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Things had gotten a little more complicated between her and Cisco.

She was sure that it was all in her head, and that she had just gotten paranoid about 'them'.

The end of the summer had seem to of flown by, and in the month and a half since they had shared an evening walking together, Reyna and Cisco had seemed to be avoiding one another.

When one would enter the room, the other would leave, and when Cisco would stay behind, she would go into the field.

She could tell that he didn't hate her, but there was an uncomfortable, mutual feeling between them. Something too intense that both of them had felt that night, and were too proud to face.

Thanksgiving was pretty stale, and even though everyone at STAR labs had offered to have her over, she declined. Family holidays, especially ones late in the year, she preferred to be alone.

She had kept a close eye on her mother, and even though she wasn't physically there with her, she knew she was living comfortably. She had an old friend, that she followed, and who in turn, followed her mother.

She had set up a large portion of her earnings, from when she was in ARGUS, for her. Her bills were completely taken care of, and she had some pets to keep her company. On holidays, she had some distant relatives she would visit, and lots of kids in the neighborhood to help.

Reyna wanted to get away, so she did the next best thing and left Central City and headed for Starling. She didn't think the loneliness had gotten to her, but it had eventually crawled it's way in. She just wanted to see some familiar faces.

" SO, what are your plans for Christmas.."

John Diggle was sitting in a chair infront of Reyna, facing the opposite direction, shifting uncomfortably as she held her hands on his shoulder.

A translucent, white light seemed to pour from the spot where her hands touched his skin.

" Stop fidgeting.."

Reyna's tone was dry and caused Diggle to stop moving almost immediately.

" How do you even get stabbed with Plexiglas? "

Reyna's smartass tone made Diggle laugh, which caused him to groan from pain.

" Another few minutes.."

" So, I see you've gotten a better grip on the whole, healing thing."

Felicity spoke awkwardly and casually pointed to where the light was pouring from her hands.

Reyna smiled and nodded.

She'd been working with STAR labs for most of the summer, and was continuing to help them into the fall. Dr. Wells had helped her as did Caitlyn and Barry with controlling the outtake of her powers.

" How's Cisco? "

Reyna's hands immediately stopped emitting their healing light and she felt her body temporarily panic. A few seconds later the light began to form again, and she cleared her throat.

"F-fine, he's fine-everything's fine."

Reyna's voice cracked and everyone in the room paused to look at her for a moment.

She scowled at everyone in the room and within moments their gaze's shifted.

" Are you going to at least stay for Christmas? "

Oliver seemed to be the only one unaffected, and he casually poked at her while wearing his green arrow outfit.

Reyna smirked at him and almost immediately the mood of the room lifted.

" I'll be back in Central City before then.."

Reyna spoke casually as she finished up healing Diggle's injury.

" Star City can be pretty festive around Christmas. Plus, we could always use your help.. "

Felicity's heels clicked against the solid floor as she walked over to Reyna and flashed her a cheeky smile.

" Ehh, no."

Reyna lifted her hands off of Diggle's shoulder and he stood up almost immediately.

He patted her shoulder and thanked her, before walking to the end of the room to change.

" We have something for you, well I mean-Cisco had started it- but he asked me to finish it- and-well.."

Reyna listened to Felicity speak and watched her as she walked over to something hidden by a curtain.

" So, not sure if you noticed, but we've been having trouble finding a cool name for you, SO-while we wait on ittttt..."

Felicity dragged on her speech, and eventually ended up at the other side of the room, where the curtain was.

Without hesitation she pulled down the curtain to reveal a manaquin with an outfit attached to it.

" So you can't really get hurt, but we wanted to get you a cool suit to hide your identity, since you are out with us and Barry so much.."

Felicity held out her hands, showing off the manaquin and waiting for a reaction.

" Awesome.."

Reyna spoke quietly to herself as she closed the gap between them to see her new gift.

The outfit was composed of flexible loose fitting material, and form fitted pants. Her torso was covered by a grey zip up that had a hood on it,

" You mentioned one time how much you hated masks, so we figured you could just use the same smudge makeup that Oliver used to use."

