Chapter 2

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Bravepaw lunged at breezepaw as their mentors watched. they were practicing their battle moves but bravepaw being bigger and much more muscular make her battle moves much stronger than breezepaws. Bravepaw pinned down breezepaw "I got you again sister" bravepaw purred in amusement. "Oh get off me you heavy furball" breezepaw purred and shoved bravepaw off her. "Bravepaw your battle moves are strong and powerful blacktip had trained you well" moonrise meowed. "breezepaw your battle moves were swift and stealthy" blacktip meowed. Bravepaw nods and sits down and licks her paw and ran it over her ear. Breezepaw sat beside her licking her chest. "bravepaw, breezepaw let's head back to camp" moonrise meowed and headed for the camp. Bravepaw padded into camp and applekit jumped on her bravepaw rolled "I got you" applekit squealed happily. "you got me I surrender" bravepaw purred. " say Pineclan is the best clan" applekit meowed. "Pineclan is the best clan" bravepaw meowed. "you'd make a wonderful mother one day" icewhisker meowed from where she laid beside the nursery with stormkit and petalkit jumping on her. "thanks icewhisker your kits are fun" bravepaw Meowed and got up. "Bye bravepaw" applekit squealed. "bye applekit I had fun playing with you" bravepaw ran to the apprentice den. "I heard you did battle training with breezepaw today" cheetahpaw meowed looking at bravepaw. "yup I love training with her it's so fun" bravepaw meowed and laid beside cheetahpaw. Bravepaw pressed her nose into cheetahpaw's soft fur. "your so beautiful bravepaw" Cheetahpaw meowed softly. Bravepaw looked at cheetahpaw "you think I'm beautiful" bravepaw meowed completely shocked. "I do how can I not think that you are absolutely gorgeous" cheetahpaw meowed looking into bravepaw's fiery Amber eyes. "I love you bravepaw" cheetahpaw meowed pressing his muzzle against bravepaw's. "I love you too cheetahpaw" bravepaw whispered before falling asleep with her head on cheetahpaw's paws and he had his head on hers.
"Bravepaw get up" breezepaw's voice rang in bravepaw's ear and bravepaw swatted at breezepaw to get her away from her ear. "blacktip what's to take us hunting" breezepaw meowed and jabbed bravepaw. bravepaw finally got up and shook her pelt out. She followed breezepaw to where blacktip stood by the bramble barrier. "are you two ready to go hunting" blacktip meowed. the sisters nodded and followed blacktip. then a fowl smell filled bravepaw's nose. "badger" bravepaw yowled then the massive beast tore throw the brush and swatted a paw at bravepaw but she jumped out of the way. breezepaw jumped onto the badgers back biting down on its back. it roared in pain and swung a paw at bravepaw but blacktip jumped between the badger and bravepaw.
Bravepaw watched in pure horror as the badgers claws ripped down blacktip's neck and back. blacktip's yowl of pain echoed the forest. bravepaw looked at the badger and raked her claws a crossed its face. it roared In rage and bravepaw flung herself onto the Badgers head she dug her claws deep in the Badgers flesh and dug her teeth deep into the Badgers face. it roared in pain and shook the apprentices off and ran for the border. "breezepaw go after it make sure it crosses the border" bravepaw meowed and bent over her mentor. "blacktip why did jump in front of me" bravepaw meowed her voice slick with grief. " I- I didn't want- the badger-to hurt you" blacktip stammered to talk. " I'm going to starclan bravepaw you'll be ok without me I'll always watch over you" blacktip meowed as a low long sigh came from her as the rise and fall of her chest faded away. bravepaw closed her mentors eyes and tears began to fall. "I'm so sorry blacktip" bravepaw muttered. breezepaw returned "I made sure it crossed the border-" breezepaw stopped looking down at the body of blacktip.

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