Hanging The Stars.

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Inspired by sunshine712
On Ao3.

Kate watches as Brandon gets flogged by girls. Today they were supposed to hang out. The ass’s words not mine. Yet here he is, hanging out with most of the female population of our school.

I wonder what colour T-shirt he is wearing.

Kate feels the telltale sign of prickling in his eyes. Of all times, it has to happen now.

He wills himself to not let it show. To keep it in until he can go homes and luckily luck is on his side this time. 

Just in time too because Brandon is making his way over. Kate rubs his eyes clean before leaning against the wall, trying to look cool. He ends touching a fresh chewing gum on the wall causing him to shriek in disgust before falling flat on his face since gravity is a b*tch.

Screw that. Luck is not on his side. Its loss anyway.

“Kate?! Are you okay?”

“Oh I am absolutely fine. So fine that gravity fell for me- Asshole! I just fell on my beautiful face and you ask me am I fine?”

He just chuckles, and Kate can feel his heart do the weird thing again. Brandon extends a hand which Kate takes, yanking himself up from the ground.

Brandon’s eyes seem to be stuck on his ass. Nothing suprising there. 

It's the fact that he has the f*cking balls to try and grope Kate in broad daylight that pisses me off. Kate slaps his hand away and the public offender yelps like a puppy denied its favourite treat.

“Why did you hit me? I am just trying to get the gum that’s on your pants.”

Oh no. don’t tell me-

“Don’t tell you what? That you have gum on your pants?”

“Why don’t you say it a bit louder for those that haven’t heard you yet?”

Brandon smiles that-stupid- smile of his.

“We still have a few minutes before my sister is back home and we have to go there too so how about we make a quick stop at your place so you can get your pants changed?”

Kate nods and walks off in the direction of his house. He knows Brandon will follow him so he doesn’t bother checking if he is there.

Alas- He forgot that luck had forsaken his b*tch ass a long time back.

Kate ends up tripping one more time, his shoelace suddenly untied-when did that happen- falls on his ass. Then get some of the fallen leaves on the pavement stuck to the gum-autumn. You just gotta love autumn- which he tries to get.

He forgets that he is in front of the house with that one rabid dog that barks at everything that gets too close. The dog barks, scaring the ever living shit out Kate making him turn and run backwards onto the road.

Kate has the memory of a goldfish so he forgets that he just ran on to the road and gets a wake up call from mother flowering life as a car literally comes crashing through the fence killing the dog-deserved- and at him.

He being the dumb scared idiot he is, freezes up on the spot cause his brain said  I am going to forget my flight or fight instinct. 

Luckily Brandon is there to save the day like the prince he is.

He yanks Kate towards him, chest to back and watches as the car zooms by them.

Wow. Even death said I am leaving this shit show.

Kate tries to separate himself from Brandon but Brandon wouldn’t let go. He also notices that the dog isn’t dead but is actually unconcious cause it got so scared.

“You always grab opportunities by the throat and hold them hostage don’t you?”

“I mean yeah- dad always told me if the opportunity strikes, seize it by it’s balls and don’t let go.”

I am pretty sure that is not how that saying goes.

“You can let go now.”

“I can’t.”

“What do you mean you can’t? You just unwrap your arms around me and let me walk away. Simple.”

“I mean the gum on your pants is now on my pants too.”


So guess who waddles through the street with a fully grown man attached to him? Me. 

Brandon being the absolute Kate-sexual person he is, is grinning cause he gets to snuggle with the love of his life while Kate looks like an angry blonde haired chihuahua that accidentally pissed itself while drinking water. Pregnancy things.

They make it to Kate’s house with no dead bodies-Brandon- and step up to the front door.

“My mom still hates you for breaking Anna’s heart so when I open the door I need you to run the both of us upstairs.”

“Why the both of us?”

“Oh- I don't know? Maybe because we are literally joined at the pelvis!”

“Oh yeah. I was so busy snuggling you that I forgot.”

There. That weird feeling again.

Kate shakes his head and opens the door. He shrieks when his thighs are grabbed and lifted up so his feet are touching the floor anymore. It almost looks like he is sitting on an imaginary chair now. Before his mom could come check what that demonic screech is, Brandon dashes inside and up the stairs to Kate’s room.

They forgot to close the door.

“Unbotton your pants while I do the same so we can take it off at the same time.”

“So bold Kate! Was this your plan all along?”

“What? Do you ever stop thinking with your southern head?”

“Yeah. only when I am not around you.”

Oh my God. Someone for the love of all things nice please save me from this nightmare.

Kate hears the sound of rustling before the sound of a zipper being pulled echoes throughout the room. He does the same.

“On the count of three. 1. 2. 3!”

They both manage to be in sync, tugging their pants down at the same time. Kate finally manages to separate himself from the ass. He doesn’t look behind him and goes towards his closet to pick another pair of pants.

“Can you give me a pair too? I would appreciate it if you could give me a pair of yellow jeans if you do have one.”

“Why yellow?”

“It matches my outfit.”

“Is this yellow enough for you?”

“Uh.. Kate? That’s green.”

“Wait really?”

Did I lose another colour already? 

“So I was right. You are colour blind.”

“What? No. I am not colour blind you ass. I can’t see colours cause-”


Kate knows he said too much. Brandon is as stubborn as him. He wouldn’t let this go. 