Felicity smirked over her shoulder at Oliver, and he flashed her a large fake smile.

The outfit was cute, but looked much more like street cloths than any type of Vigilante outfit the others wore.

Which she was totally fine with.

" To be honest the outfit is a little plain, but! "

Felicity rushed over to the mannequin and pulled off the gloves that were hanging from it.

" So we remembered that you were having trouble controlling your output of energy, and I worked with Cisco to make these.."

Felicity handed Reyna a pair of thin black, cotton gloves that had grey patches on the palms.

" Also, if we're right on our hunch, this will help you focus your energy into a physical state.. like, a ball or...something ..maybe."

Felicity kind of trailed off, but Reyna was still smiling from ear to ear.

She wasn't accustomed to getting gifts, so for someone to go this far out for her, it was incredible.

She took the gloves from Felicity and put them on as everyone was talking, and almost immediately her face shifted.

Everyone in the room stopped as a white light filled the room.

Reyna's face was frozen as she held her right hand infront of her, with her palm facing up. A small, swirling mass of white energy was forming and holding its shape in the palm of her hand.

The stronger the light grew in her hands, the more her eyes began to light up with energy, until she abruptly closed her palm and the light immediately dissipated.

Everyone in the room was silent until Reyna started to quietly laugh to herself. After that the mood in the room lightened and she said thank you again before leaving.


Although she lived in a warmer area of the country, they still had gotten a cold front that had sifted through and put the city into a festive, Christmas spirit.

The new gifts from her friends in Starling City, and the cool air, had put her in a good mood. She had decided while she was in Startling City to talk privately with Cisco and see if she was the one being obtuse or if it was him.

Either way she knew what had been happening to her when she was around him; that nervous flutter and anxious energy balled up in the pit of her stomach meant only one thing, she was in love with him.

She would seem crazy if she came out and said it to him outright, but maybe if she spoke to him, and cleared what ever was happening between them up, then they could start to be friends again.

Reyna walked briskly through Central City, the tips of her cheeks and nose beginning to redden as her bare skin touched the chilly wind.

Her heart was lifted when she saw how quiet the City was, and how happy most of the inhabitants of the City were. Suddenly she began to feel that things were going to work out after all.

But with one more large, relaxing breath, came a blood curdling scream. One that stopped her cold in her tracks.

There was a huge commotion going on across the street, and Reyna was less than enthused to see that it was at the Central City Police Department.

There was a large explosion from the front of the building, and suddenly, the quiet, quaint city streets, had become a stampede of frightened, panicked people.

Reyna thought quickly and threw the bag that was on her back, onto the ground. She didn't have time to change into the outfit she had just gotten as a gift, but she could at least try to hide her identity.

Reyna worked quickly, pulling up her long, wavy blonde hair into a bun and grabbing the small container of black eye grease and the glove she had gotten from Felicity.

She rushed passed the screaming crowd of people as another explosion went off and this time, rubble from the building was falling from the sky and landing on people below.

Reyna briefly closed her eyes as she rubbed the grease across her eye line and shoved the small tin back into her pocket. As she rushed into CCPD, she pulled the gloves over her hands and maneuvered around screaming civilians.

There weren't that many people in the Station, but the two that were in direct danger, were important to her.

Iris and Joe West were both on their knees, shaken up and bleeding. The man that stood between them was a fair skinned man in his twenties. Reyna noticed that his hair was black and that his cloths were damaged. He looked like he had been through a fire.

Reyna paused at the entry way of the station, she could smell the building burning from somewhere on the inside, and could still faintly hear screams from outside.

" This is how it has to be Joe.."

The man's voice was low and sounded broken, as though he didn't want to do what he was about to do.

The man held his hand up to a hostages face, and after extending his fingers, he placed the palm onto the woman's frightened face.

A brilliant light began to form in a palm extended towards iris, and the young woman screamed as she prepared to get hit.

She wasn't entirely sure if it was going to work, after all, she'd only just tried to use her ability in a physical form just hours ago, but it was better than standing around and watching her friend die.

Reyna held her hands out infront of her and flattened her palms. Within seconds, two large, white swirling orbs of energy formed and she threw them forwards.

