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Oliver Queen

There was a tenseness in the room that Reyna knew was outside her line of sight.

Everyone in the room knew this stranger personally except for her, and the more the woman spoke, the more uncomfortable the room became.

" He's going to die, Diggle-just-I-mean! " The woman spoke fast, and she was frantic, she was dressed in a tight, high hemmed cocktail dress and had her platinum blonde hair up in a ponytail.

She was speaking too fast and nearly fell down from shock, but Caitlin and Barry were there to catch her, and calm her down.


Cisco was still standing next to Reyna, and without taking his eyes off of the woman, he spoke to her.

" This is.. Felicity, she's a friend from Star City. "

Reyna's brow began to furrow the moment Starling City was mentioned. For a long while, Starling was one of the cities she had considered moving too after faking her death, but she had discovered that within the city were over twenty known ARGUS agents. Each would be more than happy to serve her head on a silver platter for Waller.

So quietly she pleaded to herself, hoping that's she wasn't going to get dragged away to a city where her cover could be compromised.

" He, got shot and fell off a roof, I think.. Diggle was practically screaming at me. "

The blonde woman was on the floor now, hysterically crying as she tried to speak. Cisco left Reyna's side to comfort the young woman and Reyna hadn't noticed Barry make his way over to her.

He didn't have his mask on, and Reyna couldn't help but smile looking at him. Barry had such soft features, to think he was someone as formidable as "The Flash." It still surprised her.

" We need you on this one. "

Barry spoke quickly, and Reyna could hear the crack in his voice, she could practically feel his chest struggling to bring his body oxygen, even being the big hero he was, who ever this was happening too, it was having an effect on him.

Reyna pushed herself up and off the bed, standing at eye level with Barry, she took a deep breath and nodded to him without another word.

" Whose- "

Reyna heard the sobbing blonde woman speak just moments before her vision blurred and she threw up.


A casual nod was all that Barry needed to snatch Reyna from where she was standing and run off. That was all Barry needed to suit up and sweep Reyna off her feet. She got motion sickness very easily, and the moment he sat her down she fell to her knees and vomited.

They were in a garage or warehouse, she wasn't sure. She just knew the quicker she got this over with the quicker she could get out of this City.

There was a lot of screaming around her, and Reyna had to take a few deep breaths before her vision cleared and she could stand to her feet without swaying.

They were definitely in a warehouse or in a downstairs room. Reyna noticed how large the room was, and the different areas within the room. There was workout equipment, a computer station and some sort of weapons station. She'd have to get a better look later, because the moment she got to her feet, Barry was quick to drag her from the spot where she had finally stabilized her footing.

More screaming, more blood.

The people that she had accidentally befriended and had gotten close too, were like disaster magnets.

There was a late twenties something man in front of her on an elevated table.

" Don't die Oliver, don't you fucking dare! "

A man spoke angrily at the unresponsive man, who wasn't breathing or talking back.

Barry didn't say anything, he had taken off his mask, and the look of sheer terror on his face made Reyna's stomach drop.

This kind of shit was so normal to her.

Blood, violence and the most brutal, death. She'd seen so much in her four years of ARGUS, that she'd become a little desensitized to all of this. But the look on his face, thats what made her adrenaline peak and her anxiety rise. She'd never seen him or any of the others look or act like this, she had to do everything she could to help.

" Oliver.."

There was a fourth man in the room, but she'd lost him in all of this commotion. He stayed far back, and Reyna could see the color drain from his face as his eyes met the body of his dead friend.

Formalities would have to wait until later, Barry hadn't even thought to bring her to the table, he was too caught up in the scene around them.

She moved quickly and without a second thought. Barry moved out of her way, and Reyna could better take in what had happened.

The man had multiple stab wounds and one bullet wound in the left side of his chest, she had a hard time making out his face, as it was covered in a short beard, with his eyes and cheeks smeared with some kind of dark oil.

He was very pale and Reyna didn't hesitate to rip off his shirt and try to see if anything else had happened.

He was bleeding internally, she could tell by a dark, ominous purple mark that was spreading against his pale skin. She was unsure of what she was going to do, or if this was going to work, but the man's breathing was incredibly shallow, and within the minute he'd be dead if she didn't help.

Reyna's normally manageable hair had gotten a little fried from her metahuman encounter earlier, and was being large and unruly. The moment she stopped to pull it up and back, one of the men screamed at her.


