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I don't own KHR or Naruto, Amano Akira and Masashi Kishimoto does.


"A ninja must see underneath the underneath"

- Hatake Kakashi


Naruto never thought that she would say something like this about someone related to Tsuna, but she was going to kill his father.

After they started their training that morning, before school started, Tsuna decided to tell her about his father and her dislike for the man started with just a few words. If he hadn't been so absent and liar (and doesn't matter what Tsuna says, he knows that the man is lying. Because frankly, working with penguins in the Polo North is an excuse as worse as the ones Kakashi used), then maybe Tsuna would have been stronger (be it mentally, physically or emotionally).

That day, she was trying to teach him the basic katas for the Academy Taijutsu Style when she noted that someone was watching the two of them. In the beginning, Naruto decided to ignore it thinking it was Hibari again (who had been stalking her since their short fight days ago), but the hiding presence didn't have the same feeling as Hibari, it seemed more malicious than irritated and curious.

Not liking the way the presence seemed to focus only on Tsuna, Naruto made her friend run around the old man's house wearing weights till he couldn't move anymore, nodding her head with satisfaction when he began to whimper. Using this as an excuse to finish their training session early, she asked him to wait for inside the house and prepare himself for school while she finished her own katas.

Sighing, Naruto put one of her hands in her hair discreetly and smiled as the familiar material of the senbon she had hidden there touched her fingers. With precision, she threw the senbon toward the presence who still had to show any sign that it would leave his hiding place among the trees behind the house.

Hearing a gasp of pain, Naruto smirked knowing she had hit the target and that now she could identify the presence as a man. The man came out of his hiding place with one hand on his right arm which was bleeding. Naruto frowned a little disappointed, but decided to remain silent as she waited for the man speak.

He was not very special. The man possessed hair and brown eyes and he was not much taller than Iruka ... In fact, if they were in the midst of a crowd, Naruto would never think of looking in his direction more than one time.

"It seems the information was wrong." Naruto narrowed her eyes. "The CEDEF leader's son did have protection..."

What the hell is CEDEF?

The man shook his head as he walked in Naturo and smiled, a sick smile that made her think of Kabuto, and toke his hand from his wounded arm. Naruto watched with pure disbelief as his hand was consumed by some type of red flame.

This is not chakra!

Not wanting to see how those flames could affect her, Naruto focused some chakra in her feet and before the man could even react she was in front of him. She grabbed his injured arm, making him scream, and moved it backwards. With another fast movement, the man was facing the ground with a kunai in his neck. He looked at Naruto from the corner of his eyes, and if the situation wasn't so serious, the blonde would have laughed at the expression on the man face that starting to get as pale as an Uchiha.

"Now... Why don't you answer some of my questions like a good boy?" If he could, the man would have paled even more at her grin. But she didn't blame him, not when she tried to make an expression that Anko would be proud of.


Sawada Iemitsu was a member of the mafia and the man hadn't even made any type of precaution so his family would safe of his enemies! Not even a missing-nin would be so stupid! Was it just her impression or he was really trying to get himself killed? Because Iemitsu just found his place into her black list after this event.

The man was more than willing to answer her questions when he realize that, compared to Naruto, he could very well be considered an amateur in his profession even if the blonde did not show many signs of being a professional assassin.

He explained to her what the mafia was and what it did, who Sawada Iemitsu really was, Iemitsu's importance for the Vongola (one of the, if not the, most powerful famiglia in the world) and why Tsuna was being targeted.

Naruto did not know if she wanted to roll her eyes or growl after hearing about the Vongola Nono's son and the Varia, Kobayashi's employers. They were, in her eyes, pathetic. Betraying their own family and killing the competition? Wouldn't it be easier to fight against each other to find out who would be the most qualified candidate for the place as Vongola's Decimo?

Naruto asked it to Kobayashi and he shook his head frantically. He did not know since he was a mere freelance assassin who decided to help the Varia because the payment was very generous.

And as he explained to her how Tsuna was the only heir alive and the boy connection to the Vongola Primo, Kobayashi had also admitted that he had been chosen to get rid of Tsuna because the boy was too weak and the lack of attention that Iemitsu gave his family.

Naruto stabbed him for the insult and the remainder of how he got so close of her friend.

