Chapter Seventeen | Battle Me

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Warning: Mental and Physical Torture


"I saw this, (I saw this),
I want this, (I want this)."


"Prime," Agent Fowler protested. "If what Arcee said is true, he annihilated Smokescreen with just a flick of his wrist . . . and Ratchet attacked Arcee without a second thought! If you try to fight, he will kill you."

    The Prime stood before the Groundbridge, turning to look at his comrades. Bulkhead, Bumblebee, and Arcee. That was all he had left of his Autobot team; Agent Fowler was only excluded due to his humanity. In these circumstances, no one could disagree with him: no harm should come to Jack. Yet that was not possible if Megatron was not given what he wanted. One look at Arcee's defeated, hopeless gaze told him all he needed to know.

    "I know that our circumstances are dire," he said quietly. "But we cannot afford for Megatron to acquire another relic. For Jack and Ratchet's sake, and for the sake of our races, I must do this. Agent Fowler, if you could please activate the Groundbridge."

    "This is insane, Prime," the human voiced his opinion, not caring if it fell on deaf ears. "What happens if you don't come back?"

    "Then carry on the fight," Optimus said without hesitation. "We cannot be the only Autobots . . . send another call for help, recruit more members of Team Prime. Megatron must not win, no matter the cost."

    "Why not use the Apex Armor? That would make you invincible!" Bulkhead pointed out, wanting his leader to have as much of an advantage as possible.

    "Using it will only prompt Megatron to use other means to get what he desires, including threatening Ratchet or Jack's life," Optimus said gravely. "And I do not want to risk losing the Armor to Megatron."

    With that he nodded to Agent Fowler,the Groundbridge powering up. Optimus closed his optics and brought forth all of his focus before stepping through, opening them as he strode to the other side.

    The cool desert air was dry against his armor, the wind nipping at his healing protoform. A twisted sight greeted him: Megatron stood before him with the Star Saber strapped to his back, Optimus Prime's own arm hanging at his left side. Ratchet stood to his right, his optics downcast and servos curled into resistant fists. Between them was the relic, stuck into the ground and waiting for someone to claim it.

    "Your survival is most impressive, Optimus Prime," Megatron mused. The Prime barely noticed Ratchet's optics move, affixing to the hole in his shoulder and flank, almost able to sense the medic's self-loathing. But Optimus just gazed at his adversary, refusing to give him the satisfaction of watching him fret over his friend.

    "Megatron, I cannot allow you to acquire more relics. Nor can I allow you to continue harming my comrades," he stated, his one good servo reverting to his blade. His battle mask slid over his face, leaving only his optics to express his anger.

    "Interesting that you have not made more of an effort to retrieve both," Megatron mocked, "or have I just been missing your pleas to release your medic?"

    "You and I both know they would go unheeded," Optimus replied, neither confirming nor denying what the tyrant said was true. Ratchet's spark twisted.

    I have sent messages, prompted them to open negotiations - yet there has been nothing.


    "Perhaps, but how would you know unless you tried?" Megatron sneered, trapping Optimus right where he wanted him. Indeed, Ratchet could not help snapping his gaze to the Prime's face, betrayal briefly crossing his face. Megatron had been telling the truth.

    That was all the dictator appeared to be doing. It was obvious to Ratchet that surely this was all a twisted game he was playing, and yet . . . even when showing him memories of the past, it was Optimus who was the deceiver, be it intentionally or otherwise. Surely it was to protect his friend, not to manipulate him?

    "It is a tragedy when those we trust the most betray us," Megatron sounded amused, pleased that he was receiving the answers he wanted. His claws caressed the back of the mech's helm. He would show Ratchet that his precious leader cared not for him. Then the medic would break and succumb completely. "Now, Optimus, I am willing to allow you to make the first move. You certainly need all of the help you can get. Are you willing to fight for your relic and medic?"

    Optimus glared, more than aware of Megatron's deceit and manipulation playing out before his very optics. Taking yet another moment to calm his frame and focus his mind, he slid into a fighting stance.

    "I will fight for the sake of this planet, and for my comrades."

