Fang x Pregnant! Reader

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A/n: Inspired by bobmacvosky's art (hehehe) I had this weird dream about Fang and when I woke up I was all like OMG I must write this, so I hurried to my computer and quickly typed from what I've dreamt.


One night, you were unable to sleep for you twist and turn in discomfort in your shared bed with your boyfriend, Fang. Suddenly, you felt the baby stretch its small figure inside of you that made you closed your eyes tightly and groan in discomfort, your belly was almost the size of a watermelon, and it exhaust you.

Motherhood, yay...

Fluttering his eyes opened, Fang woke up to find you squirming next to him, he knew how uncomfortable it was for you, even with the smallest movements as you were getting ready to give birth within the coming weeks, so his mind was immediately thinking of a way to help reduce the discomfort that you were feeling.

Without muttering a word, he placed a hand on your tummy in which you froze at the sudden touch.

"Trouble sleeping again?" he asked, looking up at you groggily.

"Yeah..." you sighed, "I'm so sorry for waking you up, I- I'm doing my best to sleep but I... just... can't." You rubbed your temples in small circles, the lack of sleep was making you feel frustrated and bitter.

"Hmm, let me try something."

Fang moved down to your stomach, he made himself comfortable placing his cheek on your bump while keeping his hand to the other side of your tummy.

"Hey there little baby, it's your papa speaking from the outside," Fang put a nervous smile; he seemed awkward just by talking to your baby-bump and get no response, yet he continued.

"I know that we... barely talk to each other but I'm sure you've heard of my Fang-tastic voice, hehe, but enough about me. I just wanna say that you have no idea how happy I am to feel your little kicks but for now, let's give your mama some rest for a few nights, okay? I assure you that she will thank you from the bottom of her heart." He leaned down and pressed his lips to your belly, whispering sweet words of love to their unborn child. "We can't wait to meet you,"

As Fang whispered this, suddenly he felt your body shake, looking up he found you in the verge of tears.

"Woah, hey, what's wrong?"

"It's just... I'm just scared it might happen again."

Fang tensed up, he grabbed your hand and squeeze it lightly. "Y/n..."

"I know we barely talked about this, but I miss them, I really do..." You sniffled, "Oh, I would do anything to have them in my arms..."

Fang was surprised that for the first time you're being open with your feelings, he knew that the loss of your previous unborn child had left a scar on you.

"I- yeah... I miss them too but... what if it doesn't happen this time?"

You looked at him with tears blurring your vision, "But what if they don't? What if our baby dies during the birth as well? I don't think I can handle this!"

Fang sensed your anxiety as he sat up, he put his hands on your shoulders and looked at you directly, "It won't happen again. You'll see, in a few days you will hold this baby this time." He promised.

Your heart swelled at his words, hot tears finally rolled down as you wrapped your arms around Fang, hugging him tightly. You wanted to believe in his words, but your mind was disturbing you at the images of your loss, you wanted to end this sooner and have this baby in your arms.

The days passed, it was the moment of truth, the due date that you both had anxiously awaited had finally arrived.

y/n was laying down on the hospital bed as she was getting closer to giving birth to their child, Fang was sitting next to her, holding her hand tightly. After one final push, the room wasn't filled with the baby's cries, it was complete silence.

This made y/n's heartbeat race, her motherly instincts were kicking in as she knew that something was wrong, the doctors tried their best to bring the baby back to life, but it was futile, nothing they tried to do was working which made y/n feel even more hopeless as she looked at their motionless baby from afar.

After a few tries, the doctor finally came to her side with the baby all bundled up in a soft fluffy blanket, tears welled up at the sight of their little baby, the doctor tells her that it was a girl and asked her if she wants to meet her to say goodbye.

y/n, with tears in her eyes, shook her head to a yes. The doctor quietly hands her the small child, making sure that y/n was holding her newborn properly.

y/n held her baby tightly, her body shook uncontrollably as tears fell on her daughter's face. She took a moment to admire her little one's features, for the second time they lost another child. Who would've thought, this morning she was moving inside her and now she was cold and still in her arms.

Fang remained silent by her side, he still couldn't process what just happened, he stared down at his little girl, she looked so peaceful he swore that his baby looked like she was sleeping in y/n's protective arms. His breath hitches as he watches how y/n reluctantly hands their lifeless newborn back to the doctor and walks away, ripping their last hope of becoming a family.

Suddenly, Fang weakly flutter his eyes opened and groaned; he turned his head to the side to find a nurse who was desperately waving a fan in front of his pale face. "Hello, can you hear me? You passed out throughout the labor." The nurse said, her voice was soft and gentle not wanting to scare him.

Fang was confused, he looked around and realized that he was laying on a hospital bed, the mattress was flat and rigid from the many patients that had once rested.

The nurse indicated him to sit and wait until the labor had finished; Fang stared at the clock that hung on the wall, already growing impatient at each passing second.

Fang sighed heavily and thought, 'did that really just happened? Did their baby really just died?'

Fang shook his head and rubbed his face roughly. No, it won't happen again. Not this time. His heart won't be able to take another loss. He then closed his eyes and dozed off, a few minutes later he felt someone gently shook his arm, it was the same nurse.

"Huh, yes?"

"Are you y/n's boyfriend?"

Fang tensed up when the nurse mentioned your name, he quickly stood up from the bed and nods his head to answer the nurse's question, the nurse gesture him to follow until reaching to your ward. The nurse pats his shoulder with a soft smile, encouraging him to enter, a lump formed on his throat, he reaches out his trembling hand to turn the knob slowly.

He peeked his head inside the room to find you resting on the bed covered in layers of warm quilts to protect her from the cold environment.

You turned to look at him, offering Fang a smile but ended up being weak grimace.

"Hey Fang, we were just talking about you," Your voice was soft and raspy, Fang furrowed his brow when you said the word 'we'. He rushed to your side only to be surprised to find a small baby snuggled against your chest.

Fang blinked, he rubbed his eyes and looked again, making sure his eyes weren't playing tricks on him.

"Is this real? Is that really our baby?" he points at the newborn while looking at you with wide eyes making you chuckle at his shocked reaction. "Y/n, please, I need you to pinch me. This must be a dream."

"Fang! Fang! Calm down, it is our baby." You grabbed his trembling hand with your own, squeezing it with reassurance. "You must've hit your head hard. You passed out the moment the doctor put on the glove." You giggled.

Fang blushed at the tease before turning his attention back to their newborn, he crouches down to their level so he could take a proper look at the vulnerable baby, you took notice of this, "Do you want to hold her?" Fang froze, he went quiet for a moment before nodding his head shyly.

As you prepare to hand him the baby, Fang anxiously looked down at his hands and remembered that he was still wearing his gloves, he teared them off quickly and took the tender baby from your arms. He was stiff when holding his daughter but made sure he didn't drop her.

"She's so small..." he cooed, a small smile cracking on his lips as he gently cradles the newborn.

"Hello baby girl, welcome to the new world." He whispered to her lovingly, holding her close to his chest.

A/n: Hey guys, wanna see fanart of Fang being pregnant?

Maybe I should do a fic of this...

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