airplane boyfriend mode activated.

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Hey guys. It's Kate again but this time I am suffering from jetlag.

Remember the trip Brandon and Jaden took to Korea? It seems that there is an annual trip to a random country every year.

Now I know why the school never has enough funds to buy equipment...

It seems there was a random draw that was hosted by the school to choose who was going with who. but with Anna as the in-charge of this poll, I don't think it was all that random...

So I had to suffer hours of constant annoyance known as Brandon Johnson.

Even thinking about him gives me headaches...

I have been at war with jetlag and him fussing over me is making it worse!

"Kate? Do you need anything? Tea? Pillows? What am I talking about! You have me but is there anything else you need?" I just grunt ignoring his delusional thinking that I want to cuddle with him.

"Brandon, for the sanity of everything you love -please stop talking and let me sleep!" I yelled at him.

"Okay. I will stop talking if it keeps your sanity" he says before laying down on the bed.

Oh Did I mention that there is only one bed? If not then now you know.

My face heats up as his reply finally makes sense. Damn that ass and his smooth comebacks!

I huff out as I sulked about being sent almost to the other side of the world with the one person that I didn't want to.

As I keep fuming about my bad luck, my eyelids grow heavy and close. The last thing I see is the black sky full of stars.


I wake up to the sound of Brandon shuffling back and forth on the bed.

"Can you please stop moving?" I deadpanned.

"Sorry, kate... I just haven't been able to sleep yet. I am also having a very bad tummy ache." That ass says sniffling.

Wait- sniffling?! Is he crying?

My question was answered when a pitiful hiccup escapes next to me.

I take my phone and check the time. It's 3 am and Brandon just said that he hadn't slept yet.

"Did this happen last time you travelled?" I ask him.

He shakes his head telling me it hasn't.

"I can't shit! It hurts!" He explodes in my face.

"Easy tiger! You don't have to get angry at me..." I say carefully.

I stand up and go to make some tea for him. As I make tea I noticed a hot water bottle and decide to make it as well as it is quite cold here in Japan during winter.

I also take a painkiller to help with the pain.

"Here take this pill. It will help with the pain. Afterwards drink the tea and use the hot water bottle. I am going to see if there is something to help with you sleeping" I said as I try to leave to find said something.

Keyword. Try.

"I don't need anything. I just need Kate to snuggle with me. Maybe a kiss will help too!" He said whining like a child.

"Fine. I will do it if it means you can actually sleep." I reply back.

I get into bed and get comfortable before opening my arms to the big baby that needs attention 24/7.

Said baby then cuddles into my chest with the hot water bottle in between us both. He looks up towards me expectantly.

I leaned in kiss him on the forehead. Then I start humming a song.

I pet his head and card my fingers through his hair. I look down to see Brandon's eyes drooping close.

I smile as Brandon tries to keep his eyes open only to fail miserably when it closes.

"Go to sleep, you dummy. I will still be here when you wake up." I say as he pouts when his eyes keep closing on him.

"Promise?" Brandon asks.

"Yes. I promise. Plus I can't leave you even if I wanted to remember? I am stuck here with you." I said only to be met with no reply.

I look down to see Brandon asleep.

"Good night Brandon."

After a few minutes, I join him in the land of dreams.


So... I am currently on my island here in my country and the WiFi here is so ridiculously slow that it is stupid beyond belief!

So sorry but updates will be a little slow especially with wattpad bailing on me every freaking second.

So with that
Ibs out!

Ja Ne. ❤

I can't believe I keep forgetting this....

Pls vote too... lol.

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