“It is nothing. Forget I said anything.”

Kate waits for the whining that would come. It never comes. He looks behind him and Kate instantly pales. In his eyes, Kate could see the stars. The stars that he cries in the dead of the night and hides in his closet in the morning. All because he fell in love with something he could never have.

“When did it start?”

“What? What do you mean?”

“When did you start crying stars and losing the ability to see colour? What colours can you even see? Kate, why did you never tell me? I could have helped-”

“No! I don’t want your help! I can get through this fine. Besides, I can still see reds and oranges.” 

That is enough for Kate. It is enough because he can still see the colour of the eyes of the man standing in front of him. Still as brown as he can remember. It's a shame he might not ever see it again. 

Kate keeps staring only to flinch away when Brandon reaches up to his cheek to cup them so he can catch something.

An orange star.

When did he start crying?

“Oh Kate…”

He looks up into this man’s eyes and already can see how dull his eyes look and that is only one star. 

He doesn’t want to not see colour anymore. He never liked black and white coloured movies anyway. He doesn’t want to look in the mirror and not see how blue his eyes are just so he can wish they are brown insead. He doesn’t want to look at his sister and not see what colour makeup she is wearing so he can keep insulting her.

He doesn’t want to stop seeing the brown of his eyes.

So he breaks down. No matter how much he wills to not cry, the pain of trying to hold back star tears is immense. He watches as Brandon catches all of his stars in his palms, the orange colour slowly fading. 

He looks up and notices that Brandon’s eyes don’t look the same anymore. 

It makes him cry more. The soft sound of tingles as the stars fall from his eyes one by one, unable to stop it. Brandon's palms become full and the stars start piling before slowly falling to the floor.

Yet Brandon just stays there, unmoving, collecting all of his stars. He hiccups and sobs, still crying before the colour orange completely fades away. The stars in Brandon’s palms once so vibrantly orange now only look grey.

Yet the soft tingles don’t stop. 

He looks up and gasps when he sees red stars fall from Brandon’s eyes. Instinctively he moves to collect them in his hands but Brandon moves his face away. The red stars just slowly falling onto the floor.

“Why? I don’t understand-”

“You still don’t get it? Who did I confess to having a crush on- no falling in love with? Tell me Kate? Who did I confess to saying that I loved them?”


“Exactly. Yet here I am seeing you suffer the same way I am. Tell me Kate? Was it fun leading me on?”


“Don’t go dumb on me. You knew I liked you but you never once said about liking someone else. Was it fun having me run after knowing that you would never return my feelings?”

No. shut up. Why would you say that? 

So Kate slaps him.

It stuns Brandon so bad that he stops crying. It stuns Kate so bad that he looks surprised as well.

“Why would you-”

“You wanted to know whether it was fun seeing you chase after me? Then listen while I tell you how fun it was seeing you go through the hallways and have girls flock to you. It was so fun that I couldn’t stop laughing through my tears as I watched girls come to you with confessions! I still remember how hilarious it was seeing those girls keep you from coming to me so we could hangout! It was so f*cking amazing to see you entertain them while you said that you loved me!”

The telltale sign of prickling behind Kate’s eyelids makes him stop talking since it hurts like getting stabbed but this time he cries silently not bothering to keep composure.

He looks good either way so why bother.

Brandon doesn’t say anything. He just stares, his palms still collecting the star tears falling from Kate’s eyes.

Kate finally looks away, moving backwards. His stars are now falling to the floor. However before he can move away completely, Brandon yanks Kate towards him, holding him close. The stars falling and jingling as they make contact with the floor.

“Why is it that you can say the ugly truth when it comes to other people but lie when it comes to me?”

“What- I did not lie! You asshole! Let me go! I just told you what you wanted to hear and you insult me?!”

“I love you Kate.”

Kate stops struggling instantly and closes his eyes tight, afraid that even if Brandon said what he wanted to hear, it wouldn’t be true.

“Won’t you open your eyes for me Katty? Won’t you say I love you back to me? I ain’t letting you go until you say it.”

“Must you always strangle every opportunity you get?”

“I don’t know. Why don’t you tell me?”

Kate couldn’t help it but laugh. A full body laugh that leaves him breathless and shaking in the arms that held him.

“Plus you aren’t an opportunity.”

“If I ain’t an opportunity for you to get back your ability to see colors then what am I?”

“You are my colour Kate. Even if I can’t see all the colours, having you around brings the colour back to my grey world.”

“Ew. Stop. I am getting second hand embarrassment from what you just said.”

“But it is the truth-”

His sentence is cut short when Kate opens his eyes and gasps. He couldn’t help but mirror his reaction.  

Kate’s eyes are blue.

“Why on earth are you crying now? Did you finally realize how stupid you sounded when you said that?”

Kate couldn’t continue his sentence any further. Not with the insistent lips on his. He struggles at first-like hell I am letting that ass take control-before saying f*ck it and just let Brandon do as he pleases.

It would have been the perfect moment if they had managed to put their pants on before deciding to just make out in Kate’s room.

Went for a 500 word shot but eh- ended up with 2000.
Also this is me trying to bring back THE Kate and playing around with his sarcasm. Don't know if I did it though.

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