    Megatron grinned, his arm reaching up to unholster the Star Saber.

    Optimus pounced, and though as predictable as the move was, Megatron had to commend him for his speed. Without a second arm he was even faster now than he was before. He brought his arm back down to intercept before he could grab the sword, Optimus able to turn and avoid it, jabbing his blade towards Megatron's exposed side.

    The warlord's other arm swung and blocked the blade, eliciting a hiss as it cut into the armor. Purple energon dripped from the cut, the practiced gladiator gritting his denta and bearing it. He thrust his arm to the side, dislodging the blade and pointing his canon straight at Optimus' helm.

    The resulting discharge of energon was not as strong as he would have liked, though it would have certainly done some damage. Regardless, Optimus was able to duck out of the way, sliding through the sand and twisting around to reassesses his opponent.

    Megatron decided to leave the Star Saber out of this for now, instead deploying his normal blade. The two beings charged toward one another, the other the only thing on their minds. Optimus countered his blow, leaving him wide open to a punch.

    Black, flat digits collided with the side of his helm, sending him flying. He hit the sand, cringing as exposed protoform tore against the rough texture. Blue energon spattered against the sandstone of the ancient ruins, leaking from the already tender hole in his side. He struggled to stand, next met with a clawed servo gripping his neck and tossing him aside.

    Megatron ignored the pulse of his spark as Ratchet witnessed the brutal crash of his former leader to the disgusting organic ground. He did not even spare the medic a glance, focused on his victory as he stood above the Prime.

    "A valiant effort, Prime. But it appears that the relic - and medic - are mine."

    "Oh, you mean this?"

    The tyrant was rarely surprised, but to his credit both Optimus and Ratchet were caught off guard. Secondly, rarely was he surprised by a dead mech.

    Whirling, he laid optics on an intact Smokescreen, the rookie holding the relic in a servo. Ratchet stood off to the side, not having even bothered to stop the Autobot from taking it. Then Megatron's spark pulsed again, this time the Decepticon taking a moment to realize it was coming from Ratchet, and more specifically, it was fear.

    Oh, he would certainly be punished for that. He knew better, yet allowed it to happen.

    "So, you gonna come and get it?" Smokescreen taunted.

    The tyrant's optics brightened, the purple flashing with increased intensity. "Oh, I will."

    Smokescreen already knew what was coming, leaping backwards as Ratchet lunged for him. The medic's servos grasped empty air, Smokescreen phasing right through him.

    Ratchet whipped around with amazing speed, his servo transforming into a blade and stabbing straight into Smokescreen's chest. His arm also went with it, unable to touch the rookie when the Phase Shifter was activated.

    Megatron roared in anger, not appreciating it when the combination of Ratchet's resistance and Smokescreen's Phase Shifter made things difficult.

    He is your replacement. End him!

    The medic's resolve weakened just a little as the self doubt settled in, the dictator worming his way deeper into Ratchet's psyche. Slowly Ratchet stopped resisting, and for a moment all that was there was Megatron.

    "No!" Optimus sprung to life, launching himself at Megatron and tackling him, breaking his concentration. It was enough to let Ratchet falter, giving Smokescreen the opportunity to phase completely through him, darting towards Optimus.

    The gladiator snarled and yowled in pain as Optimus slipped under his guard, his blade sinking into a chink in his leg armor. Dark energon spewed everywhere, Megatron's nanites immediately springing into action to stem the flow. Ratchet shook his helm, watching as Optimus reverted back to his servo and reached for the hilt of the Star Saber, gripping it with what strength he could.

There was a long moment of hesitation from both mechs, almost three spark beats entirely, then Megatron seemed to shudder back to life, his optics flashing purple. The pain of his wound increased his anger, the Decepticon using his good leg to kick Optimus off. With one swift motion he was back on his feet, his left servo gripping the Star Saber, which glowed menacingly. The energy wave which followed was accompanied by a scream of anger, Optimus clamping down his armor and preparing to take the massive hit.

