Chapter 6

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The next morning, Mickey wakes up and greets everyone else in the bedroom.

Mavis: "Looks like these boards were good enough to hold them back."

Mr. Incredible: "Come on, let's check on the others."

They open the door and see everyone crowding around one of the rooms.

Dennis: "What's going on over there?"

They walk towards the crowd. When they get inside the room, they were filled with absolute shock. All of them were bandaged and laying on the beds.

Daisy: (gasps) "What happened here?!"

Flint points at the broken window.

Nick: "The boards were not enough after all."

Elsa: "They has long metal sticks and they whacked my hand hard."

Celia: "They broke your hand."

Bandit: "And they used crowbars this time."

Ian: "They invaded our room too, and they almost killed Barley."

Minnie: "Is he okay?"

Lucy: "He'll live but he's got a concussion and a large bump on his head."

Bomb: "But our room wasn't invaded, none of us got hurt."

Red: "Should I call a doctor so we can help you guys?"

Everyone nods.

Silver: "How about you call the cops too so they can arrest all those home invaders."

Red agrees. He picks up the phone and dials 911. No answer.

Roxanne: "That's weird. They always answer."

Chilli: "Try 999."

Red: "But that's Australia."

Chilli: "Just do it!"

Red: "Okay okay!"

He dials the number. The phone rings, but no answer.

Katie: "Something must be wrong at the main office."

Jade: "Do you think it's safe to go outside now? After all that's happened in the last 2 days?"

While they were talking, Steve began screaming. Everyone walks downstairs to see why. He sees a broken window.

Steve: "Danger! Danger!"

Sam: "Danger?"

Edith: "Look, the basement door is open."

Debbie: "I precisely remember that it was locked. Who opened it?"

Everyone looks at each other, trying to see who opened that door. All of a sudden, loud footsteps start coming. And they got louder and louder.

Mighty Eagle: "I think someone is down there."

They try and see who it was. The footsteps continue getting louder. Dracula uses his supervision to see who it was. It was Scary Larry, the leader of all the bad guys.

Dracula: "Everyone hide! It's a bad guy. He's coming this way."

Everyone runs from the basement entrance and begin finding a place to hide. Sulley and Shrek help Barley walk since he was still hurt.

Some hid behind a shelf in the living room, some hid in the closets, some hid under a couch, and some hid in the kitchen.

Judy (whispers): "Nobody move a muscle."

Nick (whispers): "And don't make a sound."

Scary Larry walks to the top of the stairs and starts walking towards the living room.

Larry: "Come out come out wherever you are. I know all of you are here. And we will not stop until we finish all of you off."

He began whacking the wall with his crowbar and broke things too.

Larry: "We can do it the easy way or the hard way. You choose, but it won't end well for you either way."

Everyone who was hiding listened to what he was saying. They were terrified, because they knew now that all the bad guys were out to kill them. Larry roamed around the house, breaking things and threatening the characters. After a few minutes, he goes upstairs and starts searching there. Mr. Incredible, who was hiding behind a shelf, signaled everyone to run outside. All the characters ran towards the front door, but it was still boarded up.

Chuck: "AAAHHH!! We're trapped!!

Everyone: "Shhh!!!"

Larry heard the noise from upstairs. He rushes downstairs to get the characters.

Katie: "Oh no, he's coming back."

Nick: "Oh great. Thanks Chuck. We're dead. That's it. I'm dead, you're dead. Everybody's dead!"

Bingo: "What?! But I don't want to die!"

Max: "Some vacation this turned out to be."

Tony: "Wait, the basement."

Everyone looks at the basement door and saw that it was still open.

Red: "Everyone, go down there now!"

All of the characters run to the basement except for Gru.

Lucy: "Gru, what are you doing?!"

Gru: "Relax. I got this. Go with the rest."

She listens and runs downstairs. Mickey and Mike stay behind to see what happens to Gru. He waits for Scary Larry to walk downstairs. As he gets closer, Gru pulls out one of his weapons from his jacket and gets it ready.

Gru: "I hope this works, otherwise I'm gonna die."

Once Scary Larry gets down the last step, Gru jumps in front of him.


The ray activates and it freezes Scary Larry, then Gru runs. He sees Mike and Mickey standing near the basement door.

Gru: "That won't hold him very long! Shut the door!"

All three of them run while Mike closes the door and locks it.

Donkey: "Oh man, I don't wanna die! I thought we were here to have fun."

Donald: "We were! But now we're running for our lives!"

Violet: "What did you do to him?"

Gru: "I used the freeze ray. I'm not sure how long that holds him."

Dennis: "Hey everyone. I found a bunch of baseball bats."

