughed psychotically, pointing up. This made Valka's eyes widen. "Wait. You mean we're going-"

"Up and out!" Mr. Wonka replied.

"Mr. Wonka, the roof is made of glass." Valka said to the candyman. "It'll shatter into a thousand pieces! We'll be cut to ribbons!"

"Probably." Mr. Wonka laughed.

Braedey and Valka look to one another, fear right in their eyes, then hugged one another tightly, thinking this might be their last day on Earth.

"Hold on, everybody." Mr. Wonka announced. Here it comes!"

The elevator suddenly crashed through the roof with a loud shattering sound, shooting into the air like a rocket. Both Braedey and Valka look out to the windows, and to their shock, they were 500ft in the air, hovering in the air like some kind of helicopter, and looking down at the factory and city of Munich below.

"Mr. Wonka, you are amazing!" Valka commented to the candyman, shaking hands with him. "I don't know what else you'll pull out of your bag of tricks."

"I've got plenty of tricks, but those aren't yet to be shown to the public." Mr. Wonka joked, and Valka giggled a little at his statement.

Braedey looked down to the front yard of the factory, and smiled. "Look! There's the other contestants leaving the factory right now." He got the two's attention, as they look down to the ground.

First to walk out of the factory was Augustus Gloop and his mother, the former covered from head to toe in dripping chocolate, and he was trying to lick himself clean, much to his mother's annoyance, and telling him to stop. Next up, there was Violet and her father, the former having been juiced back to a regular sized body, albeit being a bit plump, about half the size of the German boy, while her skin was still as blue as a blueberry. Third out was Veruca and Mr. Salt, the two of them doused in rotten golden chocolate eggs and garbage, the former still wanting a golden goose, but her father was simply ignoring her. Last out was none other than a recovered Mrs. TeeVee and her son Mike, the latter having been stretched out back to regular size, albeit at his mother's height.

"I kinda feel bad for Mike." Valka muttered. "He's gonna he the tallest kid in school now."

"At least I know Violet's gonna be off gum-chewing for a long time." Braedey chuckled a little. "And I do hope Veruca has learnt her lesson."

"How did you like the chocolate factory, Braedey?" Mr. Wonka asked the brunette, getting his attention.

"It's the most wonderful place in the world I've ever seen." Braedey replied with a smile on his face.

"I'm pleased to hear you say that..." Mr. Wonka replied to him with a smile. "...because I'm giving it to you.

Braedey and Valka looks to the candyman with wide eyes. "What?" The former asked.

"I can't go on forever. And I don't really want to try." Mr. Wonka explained to the two. "Who can I trust to run the factory, and take care of the Oompa Loompas for me? Not a grown-up. A grown-up would do everything his way, not mine. That's why I decided long ago that I had to find a child. A very honest loving child to whom I can tell all my precious candy-making secrets.

"That's why you sent the Golden Tickets." Braedey deduced.

"That's right." Mr. Wonka nodded to him. "The factory's yours. You can move in immediately."

Braedey thought about this, but then remembered Charlie. "Mr. Wonka, as much as I would like to have the factory, I don't belong in the candy-making industry. But, I know someone who would gladly take that place." This got Mr. Wonka's attention. "His name is Charlie Bucket. He and his family are really in need of help, and they need all the help they could get. Charlie is a kind-hearted and gentle boy with a heart of gold, and he's always wanted to see the chocolate factory for all his life, along with his Grandpa Joe. I think it be right for us to give Charlie the factory."

"Besides, Charlie was the one that helped Braedey get into the factory in the first place." Valka added. "Plus, it be best for them to take over. We've seen the factory from the inside, and now, it's Charlie's turn to have the chance."

Mr. Wonka thought about the Martin's words, while also thinking about this Charlie Bucket and his family. The proposition did sound pretty good: the Martins have seen the factory, and now, it should be right for the Bucket family to see the inside of the factory, and have Charlie have the factory.

"I think that sounds like a good idea." Mr. Wonka finally said to them. "I'll have this Charlie has my successor, and his family will live in the factory with me and him, and we'll think of unlimited possibilities." He then turned to Braedey. "But Braedey, don't forget what happened to the man who got everything he wanted."

"What happened to him?" Braedey wondered.

"He lived happily ever after." Mr. Wonka replied, and both he and Braedey smile, shaking hands with each other.


Soon enough, Charlie and his family were greeted by Mr. Wonka, Braedey, and Valka, and the Bucket family were told they are now owners of the Wonka factory, much to Charlie's shock and amazement, but Braedey explained about what they told Mr. Wonka, and the blonde boy thanked him for what he's done. Joe thanked them immensely, and Braedey shook hands with him. Mary was told about the news also, and she was happy Braedey had given the factory over to Charlie and his family, but she was more shocked when Mr. Wonka came over to her home, and offered a place at the factory as a distribution manager. She thanked the candyman for this, and thanked Braedey with a tight hug.

Soon, it was time for Braedey and Valka to head home. They decided to give their farewells to Mr. Wonka, Charlie, and Mary at the chocolate factory. There was a taxi parked nearby for Frankfurt Airport, and Valka was getting the bags in the car, along with a briefcase full of Wonka Bars, all thanks to Mr. Wonka, while Braedey stood at the open gate, talking to Mary and Charlie.

"I really can't thank you enough for what you've done." Charlie thanked the brunette. "I never thought something like this would happen."

"It's the least me and my mother could do for those in need." Braedey replied to Charlie. "And for that..." He takes off the necklace Daphne gave him, and puts it on around Charlie's neck. "...this is for you. It's so you'll always remember me."

"I... I don't know what to say." Charlie stuttered.

"Well, consider this a thank you from me." Braedey replied. "And I would be proud to call you a brother to me, and a member of the Mystery Inc. family."

Charlie smiled gently, then hugged Braedey gently. Mary smiled happily at the two boys getting along, then looked to Valka, who gave a smile to her, and she waved back to the Martin woman. After their embrace, Braedey and Charlie wave goodbye, then Braedey and Valka gave their thanks to Mr. Wonka, Charlie, and Mary, then head off to the taxi, and they drive away to the airport, as the current and new owners of Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory close up the gate, heading off into the famous building.

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