    Smokescreen launched himself against the Autobot leader and turned on the Phase Shifter just in time, the both of them spared from the brunt of the blast.

    ::Agent Fowler, we require a Groundbridge immediately!:: Optimus ordered, and without further ceremony the green and blue portal swirled behind them.

    "So, it is the relic, then!" Megatron snarled. "And not your precious medic. How disappointing, Optimus."

    "As long as Ratchet remains under your control, no one is safe," The Prime replied. He gazed towards his old friend, silently asking for forgiveness, before he and Smokescreen disappeared into the Groundbridge.

    Anger washed across Ratchet's frame, though the medic could tell that it was not his own. Megatron was livid that the Prime had gotten away, even more so that he had escaped with the relic. Placing the Star Saber in its place on his back, Megatron turned his fiery gaze towards Ratchet.

    The onslaught of pain was excruciating, the Autobot falling to his knees with a scream of agony as a forceful, painful presence pressed itself against his consciousness. His entire body seemed to be on fire, his frame shaking uncontrollably in the sand. Just as quickly as it had come the pain disappeared, leaving him venting heavily and his joints trembling.

    "You saw the Autobot take our relic, and you allowed him to do so without resistance!" Megatron snarled down at him. "Need I remind you that because of him, the Autobots no longer have any use for you? He is your replacement, and the only way you could ever regain your status among them would be to get rid of him. You allowed him to escape!"

    Ratchet looked up at him, resisting pathetically.

    "He is not a medic. He can't replace me."

    "Yet Optimus Prime has proven that your medical expertise is unrequired. The Autobot Bulkhead survived his wounds, and Prime left without even attempting to take you with him. He does not want you any longer."

    "He was right! I am a danger while you control me, Megatron!" Ratchet snarled, ignoring the insecure pulse within his spark. "He left because taking me could result in the others getting hurt!"

    The Decepticon curled his lip in displeasure. "You forget that he did not try, medic. Even before he knew you accepted the Dark energon, there was no attempt at ransom or reasoning, and he did not even once mention your human pet. Do you really think Prime cares for your fate? He only wished to secure the relic. Of which he was successful, because you once again bought his lies."

    Ratchet's gaze fell to the ground, his digits curling in the sand. He reminded himself that Megatron manipulated and twisted others to fit his own agenda. Even then, he was right. Optimus did not confirm nor deny that he attempted to bargain for Ratchet or Jack's life. He just brushed off the tyrant's accusations, that in itself was condemning. And he did not try anything now, when Ratchet was in his grasp. He had instead chosen the relic.

    He chose the safety of Earth, and Cybertron, over his friend. And though it was very much logical that he would do so, Ratchet recalled what Megatron had told him. Optimus had given up the Star Saber for Arcee. Why not this relic for his medic?

    Gentle claws caressed the back of his helm, a suffocating EM field brushing against his own. A shudder raced down his spinal strut, anger burning in his spark. He was, however, immobile, both wanting to reject the touch and yet feeling powerless to stop it.

    "It is unfortunate that you will need to be punished for your actions."

    Ice coated the interior of his energon veins, and though Megatron's claws continued touching the various nuances of his helm, he braced for pain to blossom. Instead, the claws came away and a Groundbridge opened, Megatron turning towards it with little ceremony.


    Ratchet rose to his pedes, well aware that if he did not follow the orders Megatron would make him. Confused, he followed Megatron as they entered the Groundbridge and returned to the ship, at first wondering if the tyrant was going to make his punishment a public ordeal. Instead, he was lead back to the cell which he shared with Jack, the doors opening to Soundwave already being present. The boy was curled up in the back of the cell, food scraps and wrappers littered around him, indicating he had recently been fed and watered.

    Something prodded at the back of Ratchet's helm, telling him something was wrong. It was only when the doors closed behind him and Megatron that it seemed to click.

    No. No, no -

    "No!" He whirled, nearly running into Megatron's silver armor. "You will leave him alone!"

    "Your own punishment does not seem to be enough to deter you from helping the Autobots," Megatron snarled, his sharp denta gleaming in the dull light. "So the boy will pay for your insolence."