Barry opened his mouth to put up some kind of protest, but Reyna didn't say anything back. If she was going to be focused, this was something she had to do.

Without wasting any more time, she placed both of her bare palms onto his chest, and after taking a deep breath, she hoped for the best.


The sense of closeness, the feeling of having people care about you in a genuine way, was so alien to her. It almost made her uncomfortable, so seeing the intense emotion brought on by this mans life threatening wounds by the people around her, she knew she had to try her best.

Within moments of her skin touching his, she could feel a familiar tinging sensation in the tips of her fingers. That feeling spread down and throughout her hand, and Reyna closed her eyes as her hands began to emit a subtle, cracking light.

It wasn't enough to just shove her energy into him, this wasn't like earlier with Cisco, where she just aimlessly transferred some of her energy to him, this was much more complex and completely new for her body.

The more she focused on him, the more transparent everything around her became. She could feel the people, the objects, and eventually the entire room around her, all shift to a clouded white color. It was as though nothing else existed except for Reyna and this stranger.

The light that radiated from her hands didn't stay constant, it shifted in color and consistency. The light would shift from a harsh orange or red, to a pale yellow or white, as she worked her way into his body, leaving the superficial wounds behind and focusing on his internal damage.

The gunshot had caused one of his lungs to collapse and collect blood. She was quick to work on that first, before working her way to his other knife wounds.

The feeling was, uncomfortable, but at the same time, very familiar. She couldn't 'see' into him, but the energy she syphoned into him was an extension of her, and she could use it to feel around in him and repair what she needed to keep him alive.

After his lung was repaired, his breathing became less shallow, but still inconsistent. She shifted her hands down and onto his abdomen where the other wounds were. Quickly she fixed the stab wounds and after that she paused, her face twisting as she was suddenly shocked.

His body was a mess.

Aside from these small wounds she had noticed many scars, poorly, or practically botched fractures and numerous strains and pulls. His collar bone was also broken, Reyna assumed from falling from a high place.

" Like a building. "

Reyna only words during the entire procedure were strange and misplaced. Diggle was quick to snap at Barry, asking what it meant. Barry shrugged and was left speechless.

The other smaller things could wait, but she continued to work on those and the large mortal wounds first. She hand't noticed how much energy she'd expended until she was nearly done.

She could feel her hands begin to tremble, and she began to notice how labored her breathing was. The man's life took priority over her exhaustion, and she pushed through. She could faintly hear the others from the room speaking, but this place she was in now, this quiet, pale place that allowed her to focus, was preventing her from hearing exactly what they were saying.

She was almost done. His wounds were completely repaired, she'd even helped along some of the still healing wounds from weeks prior. She'd been fixing him for over an hour, and she could finally feel her fatigue getting the best of her.

The man that was still laid out in front of her was unconscious, but perfectly healthy and asleep. Reyna cracked a smile, as she heard a faint snoring sound come from him as he slept.

There was a sudden sensation as someone violently pulled at her. She fought it at first, but the second time she was ripped from the safety of the white room, and back into that damp, dark underground room.


As Reyna's vision adjusted again, she was being dragged away from the man she had just helped save. Barry's arm was securely latched around her stomach, and he continued to drag her away until he dropped her.

She went to yell, to scream at him for being so aggressive with her while she was finishing up on the stranger, but nothing came out.

Her throat was incredibly dry and her heart was going a mile a minute. She was having a sensory overload, as she tried to speak, to get a grasp on what was going on around her, but the familiar taste of iron flooded her mouth, and she wasn't able to talk.

Reyna's body relaxed to the point of going limp, and she couldn't stop the blood from slowly traveling from some kind of internal wound and spilling out of her mouth and nose.

It was too much, she couldn't understand what was going on or what was happening. Her vision continued to go until she could barely make out the shadows in the room, and the only comfort she had, and the only thing still taking up space in her mind, was the fact that she'd helped save someone.

She had saved a man that her friend deeply cared about, and for some reason that was enough for her.


She didn't faint or black out, but she did lose time.

She could still hear everyone talking, and she wanted to speak but couldn't. All she could do was listen.

She knew she'd done too much, she'd used too much of her own energy to help save someone else, but she hadn't noticed that she'd given too much until it was too late. Actually, up until the moment Barry pulled her from her trance, she felt pretty okay. It was the moment she entered the real world again that she began to have problems.

