Brain Damage

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I walk among the daisies, happy and at peace. All alone and all happy. Tee Hee. The flowers sway and move, forming beautiful patterns. So pretty. I lay face down in the orchard, and start laughing. I'm all alone, with no-one to bug me, not even from the inside. Tee Hee. I giggle uncontrollably.

"How did she get out?" one nurse yells to the other, as they watch through the window of the asylum.

"The lunatic is on the grass, the lunatic is on the grass!" the other yells into her radio. They would have gotten her, but she was too dangerous to even try.

The sun felt so nice on my back. I felt warm. Nice, and safe, and warm. I lean back and up off the ground, resting on my knees. Out at last. I hum to myself and tilt my head from side to side. Nice, and safe and warm. I pick a few daisies and start to make a chain. So pretty. I make it long enough to be a garland. A very pretty necklace. You could also use it to choke someone. Tee Hee. Games and daisy chains. Good times. Good ways to keep the loonies together too. Got to keep the loonies on the path.

Suddenly, the weather changed. The sky turned grey, angry and mean, not nice, safe and warm. The daisies seemed angry, the wind whipping the flowers angrily. Once so pretty, now like an angry monster. Not safe. Not pretty. Not nice and warm. Suddenly a cloud burst thunder in my ear. I shout and no one seems to hear. The weather began playing different tunes. NOT NICE.

I yell and shout at the heavens, "BRING THE SUN BACK".

I feel an ouchie. Like a needle. I don't like ouchies. I yank the dart out of my neck and crush it in my hand.

"NO OUCHIES", I howl, and in two bounds, I pounce upon the nurse closest to me, and gouge her back deeply. I begin pummelling her with my fists. HOW DARE SHE? But I sway while sitting on her back. The world has meted out of focus, the colours seem to drip down like a still wet painting. The colours melt into puddles. So pretty. So, so pretty. Just like art time at the loony cabin. When the loonies walk through the halls. The lunatics walk through the halls with folded faces, ready to be herded like sheep.

But why think of such things? Instead I lean back into the wet soil and feel the rain on my face once more, washing away my tears. So nice. The world begins to blacken at the edges, like it does when I fall asleep. Maybe if I'm lucky, I'll fall asleep forever this time. So nice.

I wake up in a padded room, and struggle to remember what happened, OH GOD! I let her loose again. I remember the nurse and I sob into my hands. I sit up in my bed and look at the green, soft walls in desperation. I needed to-. A shudder goes through me and I can feel her trying to take over. No. I stop sobbing, filled with resolve. I needed to be free. To tell them.

I look at the double sided glass opposite me, it reflected only the same olive as the whole room. But I knew they were standing behind it, watching me. I needed to tell them. I run up to it and pound my fists upon it desperately, I NEEDED them to listen.

"GUYS LISTEN! The lunatic is in my head", the lunatic is in my head!" I sound mad. I am, of course. And I want it to change.

"Raise the blade, make the change, please, PLEASE, re-arrange me till I'm sane" I sink to the ground, my whole body heaving with my desperate sobs. I'm a danger. "Lock the door, and throw away the key" never let me out. My voice cracks with sadness as I utter hopeless words "There's someone in my head, but it's not me".

I lie back and – so nice. So comfy. The room is nice and soft. I grin and hum to myself. Comfy, comfy comfy, la, la, la....

I turn and look straight into the mirror, they're there all right. Watching me, taking notes, laughing. I giggle. So funny.

"I think it's marvellous. HAHA". I smile and laugh once more.

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