    He saw the attack coming, the former Champion easily catching Ratchet's fist. He forced his will upon the medic, ignoring his screams and cries of anguish as Soundwave assisted in restraining the Autobot. Jack wisely stood on his feet, shoving himself against the wall as fear gripped his body. He did not know what Megatron had done with Ratchet, but the medic had somehow to really anger the dictator. Enough that he was going after Jack.

    Soundwave briefly stopped his master, silently questioning if he had the energon reserves for such a transformation, or wanted to prematurely test the new arm's capabilities. Megatron merely brushed him off with a few clicks and growls, Ratchet shaking in his restraints. The medic was still fighting the battle in his head, though he occasionally begged for Megatron to stop in his native language.

    This time Jack was prepared when Megatron downsized, able to do so even with his new arm. It was more or less a simple procedure, Megatron able to take his extra mass and displace it . . . somewhere. The exact physics of it was of no use to him, he just knew how to do it, and was pleased to see that even with a part that was not his own it still obeyed his will.

    "You could kill me," Jack warned, finding some courage in knowing that unless he planned on doing so, Megatron would have to be gentle with him.

    "As appealing as the notion is," the tyrant answered, his throaty growl carried between languages, "your life is of some value to the medic. Which is more than what I can say for the other Autobots."

    Jack took a shuddering breath, watching the tyrant approach with shaking knees. Though he would never admit it out loud, Megatron terrified him.

    "If given the chance, Arcee would save me," he said stubbornly.

    "And yet when offered the chance, Optimus Prime did not try to save his beloved medic," Megatron pointed out, now only a few steps from the human. "You will both soon come to see that the Autobots care not for your lives. They only use you until you are useless. Until you no longer function. Then you will be discarded like scrap!"

    The swing was predictable, and Jack was unsure if the Decepticon meant for it to be so. Regardless he ducked, his hair tousled by the wind of Megatron's claws scraping the air where his face had been. His wounds from before were slowing healing up, for once infection not taking advantage of his vulnerable state. But he could only receive so many cuts and scrapes.

    Megatron growled, the sound curling the hairs on Jack's neck. Instinctually he ducked again, bolting for an opening in the tyrant's guard. This was what Megatron wanted, claws gripping the back of his shirt and raising him up in the air. More tears resulted from the gladiator's sharp claws, Jack dropped on a sharp and unforgiving knee.

    He yowled in pain, Ratchet stirring from his struggle to shout at Megatron. The Decepticon ignored him, watching Jack slide to the ground and double over, coughing and gasping for air. Briefly he considered kicking the human again, but resisted. They were fragile, and unfortunately he would have to be delicate.

    Jack screamed louder as hot pain exploded from his shoulder, Megatron sinking his claws into his flesh. Using it as a grip he flipped the human over, ignoring the bright red stain of his blood on his claws and the floor. He instead considered his next cut, placing a pede on Jack's torso to keep him from squirming.

    "I find it interesting how a creature with our similar physiology and anatomy can be so easily crushed," he mused amongst Jack's cries of pain. He pushed a little harder on the boy's chest, feeling his bones begin to bend and spread, threatening to snap and surely kill him. The same motion also made it difficult for him to breathe, Jack's hands going from his bleeding shoulder to the weight on his ribs. His fingers were coated with his own blood, unable to get a grip due to the slick nature of the liquid. Megatron seemed far from disgusted with the foreign substance on his armor, though the gladiator could feel his own leg beginning to protest. His nanites had taken care of the energon flow and were unperturbed by the change in size, but he could not be rough with the wound.

    Jack's eyes widened as a clawed hand wrapped around one of his arms, gripping the bones there.

    "Megatron . . . enough," Ratchet rasped. He had been mostly ignored by the pair, but now Jack could see the medic had an entire view of what was happening. Ratchet could see the blood on the human's hands that also was staining the floor with increasing intensity, and the tears which had begun to run down Jack's cheeks. The wizened Autobot was soft, begging Megatron through his own despair to spare the human boy and just let him go.