Tsuna was not weak, she knew that now. The only reason he was so clumsy and lacking confidence was because his powers had been sealed by the current head of the Vongola because of the request made by Iemitsu (Is always him!).

Naruto had to take a deep breath at that moment. Was Iemitsu the reason of everything bad that had happened in Tsuna's life?

Naruto would have continued with her interrogation if not for the old man calling her to change her clothes because Tsuna's mom (A woman called Nana who seemed to have a partnership with the old man, she was always making comments of how she should wear clothes more feminine) wanted her and Tsuna to stop at the Sawada's residence before going to school. She wanted to show them something. And for some motive, Naruto was feeling like what Nana wanted to show them was going show not just her life, but Tsuna too.

Worse yet, was that the possible change had some relation with the mafia.

And I was thinking that this world would be boring... How troublesome dattebayo!

After the conversation with Kobayashi, Naruto was in a bad mood.

Before she sealed Kobayashi's memories (an idea she had after debating with herself what she would do with him), Naruto asked what kind of power Tsuna had that was so powerful that Iemitsu didn't want him to use to the point of asking the Vongola Nono to seal it. In the end, he explained the flames he had tried to use against her.

While this world didn't have chakra, they did have something called Dying Will Flame which is described as high-density form of energy that is refined from one's own life-force (Spiritual part of Chakra if she wasn't wrong). From what Kobayashi said, the Dying Will Flame is in many ways alike a real flame, possessing even its own destructive properties.

Dying Will Flames are graded accordingly with their purity, which has a direct relationship with the strength of an individual's resolve. Among other things, this rate of purity serves to indicate how much of the special characteristics of the Flames are being drawn out. Each Flame's attribute has its own special characteristic and there are two kinds of Dying Will Flames, Flames of the Sky and Flames of the Earth. However, there are also several special Flames that do not belong in any of those categories.

Tsuna was not only a candidate for the position of boss of the Vongola, but also had Sky Flames which are the rarest and the most comparable to actual flames among all the Dying Will Flames of the Sky.

"Naru-chan! Your friend is waiting for you in the kitchen!"

"Wait a minute old man!" Naruto sighed and toke her bag looking at the palm of her hand before nodding satisfied as the storage seal she had placed there started to disappear. After Kobayashi appearance, she decided to storage some weapons more deathly than her kunais and shurikens for precaution. That and her instincts were warning her that something was going to happen and she would need the weapons. "Naru-chan?"

Naruto blinked and turned in direction of the door to see the old man smiling at her. He was wearing his favorite green kimono and holding a bowl of ranmen that made her almost want to steal it from him, but it wasn't time for ranmen... Who she was trying to kidding whit this? There's always time for ranmen, she just couldn't think about it in the moment.

"Ara, are you alright Naru-chan?"

"I'm fine why?"

He raised a white eyebrow and even if she couldn't see his eyes because of his round glasses or if his face was complete blank, Naruto knew that he was amused.

"No dattebayo this time?"

"Ok, I'm not fine."

"Because of our little visitor?" She stared at him, not even little surprised that he knew, it was his house after all. "Wonomichi had to take his body away; you should know better Naru-chan."

Naruto nodded.

"I know old man ... I'll do better next time..."

"Good girl!" He patted her head. "Now, you would make me very happy if you distanced yourself from that boy! He wants to take you from me and I cannot allow it!" Naruto rolled her eyes and grinned.

"Whatever you say Kawahira-ojisan!" He shook his head murmuring about what he should do to make sure she didn't get to close from Tsuna and walked away.

Kawahira, the old customer and friend from the man that helped her enter school (the ranmen chief), was a mysterious man who Naruto knew wasn't normal. Not because of his personality or the fact that he seemed to know more about her than anyone else, but because he saw her doing jutsus before and just smiled like that was completely normal and offered his garden for training grounds.

Now that she thought about it... After he heard from Wonomichi (his assistant or so she thought), that her famous best friend was Tsuna, the old had decided that she should choose another friend or just be home schooled. "Is too dangerous" He would say. "He will take you from me." He would cry. "If you don't stay away from him, I will find another way." He threatened.

Did Kawahira says all of it because he knew that Tsuna was technically a member of the mafia?

Naruto sighed and placed a hand on her head.

"This is starting to give me a headache..."

I'm starting to miss my D-Rank missions; they were simpler and didn't make me think so much...


