You're My Supernova

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This is a Valentine's Day special, it takes place after the movie.


It was a beautiful day in Troll Village, it was also decorated in red, pink and white because it was a day before Valentine's Day, a day where all trolls shared their love for one another.

And Poppy, of course, was the one to love that holiday. It was truly one of her favorites, besides Hug Day, obviously.

She was in her pod, creating cards for all of her friends while humming a tune.

2 hours later...(already the afternoon)

Once she finished all her friends' cards and her father's card, King Peppy, she counted the cards, which took like forever, but felt her heart drop as she noticed something was missing...she forgot to make Branch's card!!! And what's worse, is that this day's almost gonna end soon, since they got so many activities planned for tomorrow.

"Oh no I forgot to make Branch a Valentine's Day card!!!" She exclaimed. She stopped freaking out and thought of what to give him.

It can't be just another card, since it's every year she gives him that. This was Branch, her boyfriend, she was talking about here and he literally deserves the best, just not too much. Or too glittery.

So, while thinking about what to give him, she walked by her friends' (Smidge, DJ Suki, the fashionista twins, Zuna, and Ashlyn) hangout pod. They were just having a chat about this day. She went to them.

"Hey girls." Poppy greeted.

"Hey Poppy." Her friends smiled at her, happy to see their pink friend.

"I need your help!!!" She said while panicking again.

Suki asked. "What is it?" Poppy started crying, saying through her sobs, "I forgot to make Branch a Valentine's Day gift!" She his her face in her hands, embarrassed and ashamed.

Zuna walked over to her, patting her back and trying to comfort her. "Hey that's okay, it happens to best of us." But Poppy looked up at her and shook her head. "But this is our first holiday as a couple, how could I not make him a gift in time?! Now how am I supposed to find a meaningful gift in the next 24 hours?! I'm the worst girlfriend ever!"

She covered her face again, but Ashlyn spoke up. "Okay I think I have an idea." Poppy looked at her. "Have you ever consider singing to him, meaningfully?" Poppy didn't get it first, but then her face turned a bright pink with blush. Of course she sings to him all the time, but some of those are mostly meaningless and Branch would often get confused by it.

She shook her her head and played with her hair, saying. "Not really, I guess I haven't thought of that..." Ashlyn asked the twins. "How long would it take to make five dresses for us?" Satin and Chenille both gasped, both of them getting ideas and said. "Noon tomorrow!"

Smidge, who knows what Ashlyn is thinking, then turned to DJ, asking. "Can you make a totally romantic Valentine's Day track?" DJ smiled and said. "You bet I can!" Running off to her studio/pod. Poppy looked between her friends, somewhat concerned, and raised her hand to get their attention. But Smidge just grabbed her, taking her to her pod, and pulling her towards the table that was covered in craft supplies. "Don't worry about a thing Poppy, we have a plan!  Now listen carefully!"


And Poppy spent the rest of the night taking measurements, listening to music samples, and still wanna make Branch a very special card, which she did. And by the end of the night she passed out from exhaustion, too tired to worry about what was to come. The next day Poppy awoke and put on her Valentine face, greeting everyone throughout Troll Village with her love for this holiday.

The day went great as planned, not a single bump in the proverbial road to speak of. There were heart-shaped cookies, playing games, telling some love stories.

And to finish it all off was a beautiful Valentine's concert with everyone, even Branch sang a couple of love tunes. And then Poppy had to leave early, leaving the card exchange to her friends.

Now Branch was a little confused why Poppy just split like that, kind of disappointed he didn't get to wish her a Happy Valentine, or asked her to be his, before he went home. When Suki came around, Branch approached her asking. "Hey DJ, why did Poppy run off? Is everything okay? Suki just gave him a smile, handing him his card and saying nothing.

Branch stared after her confused, what was going on today? He opened his card, and on the front was a depiction of Poppy as Cupid. She was above between two troll lovers, and when he opened it he just barely dodged the fountain of glitter that sprayed everywhere. He shook his head and shook the card to get the last bits of glitter out, then read the beautiful handwriting.

