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Breeze glider swooped down her nest, making sure she didn't crush to eggs that lay inside. Sitting on her 2 unhatched chicks she looked around at Bravelands, her home. It was all so peaceful now. She had only been very young when Titan had been defeated, but she knew of the great perils that that time had held. After Great father Thorn had died all the animals were terrified that Bravelands would turn into upheaval again, but before long another great parent had shown herself, Moonbeam the elephant. 

Breeze glider sighed. She lifted off her eggs once again and shook out her feathers. Her last hunt had been unsuccessful and she was still hungry. She looked towards the sky, wondering where her partner, Soarer, was. He had left about an hour ago, heading towards the watering hole to see if he could get some rats or a dik dik. Breeze glider was about to take off in flight again when she heard a raucous eagles cry behind her.

 Settling her wings once again she turned and saw her partner flying towards their nest in the giant oak tree with a small dik dik in his mighty yellow talons. She saw a flicker of movement out of the corner of her eyes, she looked down and saw 3 lions chasing the shadow of Soarer. But wait.... It wasn't only lions chasing the shadow. No... no.... It can't be. There were lithe shapes running along side the lions, only an eagles sharp eye sight could make it out because the shapes were grey, sliding in among the shadows of the tufts of grass and mounds of dirt on the dusty savannah plains. 

" Soarer!" Breeze Glider cried. " Golden wolfs! Quickly get to the nest!" Soarer glanced down and saw what she was talking about. His eyes widened in fright and he flapped his wings harder, dropping the prey he held.

Suddenly one of the wolfs made a mighty leap and one of its paws hooked on Breeze gliders mates wings. Soarer gave a short cry of surprise before being dragged to to ground and jumped upon by the lions and wolfs. All Breeze could see of her mate was feathers flapping wildly and blood seeping onto the ground.

All she could do was watch in horror as her mate was ripped apart. One of the lions gave a yelp of surprise and jumped off the eagle with blood dripping from his paws, leaving just enough space for Soarer to get his wing free from the clutch of a wolf and start to flap at them again. When the lions had backed off he only had to peak at 2 of the golden wolfs and wack his wings in the face of others he could lift himself off the ground, leaving in a flurry of feathers. 

With one of his wings ripped he couldn't fly very far, but he had just enough energy left to flap to the nest. 

As he crashed it on the nest, Breeze Gliders rushed over to him. " Are you okay?" After she said that it was obvious he wasn't. He had a ripped wing that would always make a slightly lopsided flyer, and a cut on his talon, Which would make him have a limp for a while and had many tufts of feathers ripped out.

Soarer moaned and closed his eyes. After a while he opened his black eyes and looked directly onto Breeze Gliders eyes. " Those were Golden wolfs, weren't they?" Breeze nodded. 

" Breeze, the troubles of Bravelands aren't over yet.

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