Walking beside Naruto, Tsuna knew he was starting to bother his blonde haired friend with his stare. But he was beginning to worry about her. Since they left her house half an hour ago, she had yet to jump on him or start talking about ninjas and ranmen. This wasn't the Uzumaki Naruto he knew and it made he start to question the motives for her staying in the garden alone and dismissing him early from training, and Tsuna knew that she had made him run more than the normal because she was looking for an excuse for him to leave.

"Tsuna we are here." Tsuna blinked his eyes surprised. He hadn't noted.

Naruto smiled and patted his head as saying "I'm ok". He stared at her as she walked in direction of his house where his mother was waving to them with a big smile on her face. Not knowing if he should say something, Tsuna sighed and followed his friend, smiling back at his mother as he noted that she was holding a piece of paper in her hands.

"Thank you for coming Naru-chan, Tsu-kun!"

Naruto smiled as she entered the house, placing her hands behind her head. He just nodded and closed the door, blinking his eyes surprised when the piece of paper his mother was holding with so much excitement was practically rubbed in his face.

"W-What's that?" He asked, trying to hide his embarrassment as Naruto placed herself as close to him as possible and brought her face next to his so she could have a better view of what was written.

"Starting today a home tutor is going to be coming! I thought it would help you and Naru-chan more. Even if your grades are getting better and she's a good student."

"I –"

Naruto cleared her throat beside him, making Tsuna smile a little. Even if he was getting increasingly uncomfortable with the fact that his mother had decided to call a tutor. In his opinion, Naruto was all the help he needed. She was the only one who could explain the most difficult subjects to him and make it look easy.

"We don't need a tutor."

His mother ignored him in favor of reading the paper.

"I'll raise your child to become the leader of the next generation. I'm young and good looking!" Naruto blinked her eyes and groaned.

"Please, tell me she didn't believe it..." The blonde murmured.

"And as long as he has a place to sleep and a meal, he'll teach you twenty four hours for free!"

"Kami... She did believe it!" Tsuna nodded slowly, not believing at how innocent his mother could be.

"Mom... That just smells like a scam–" He blinked his eyes before screaming, starling Naruto who looked at him before fowling his eyes to the clock in the wall. "What's? It's already this late?"

"I thought we were early..." Naruto murmured.

"How can you be so calm?" His friend hummed as she took a golden pocket-watch from her bag.

"I was right," She showed him the watch. "We're not late. That clock is wrong."

His mother looked at them before screeching her head with a small smile.

"Oh my... I forgot about it. Our clock is broken."

Tsuna sighed while Naruto chuckled. "Mom..."


The three of them blinked and turned to see a baby standing behind them. The baby, a boy by the look of it, was wearing a black fedora with a thick orange stripe running across the sides of the cone. He had black eyes and wears an all-black suit with black boots and a red long sleeved polo with a blue necktie underneath. Also, he had a necklace with a yellow pacifier around his neck.

His mother was the first to wake up from the trance they seemed to find and approached the baby with a gentle smile. He tried to do the same thing, but Naruto stopped him by extending her arm in front of him. Tsuna looked at her confused, but she just shook her head and turned to the baby. Her turquoise eyes were flashing dangerously, as if warning the baby that if he did something she would hurt him.

And by the way the baby was looking at her, he had also understood it.

"Where did you came from little boy?"

"I'm..." He made a pause, pulling something out of his suit. Naruto snorted as the baby showed them a card. "a home tutor. Reborn."

"Home tutor?" His mother asked slowly as a moment of silence prevailed around them.


Who would name their child Reborn?

His mother started to chuckle, but he stayed quiet as Naruto toke a step closer to him. Seeing the tip of the kunai she was always had hidden in the sleeve of her jacket made him realize that definitely wasn't a normal baby. Not when Naruto seemed ready to attack the baby. And Tsuna knew that she would never harm a child. Unless that child hurt any of her precious people of course.

But how this baby would hurt him? Is just a baby!

"I'm sorry to interrupt, obachan..." Naruto said making his mother look at her. "But I think that we should go to school now. I don't want to have to deal with Hibari today..." With a small grin, Naruto waved to his mother who returned the gesture. The blonde turned, opening the door and walking out of the house without looking back. Tsuna shook his head trying to understand what she had just said until the name Hibari finally registered in his mind.