    "Not until you have learned your lesson," Megatron snarled, digits tightening around Jack's arm. Within a split second Jack knew exactly what was going to happen, his survival instincts flooding to the surface.

    Like a wild animal he thrashed and kicked, one of his feet catching the warlord's knee, the one which was keeping him balanced as the other pressed against Jack's chest. Much to his surprise that elicited a howl of pain from the tyrant, and his weight shifted off of his chest. Rolling away Jack ripped his arm from Megatron's grip, standing as fuming anger flashed across the Decepticons face plates. Despite his pede practically crushing his chest, the Decepticon was not weighty, as Jack had suspected from their previous encounter. It seemed that the mass he had displaced quite literally was dis-placed from his body, stuck somewhere he could access to transform later. That meant that he probably only weighed a little more than Jack himself.

    Which he could certainly use to his advantage. It meant that he could fight back.

    As much as his second instinct was to not make Megatron even angrier, Jack felt it was better to fight back than just to take it. He had to show the dictator he was not backing down so easily.

    Megatron was far from amused, approaching the human and planning to punish him further for his insolence.

    Jack let out a primal scream, one that almost seemed to make Megatron flinch. He charged forward, throwing himself at the metal titan with as much force he could muster. It would have been stupid for him to start throwing punches, but he could certainly hit the areas that appeared to be weak spots, his fragile fists hitting Megatron's unprotected waist and abdominal region, one braving his face.

    "Ah!" Jack seethed as his skin split open, Megatron's sharp denta slicing into his delicate palm. Just as quickly as his assault happened it was over, Megatron gripping his neck and slamming him hard into the ground.

    The Decepticon then promptly spit, a glob of energon mixed with Jack's blood spattering against the floor next to his head. Vicious fangs glinted as Megatron snarled, cutting off all of Jack's air and watching him flail, not relenting even as Jack began to see dark spots.

    It was only until the human could not physically fight any longer that he let go. He watched as the pathetic human began sucking in air, still thoroughly ignoring Ratchet's screaming and pleading, feeling the medic's consciousness beat against his own.

    "You will learn submission, pest," he growled, digits wrapping around Jack's arm again.

    The boy barely had enough air to scream, hearing his bone crunch and feeling it shatter beneath the skin, immediately deforming his arm and causing it to bend at a sickening angle. Jack screamed until all he could do was gasp for air, his cheeks thoroughly soaked with tears. Finally, Megatron seemed to think that was enough, the tyrant standing and walking away. He spat again, getting the taste of Jack's blood out of his mouth, only partially surprised to be met with a metallic twang from the organic's blood. A shame Shockwave or another Decepticon scientist was not present, they could give an explanation for the strange sensation.

    Regardless, it disgusted him that the weakling had managed to not only briefly get the upper hand, but then get his fluids into the tyrant's intake. Megatron could have most certainly done without.

    "Release him," he ordered Soundwave after returning to his massive size, ignoring the brief episode of vertigo as Ratchet was let down from his restraints. The medic crawled over to his pet, quietly whispering his name and trying to get him to move. Jack was clearly in shock, shaking as he held his arm.

    Megatron ignored the sound of the organic throwing up. "I hope you have learned your lesson, medic. Do not cross me again, or there will be consequences for your incompetent actions."

    "Jack needs medical care," the Autobot begged him.

    "He will receive it when he deserves it," though it would be a waste for Jack to die, Megatron was more interested in the pair learning their lessons. He was not to be trifled with.

    "Please!" Ratchet begged him as he approached the door, the medic still on his knees as he pleaded with his captor. "Please, if you don't let him receive help, he could die . . ."

    Megatron did not pause as he made it to the door, preparing to type in the passcode and lock them inside.

    "Please . . . master . . ."

    His optics flashed up to see Ratchet gazing at the floor, his optics shut as if it physically pained him to speak the words.

    "He needs medical help. I will do anything . . . anything, to save his life," he murmured. "My . . . my lord."

    A vicious, victorious grin worked its way across Megatron's face, his mood significantly improved with just a few simple words.

    "I do have one thing, my pet."

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