She had only been out of it for almost a half hour before she had enough energy to open her eyes and try to see what was going on.

The comfortable hospital bed she had gotten used to waking up on at STAR labs wasn't here, and the hard floor of this place had put more pain in her back.

Reyna's hair had nearly fallen out again, she had dried blood all over the lower half of her face and all over her chest and cloths. She was sure she looked like something out of a Night of the Living Dead film.

The stranger who she'd helped was the first to notice she was awake, Barry was quick to run over to her to make sure she was okay.

" Just take everything really slow, okay? "

Reyna outwardly scoffed at him, she'd never been a very gentle person, and she was going to start now.

She struggled to her feet, but Barry was there to help her, and within the few minutes it took her to get to her feet, she was beginning to feel better.

There was a younger man in the room earlier, the moment she had waken up he had disappeared, and was now standing next to her with a soaked, hot towel.

She couldn't help but notice how young he looked, he was barely an adult.

" You should sit down. "

His voice was quiet, and Reyna was too tired to fight back. She shot him a disgruntled look and hastily took the towel from him.

Her back relaxed a little bit against Barry as she let her face and chest soak the heat from the towel. As she brought the towel down from her face, she noticed the other two men approach her.

One was quite tall, and had a dark complexion. He had broad shoulders and a very muscular build. Reyna mentally told herself that he looked like a soldier, and her stomach turned as she remembered ARGUS.

There wasn't a lot of time for her to quickly say goodbye and leave, and everyone had so many questions.

" You almost died, Reyna. "

Barry spoke softly to her, and Reyna's abrasive attitude flared up. She knew everyone was babying her.

" It happened so fast.. "

The younger man spoke from behind Reyna, who loudly scoffed at him. She looked back at him angrily as Barry settled her down and gave her a bottle of water.

" Try over an hour. "

Reyna corrected him, and moments later she was corrected.

" Reyna, you were done healing him within a few minutes, maybe two actually.. And you started to seize and shake, but you kept healing him.."

Barry spoke from next to her, and Reyna tried to not make eye contact. Her mind raced as she tried to remember exactly what had happened, but she had came to the same conclusion.

To her, at least, it had been much longer than in real time.

The man whom she'd healed was wearing a very bright, wide smile. His brooding appearance spoke otherwise, and the more she actually looked at his outfit, she realized he was a vigilante.

" I, can't thank you enough. " His voice was low, and very sincere. Reyna could tell with just the few words that he spoke that he was serious and genuine, but there was still a darkness about him.

" Your eyes. "

The larger, muscular man who had yelled at her earlier spoke briefly, and didn't finish his sentence.

Reyna looked over to Barry, who didn't make eye contact with her.

" Your eyes were glowing.. "

As he spoke, he finally looked at her, and she began to feel extremely uncomfortable.

The strange man was healed and she was ready to go, but everyone else had so many more questions.

Barry answered most of the questions for her, and the man she had rescued was The Green Arrow, a Vigilante that protected Star City.

" Barry.. "

Reyna's voice was drained and the pained look in her face pushed him towards their departure.

" This is Roy, and This is John Diggle. "

Oliver spoke, introducing his friends. He was familiar to her, she just wasn't sure how. So when he revealed his true name, she felt the hairs on the back of his neck shoot up.

Oliver Queen had ties to ARGUS. Although she only knew a small part, she knew he knew Amanda Waller. And if she every found out Reyna was alive, she would be hunted and killed.

Many of the scars on Oliver's bare torso were gone, but there were still larger ones she hadn't gotten too.

Barry prepared for them to leave, and Oliver noticed Reyna staring at them.

" Next time?"

Reyna spoke in joking tone, shooting him a coy smile, her posture was still slouched as her body recovered.

" I need to keep a few or no one will believe my stories. "

The full smile he shot at her made her sarcastic grin accidentally grow into a large smile.

It was rare to go though some serious shit and still be able to smile like that. She respected him for it.

Barry told her they were going and Reyna had to get the last word in, looping an arm around Barry's she looked back at Oliver.

" The next time I see you I hope you have fewer holes in you! "

The younger boy laughed and Diggle quietly smiled at her. Oliver nodded as well, and without her being able to say anything more offensive or smart, they were gone.

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