"HIIEE! Wait for me Naruto-chan!" Waving to his mother, Tsuna ran with desperation to reach Naruto who was already a good distance from his home. Stopping when he finally managed to reach her, Tsuna began to laugh quietly in a ditch attempt to talk start a conversation with his best friend.

He did not like it when Naruto wasn't smiling, it made him feel lost.

"What was with that kid?"

"I'm a hitman."

He laughed again, not seeing the way Naruto head snapped in his direction. "A hitman, that's stupi – HIIEE!"

Tsuna's eyes widened when he touched the ground. He had thought that he had seen wrong and that the shadowed figure that he had seen was just his imagination, but what he was seeing made him realize how wrong he was. Naruto was in front of him holding a kusarigama while the weapon chain was wrapped around the strange baby neck and the chameleon wich was in his hat early, was now laying on the floor a few feet away.


"Stay away or I will hurt you." She said to the baby who was staring at her with narrowed eyes, but Tsuna still could see surprise there too.

"But Naru-chan! He's just a –" Naruto glared at him making Tsuna back a way and close his mouth. She turned to the baby again and moved her hand making the chain tighten around the baby's neck. The chameleon, Tsuna noticed as he panicked more, began to glow but a second Naruto stepped on it, stopping the little animal from moving and making it moan on pain.

If he hadn't already seen her create a hundred identical clones with only a few hand signs, Tsuna knew he would have fainted in that moment. But seeing the kurisagama in her hands when he knew she hadn't the weapon in her possession before, made him give a high pitched scream.

"He's not a baby. No baby has so much power! And I'm already angry with the mafia because of the surprise visit we had early." She growled.

Tsuna kept his mouth shut, knowing that asking her what had happened in the garden wasn't a good idea if it had left her in such foul mood.

"So why are you here? What do you want with Tsuna?" His friend asked, her eyes changing of color much like that time she had fought with Hibari. It was the same mixture of orange and reddish-brown.

Tsuna stared at the baby as he got up from the floor. He knew that the baby wasn't normal because of the way that Naruto was acting in his house, but how a baby could be so dangerous to his safety as to make Naruto want to fight to protect him?

Tsuna looked at his feet and clenched his fists.

Naruto was protecting him again...

I need to get stronger...

Kurama (Kyuubi)

He knew that his vessel was weak, but to almost lose her life again because of one of her supposed precious people was beginning to annoy him. First with the battle between the Sannin and now with that damned Uchiha.

At least now, he hoped she had learned her lesson. Moreover, this world wouldn't be too hard to survive, not with all those important and useful scrolls he influenced her to steal from the Hokage library (not that the girl knew it, the brat would end up talking with that sage and he would tamper with the seal, and Kurama would not allow it. Not when he just began to have a little more access to the outside world).

Kurama, to his relief, recognized the world that they ended with easily the moment the girl (Naruto was it?) opened her eyes for the first time. He never thought that they would end in the same world Kushina had found herself into after an accident caused by the combination of his chakra and Uzumaki's Fuuinjutsu and the Rasengan.

The girl even had the same power as her parents... The only problem was that she didn't even have the same flames as them! Her mother possessed yellow flames and his father possessed blue flames. But could she be a little normal and have one or the other? No! The brat had not one, but two different flames that were battling for dominance in her body.

And he could not even contact the girl because the flames were blocking the connection the seal gave them. And if it continued, it would be only a matter of time until the side effects of the presence and use of those two flames (even if unconsciously) killed them both.

To make everything worse, the presence of that fucking boy his vessel liked so much was accelerating the process for some motive. And all the work that man called Kawahira made to decrease the death of his vessel (and his as their souls were connected) was being completely destroyed...

"Fucking brat! She's using it again!" Kurama growled, taking a few steps back as he tried to stay away from the flames.

She better stop, or he would make something about it, even if he has to control her body and kill that boy himself and send her to another world after that!

He didn't send her here so she could die! He was the strongest of all Bijuu!

No flames would end his existence!

"I suppose I can't kill you, can I? After all, you die, I die"

- Kurama (Kyuubi no Youko)

Wow, this chapter was really long!

Hope you like my story, if you like it then voted and comment for me.

Next chapter will be update soon. See ya Dattebayo ^~^ (i always want to say it ya know)


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