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And here we start our adventure of a scarlet haired princess with a blue-haired bodyguard. This day was the one day all of the Kingdoms come together and try to make a peace with one another. Here at the Kingdom Of Heaven, stood a eighteen year old Erza Scarlet, the heir to the throne. In order for Queen Erza to claim the throne, she needed to have a special someone accompany her to the throne. That person she has in mind is not one of the Princes' no, it's her very own bodyguard she so desires to join her. In order for Queen Erza to claim her rightful place with the one she so desires, she must become strong and defeat seven trials.

And so, our very own Queen Erza takes the story, 

Striking her sword and Launching her arrow by the bow she holds close.


"Jellal, please come with me." A scarlet haired princess begs.

"Erza, you must go alone. I'm not aloud to go," Jellal replied.

"Not if I can help this. Mother, Father!" The princess yelled.

"Yes dear?" Her mother asked stroking her red locks.

"I hereby declare Jellal comes to see the trials!" Erza exclaimed.

"I'm afraid not," Her Father interjects.

"Father, as far as I am concerned, those nasty princes' will try to touch me." Erza fought knowing she would claim her victory.

"I suppose that can be arranged," He sighed at lose of the fight.

"Thank you Father, Mother!" Erza hugged them both then grabbed Jellal.

"Now, Jellal you are to come with us," Erza started to explain.

"Erza, you are forgetting one thing," He whispered to her ear.

"What would that be?" She asked him.

"I can't join the competition." He stated matter of factly.

"I already signed you up," She smirked evilly.

"WHAT!?" He yelped.

"Yeah, didn't you see the list from the princes' coming here?" She asked.

"Nuhhh~" He whined.

"Here," She pulled out a list of names.

'Princes' participating for Erza's hand:

Hibiki from Ifailatliveia

Ichiya from Parfumia

Mystogan from Edolas

Max from Fairytail

Elfman from Manlandia

Jellal from Kingdom Of Heaven'

"ERZA!" Jellal squealed jumping in a circle.

"Haha!" Erza triumphantly cheered.

"So you'll do it?" She asked while her eyes started shimmering.

"No," Erza saw him take the list and use a pen to scratch out his name.

"Huh?" Erza was confused.

"You're going in. As far as I know, you can fight like no ones business and shoot with 100% accuracy. So Erza, win it for us." He turned to Erza and smiled.

"I promise, I will. I refuse to marry anyone but you." Erza smiled and hugged him afterwards.

"I know." He blushed madly at his princess hugging him so suddenly.

"Hey Erza," He started.

"Yes Jellal?" Erza asked.

"I love you." Jellal blushed.

I love you too Jellal!" Erza smiled as her face turned a color darker than her hair. To say she was the color of her hair was an understatement.

They released from their hug and decided it was time to greet the incoming princes'.  When Erza had to go to her fitting to receive her dress, she didn't show. Why? She was getting ready for her own battle against the princes'.

Erza decided to ask for armor to battle in from her friend Laki. Laki didn't disagree for she found no reason to. After Laki had finished Erza's armor, Erza grabbed a cloak from her room and put it on over it. When she finished putting on her cloak, she called for Jellal. After Jellal made his appearance, they started toward the grounds.

"Hey Jellal," Erza started.

"Hm?" He asked.

"Stand in the front of the crowd." She winked as she started toward her 'throne'.

"Aye!" He ran off to the front of the crowd.

As soon as she sat down all of the princes' competeing were lined up in front of the royal family. The first boy walked up.

"Hibiki, from the Ifailatlifeia Kingdom." The first boy with blonde hair stated.

"Next," Her father yelled.

"Ichiya from Parfumia, MEN~~~" An ugly man with red hair climbed to the front.

"NEXT!" The mother shouted in agony.

"Mystogan from Edolas." A boy that looked like Jellal walked off.

Erza looked in Jellal's direction to see him shocked. Had he not seen his name on the flier?

"Max from Fairytail." A man with dirty blonde hair that resembled Hibiki's walked away; broom in hand.

"Next," The father shooed Max off.

"ELFMAN from MANLANDIA! BEING FROM MANLANDIA IS A MAN!" He yelled. He was big and bulky and reminded Erza of a frienimie she had years ago.

"Last but not least...our own Queen!?" The announcer yelled shocked.

Everyone turned to Erza who stood triumpintantly.

"They had said someone from each kingdom must ask for the Queen's hand in marriage correct?" She smirked.

"Yes dear, but-"

"Mother, they didn't say that it had to be male. So, I QUEEN ERZA WILL BE FIGHTING FOR MY OWN HAND!" Erza yelled to her people.

"YEAH!" They all cheered her on, some happy, other's furious.

"Come, challenge me in one of the seven challenges!" She directed that to the princes'.

When Erza moved to the open ground in front of her she unclipped her cloak. There she stood, in her Heaven's wheel armor.

"Hibiki, you first." She smirked.

"I see," He walked over with a smug look on his face.

Erza grabbed he sword from her sheath.

"Do not go easy on the Queen, just because I am a girl, I still can fight." She glared daggers to all who shamed her.

"Shall we, my Queen?" He bowed before getting into battle stance.

"We shall, and please no formalities." She said before quickly racing to him.

Within' seconds there she was holding a sword to his neck.

"What did I say about fighting me?" She glared at him for underestimating her.

She started to think, if all people were like this, well all the more reason to win her own hand right? There Erza stood, more than twenty-five swords whirled in circles behind her.

"I WILL WIN MY OWN HAND, AND I SHALL CHOOSE MY OWN KING!" She yelled raising her sword in the air.

"ERZA SCARLET!" Her mother and father yelled furiously.

"What? You don't like what you daughter is doing? I'm not little! If I am to be Queen I make my own rules!" She forcefully pushed her sword into the ground beneath her.

"AND MY OWN RULED SHALL BE ENOFRCED!" Everyone looked in utter shock at their incoming Queen. She looked to Jellal who stood with a huge grin on his face.

"FREEDOM SHALL REIN! WOMAN ARE MORE THAN JUST THEIR APPEARENCE!" All women and some men cheered with Erza.

"So let the battle commence," She glared at her parents.

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