Her attack barely phased him, but it did give Joe enough time to stumble to his feet and rush over to his daughter.

Reyna ran forwards as the man was getting to his feet. She quickly placed herself in front of both Joe and Iris. She pulled off her gloves and threw them to the ground.

If there was a time for restraint, it wasn't now. She didn't care if it hurt her or not, she wasn't going to let this monster harm anyone she cared about.

There was a large explosion in the top floor of the building just minutes ago, and Reyna could feel the icy cool breeze push down past her as she held her arms firm at her side.

" That wasn't very smart.."

The man's voice was low and angry, and after he spoke, Joe was quick to speak behind her.

" You need to get out of here, he can make things explode with his hands.. "

Joe's voice was frazzled, and Isis was crying behind him, saying her ankle had been broken.

" Then you'd better get out of here.."

Reyna flashed a quick, coy smile at him, before turning around to face the Metahuman.

" You're either very confident or very stupid.."

The meta took a few more steps forwards before Reyna brought up her bare hands and prepared herself.

" I'm going to blow up your friends infront of you.. Piece-by-piece.. That's what they deserve.."

His voice was darker now, and the wicked smile that had crept across his lips, made her anger spike.

This guy was a creep.

She didn't have time to think, as Iris screamed from behind her, and Joe shielded his daughter with his body. The metahuman had lunged forwards, preparing to unleash an attack on them.

Reyna lunged forwards, catching each of his palms in her own. Almost immediately, she felt the skin on the palms of her hands burn away. The

There was a loud boom and shake, as an explosion went off the moment their hands met.

Reyna involuntarily released the loudest blood curdling scream her lungs would allow, before she ran out of breath. She felt the skin on her hands singe off, her muscles and tendons in her hands disintegrating as the explosive force ripped the meat from her bones and caused her knees to buckle.

There was a little debris from the explosion, but the moment his energy had met hers, she had tried to contain it.

No one in the room had been injured, and as her hands at met his, she began to pull energy from him.

She wasn't going to stop. She wanted every ounce of it.

Reyna's eyes were swelling with tears as her wrists were bloody, and had loose bits of tendon and muscle hanging from it. Her hands were nothing but bones.

Reyna continued to push forwards, screaming in anger as a white energy began to emit from her as the metahuman in infront of her began to scream in agony.

Within seconds, the muscles and tendons that were just gone from Reyna's hands, began to regenerate from her wrist. They covered her white palms and fingers, as she continued to pull energy from the meta.

He screamed and cried for her to stop, but Reyna stepped forwards, letting her bare, blood soaked hands rest on his throat and shoulder.

Reyna's normally Green iris's lit up to a burning white as she pulled more and more energy from him. Unlike the last time she had drained someone of their energy, this time she wasn't doing it for pleasure, this time she was doing it to kill him.

It only took a few more seconds, and the obnoxious screams that were coming from him had stopped, and were replaced with wheezes and gasps for air.

By the time she removed her hands from him, everything had gone quiet. The room was filled with people, but no one was talking.

The metahuman fell to the floor, with a heavy thud, his body was head before it hit the ground.

Her breathing was accelerated and within moments of her hands leaving his throat, her eyes faded back to normal and she realized everyone was looking on in fear.

" Reyna.."

Reyna's eye sight had returned to normal, and she brought up a hand and rubbed her eyes and face, not entirely sure of what had just happened.

Her hands were steaming in the cold air, covered in her own warm blood. A fresh crimson smear was across her nose and cheeks now, as well.

Barry was behind her in his Flash outfit, practically speechless as Iris made another shudder.

Quickly the attention was shifted to her, and getting her to the hospital.

The room emptied out, as Reyna rushed over to Joe and helped him to his feet.

" Thank you.."

His words were exasperated, but the look of relief on his face, was all she needed to know he was alright.

She had finished helping Joe to his feet, when her vision unexpectedly blurred, and within the blink of an eye, she was at STAR labs.

Reyna's eyes adjusted, and she felt her stomach drop, as she realized exactly where she was.

She was at STAR labs, but instead of being out in the lab with everyone else, she was in a MetaHuman proof cell.

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