Chapter 1

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     "Branch! Get your lousy blue butt in here!" a purple teenager with light blue hair that faded into a greenish-yellow color at the tip yelled out angrily, her hands on her hips as she waited for her victim to comply to her orders.

     "I'm busy!" another voice yelled back from somewhere off in the house.
"Now, Branch!" the girl yelled back, her voice filled with anger and hate.


     In his bedroom, a small light blue troll with tall blueish-black hair sat on his bed, focused completely on a video game he was currently playing with his two best friends. A pink pop troll with dark pink hair named Poppy, and a dark blue techno troll named Synth.

     "Synth! 12:00!" Branch yelled out, the young techno troll immediately following his friend's instructions, making his game character shoot the computer generated ghost on screen. "Poppy! 2:00!" he yelled out, the pink troll following orders and doing the same.

     "Yes! Next level!" Synth yelled out excitedly, the three trolls high-fiveing each other in victory.

     "Level 220!" Branch cheered. "It's a new Trollstopia Middle record!"
"Woo!" Poppy and Synth shouted, hugging Branch tightly.

     "We are so ready for the Ghouls and Ghosts competition this Friday, Yo!" Synth yelled out, totally hyped up for their big break.

     "Yeah. You know... once we win this gaming competition... we might actually have a shot at getting in with the cool kids at school," Branch said excitedly.
"Well..." Synth started. "You and I can, Branch... Poppy here could get in with them any time she wanted."
"And yet I choose to stay with you two dorks," Poppy joked, rolling her eyes slightly.

     Branch laughed, grabbing his best friend in his arms, trapping her in a gentle head lock.

     "You know you love us," he laughed, playfully ruffling up the pink troll's hair.

     "Do I know that?" Poppy asked with a smile, fixing up her hair after pushing Branch off of her. "Yes... yes I do..."

     "BRAAAAAAAAANCH!" the angry voice of the teenage troll suddenly rung out again, causing Branch to roll his eyes in annoyance.

     "I'll be right back, guys..." he said, pushing pause on the game they were playing, as he slowly rose to his feet. "I gotta go deal with my older sister..."

     "But Bro ..." Synth whined, grabbing onto the light blue troll's arm to hold him back. "We need to practice man."

     "We can't practice if the queen of sass keeps screaming out my name!" Branch yelled out, hoping his sister would hear and stop bothering him and his friends.

     "Branch!" she suddenly yelled again. Clearly the light blue pop troll's strategy had not worked out as planned...

     "I need to go see what she wants..." he groaned, walking out of the room. "I promise I'll only be gone a minute."


"BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANCH!" the purple troll yelled out loudly. "Branch, get in here! Branch!"

     "Jeez... would you just shut up already!?" Branch groaned, opening up his sister's bedroom door as he walked in. "What is it that you want, Leaf? I'm kinda busy with..."
"What did you do to my laptop, dweeb!?" she interrupted, holding up her destroyed computer to show her brother the damage 'he' had no doubt caused to it.

     "What!? Me!?" Branch yelled out in disbelief. "Why do you think I did it!?"
"Because you're always sneaking into my room and stealing my stuff!" Leaf yelled in reply. "Remember that time you came in here just to try on my cloths and waste all my makeup on your hideous face!?"
"I was two, Leaf!" he defended. "And stop bringing that up! It's embarrassing!"

     They began screaming at each other in anger, both of them talking over the other so neither one of them could be heard in the slightest.

     "You know what... fine!" Leaf finally yelled out, causing Branch to stop talking for a moment. "If you want to wreck my stuff... than I'll just break your stuff in return!"

     Suddenly... without any warning whatsoever... the purple troll reached forwards, snatching the game controller her brother was holding, right out of his hand, before quickly snapping it in half.

     "What the hair, Leaf!?" Branch yelled out in anger, his eyes wide in disbelief as he quickly grabbed back his now broken controller, looking down at it sadly.

     "Serves you right, dork..." Leaf said, turning away from him. "That'll teach you to mess with me..."

     Branch looked up at her, his eyes narrowed as a small growl of anger escaped his throat.

     "You lousy piece of sugar!" he suddenly yelled out in pure uncontrollable rage. "I hate you!"

     Suddenly, without even thinking, the light blue pop troll made what had to be the dumbest decision of his life... he threw half of the broken controller at his sister, hitting her right in the back of her head...

     "Ugh oh..." he muttered softly, his eyes widening in horror as he realized what he had just done.

     "Grr..." Leaf growled softly, slowly turning back to face her brother. "You... are so dead..."

     Branch gulped in terror at the sound of his sister's words, before he turned, quickly running out of the room.

     "Get back here, twerp!" Leaf yelled out, chasing after him, ready to rip his head right off his tiny body.

     "AHHHHH!" Branch screamed out, continuing to run for his life. "Mom! Dad! HELP!"

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