"Happy Valentine's Day my one and only, I'm glad I get to celebrate this day with you. Please meet me at the mushroom stage in the forest so I can give you your first present from me, hopefully you like it. Love Poppy." He smiled, glad that she wasn't just abandoning him for the day (it's already the afternoon) . So he made his way to the stage, kind of wondering what she got him.

He honestly would have been just fine with a card, he was simple like that. But that didn't mean he was going to turn down what Poppy had to offer.


Everything was set up. Poppy was nervous but excited, the girls mirrored her. Poppy had given Branch an invitation, telling him to meet her at the mushroom stage at this time, alone. He arrived; Poppy was just standing on the stage with the girls (Zuna, Ashlyn & the twins) ,wearing a sparkly outfit. It brought confusion to his face.

"Poppy? What's going on-" before he could proceed, DJ Suki started playing music, signalling Poppy to start. Poppy turned around, her back facing Branch and so did the girls. Then she started singing.

At the last dance number, the others disappear so they can let the two have their moment, and Poppy, she hopped off stage and grabbed his leafy vest with both of her hands and smashed her lips into his. She melted effortlessly into it, and Branch, a little shocked, but allow Poppy's lips take control.

She let go, and smiled at him contently. Branch mirrored. He grabbed both her hands, and looked at her straight in her eyes.

"Poppy." He said. He couldn't believe she went through all this just for him.

"You're amazing."

And before she could say or sing another word, now that he had a bit of practice, he claimed her lips once more.


Poppy's POV

Branch's lips connected into mine again. But this time it was harder and more amazing than what we had a while ago. He then gently bit my lower lip making me smile a little.

He then slowly pulled away leaving me breathless than ever. I was still in dazed but then kissed him again deepening it.

But he pulled away smiling.

"Wait I have to show you something" He said.

"What is it?" I asked.

He grabbed my hand then we started heading down an unfamiliar path.

"You'll see." Was all he said.

I stared at him curiously seeing if I could get an answer out of him but he just laughed.

"It's a surprise Poppy." Branch stated and my eyes widened at this.

"A surprise?!" I started to get excited at this. A little ironic since I also threw a surprise for him, but hey, I love surprises! Especially when they're from him.

"Yup." He said. "Which is why I can't tell you."

We continued walking until Branch stopped me.

He then covered my eyes with a blindfold telling me that the surprise was up ahead so he lead me to where it was making sure I don't hurt my self.

"How much longer?" I asked. "My feet hurt"

I then heard Branch chuckle.

"Don't worry just a couple more steps." He noted.

After a couple more steps he stopped me.

"Were here." He said and I felt in front of me now and took the blindfold off, and saw Branch and I in a *gasps* a beautiful garden in a shape of a heart!!! The garden was filled with so many roses and other red flowers that sparkled as the moonlight struck them.

"Wow!" I said, amazed. "This..this place's just so...AMAZING!"

"Say anything you want, Poppy. Branch said. "This place is all for you." I began to walk around and admiring the beauty of the garden. I then heard music playing..Then an angelic voice came...Is it Branchie singing? It is!!!I saw him at center of the garden singing to me with a smile.

I had tears of joy in my eyes as he stopped singing and approached me. "Poppy." He said as I looked into his beautiful blue eyes.

"Yes?"I asked. He pulled closer to him and finally said what I've been waiting for. "Will you be my Valentine?"

"YES YES YES!!!" I screamed happily and kissed him, he kissed me back. Our first Valentine's Day as a couple, it was perfect. Branch broke the kiss looking deeply into my eyes.

"I love you." Branch said, hugging me.

"I love you too." I said, hugging him too as we kissed again. There's only one thought in my head that just describes him and only him.

You are my Supernova💏💏



Well that was a long one, almost 1800 words! Sorry for the slow update and that this is two days late. The songs used in here are 'Supernova' by Charis Ow (Branch can actually understand what the songs are saying, even if they're in a different language and I just love the idea of the trolls speaking and understanding different languages😊) and 'Mirrors' by Justin Timberlake. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I do, Have a Happy Valentine's Day, everybody!


Ps. Ashlyn doesn't belong to me. She's Chipmunklover16's and I really like her when I first read her book with Ashlyn and Archer.

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