Chapter 4

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Bravepaw laid beside cheetahpaw sharing a plump rabbit when a very loud battle cry rang through the camp and rogues ran into the camp. all 5 clans shot up ready to fight. "indigo you lied to me" bravepaw hissed and lunged at the cat she called a friend and knocked indigo off her paws pinning her down "slice, core" indigo wailed two muscular toms spun around and hurled themselves at bravepaw. breezepaw ran to bravepaw's side "what are you doing" bravepaw hissed. "helping my sister" breezepaw hurled herself at slice bravepaw ripped her claws a crossed indigos throat and lunged for core. bravepaw used her hind legs to trip core and she raked her claws on his soft underbelly. core wailed in pain and bravepaw whipped her claws up his chest and throat blood gushed from the wounds as he bled to death. bravepaw hurled herself at a black she-cat who was pinning cheetahpaw to the ground and ripped her off him and flung her across the clearing into a sharp jagged rock. then bravepaw saw nothing but darkness.
Cheetahpaw looked at the cat he loved with horror in his eyes. bravepaw's eyes glow bright white and then she took off dashing swiftly between the clan cats and flung 3 rogues off her father. bravepaw fought with more strength then cheetahpaw has seen any cat fight with her glowing bright white eyes frightened him. then bravepaw went flying at a white Tom with rainstar pinned to the ground. Bravepaw hurled multiple rogues into the hollow wall with such force that cheetahpaw heard the loud cracking of their necks. the bravepaw's eyes went back to normal.
Bravepaw could finally see again a huge dark ginger she-cat laid dead at her paws. so many rogues laid beside the hollow wall. cheetahpaw ran up to her "your okay" he cries and pressed his nose into her shoulder. "what happened I blacked out" bravepaw meowed. "you flung the she-cat who had me pinned to the ground onto a sharp jagged rock then your eyes began to glow bright white and you started fighting so savagely" Cheetahpaw explained. Bravepaw nods and watched as the rest of the rogues ran for they're lives.
"27 rogues were killed" cheetahpaw meowed looking up at talonstar. "bravepaw killed 9 rogues" rainstar meowed "she also saved me I believe All of the apprentice other than the newest apprentices should be made warriors they fought so bravely for their clan" rainstar meowed. "I agree with rainstar" moonstar, duststar and yellowstar meowed. talonstar nods and jumps up to skystone. "Bravepaw for you bravery and strength your warrior name is bravestorm" talonstar meowed. "cheetahpaw for you bravery and loyalty your warrior name is cheetahgrowl" talonstar meowed. "breezepaw for your stealth and swiftness your warrior name is breezewing" talonstar meowed "runningpaw for your speed and swiftness your warrior name is runningnight" talonstar Meowed loudly. "autumnpaw for you determination and patience your warrior name is autumnpool" talonstar meowed and the clans chanted the new warriors names. Cheetahgrowl pressed to bravestorm's side "I love you bravestorm" he meowed. "I love you too" bravestorm pressed her muzzle against cheetahgrowls and padded toward the warrior den.
Bravestorm shivered as her swollen belly touched the snowy ground. "I'm so uncomfortable" bravestorm complained to icewhisker. icewhisker chuckles and touches her nose to bravestorm's head. "you'll be fine don't worry dear" icewhisker purred. Bravestorm nods and grabs her rabbit and goes back to the nursery. Bravestorm laid in her nest icewhisker's three new daughters played with her long tail. Chickkit tripped over shadekit and bravestorm swung her head around and caught the kits scruff and sat her back on her feet. "are you ok" bravestorm asked. "yup I'm okay" chickkit squealed and jumped on maplekit. Bravestorm purred in amusement and laid her head on her paws as the kits played.

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