Colt: "Young man, you're a genius. We could fight off the bad guys when they invade our bedrooms next time."

Meanwhile, Larry broke free from the ice and called his assistants on the walkie talkie.

Larry: "They got away! They're hiding in the basement! Get them now!"

Half of his assistants run from the van outside, jump through the broken window, and start banging on the basement door.

Anna: "Oh no. They're trying to get in!"

Rick: "How many baseball bats are there?"

Dennis looks at the side of the box. It said 30. Half of the characters grab a bat. They were:

Donald, Daisy, Max,
Bandit, Chilli, Anna,
Kristoff, Nick, Judy,
Sulley, Dash, Tony,
Ian, Laurel, Colt,
Shrek, Flint, Sam,
Johnny, Ericka, Red,
Chuck, Bomb, Silver,
Zeta, Rick, Linda,
Katie, Lucy, Edith.

Eugene: "I don't need a baseball bat. I've got a frying pan. They come in handy in times like these."

Drac, Mavis, and Dennis turn into bats. Puss in Boots grabbed his sword and pointed it towards the stairs. Some of the other characters stayed away so they can help the injured ones or protect the kids.

After a minute, the bad guys were able to break through the door and run downstairs with their crowbars. As soon as they step into the basement, Red yells, "Now!" Then the characters with baseball bats began whacking at the 15 bad guys with crowbars.

There was so much clanking and banging. Donald, Bandit, Anna, Flint, Johnny, Chuck and Linda yelled as they fought. After a minute, the bad guys start backing away.

Flint: "We're winning!"

Judy: "Don't stop. Keep going!"

Eventually, one of them signaled to the others to retreat. They run upstairs. All of the characters began cheering, knowing that they will live to see another day.

The bad guys jump out the window and run towards their van. They hop in and see Larry trying to warm up after being frozen.

Larry: "What are you doing? You were supposed to kill them. Where are their bodies?!"

Bad guy 1: "Sorry boss, they fought back and outnumbered us."

Larry: "What do you mean fought back? Didn't we tell them to not fight back in the emergency alert?"

Bad guy 2: "Yeah but they found baseball bats down there and beat us good."

Larry: "Well let's try again another time. We've gotten rid of everyone here. How can we not get rid of these folks? We've invaded them twice and nothing. Yet we invade all other homes and we took everyone out in one night.
This is ridiculous."

The van drives away from the house. Back in the basement, the characters were high-fiving each other after fighting off the bad guys.

Ericka: "Look everyone, I hate to spoil the fun, but that probably won't be the last time they come back here."

Everyone stops celebrating.

Barley: "Ericka's right. They invaded us twice at night and they tried to kill us just now."

Silver: "We all heard what their leader said while we were hiding. They want to kill us all."

Celia: "What are we going to do?"

Aaron: "Hey everyone! Look. I found a lock."

Minnie: "That wasn't there before they came down here."

Elsa: "They must've dropped it when they ran away."

Laurel: "I know what to do with this."

Aaron gives her the lock, and she walks upstairs to hook it onto the door.

Flint: "I hope that holds them off this time."

Laurel: "It should. But what do we do now?" We can't get out of this basement."

Dracula: "I think it's best that we stay down here."

All of the characters knew that it was early in the day and they were going to spend the whole day there. So while they did, they talked about certain things that happened in their lives. They played games like charades, telephone, and would you rather. Eventually, Goofy remembered that he had a couple deck of cards, so they did card games for a while. Then each character from each movie sang a song they liked. After they were all done, they voted to see who did the best. Eugene and Rapunzel won after they sang "I See The Light".

Despite the fact that they were stuck in the basement all day, they all found a way to entertain each other. All that fun made time fly. It became night quickly. A lot of them got hungry, but they had no food, so they had to go without dinner that night.

Daisy: "I found some sleeping bags."

They unrolled the sleeping bags. Unfortunately there were only 13. Most of them would not only have to go without food, but also go without sleep.

Mavis: "Dad, Dennis, Ericka, Johnny and I are okay to go without sleep. We usually stay awake during the night because some of us can't be in the sun."

Nick: "Judy and I will stay awake to watch for bad guys."

After much discussion, everyone figured out who will sleep and who wouldn't. Those who would sleep in the sleeping bags are:

Minnie, Daisy, Roxanne,
Dash, Jack-Jack, Bluey,
Bingo, Debbie, Aaron,
Margo, Edith, Agnes.

That left one more sleeping bag open. The Ogre Triplets would share that one since they were small enough to fit in one.

After a while, they fell asleep while some stayed awake to keep watch. Of course, they passed out too because they got tired. However it was only for about an hour before they got up again and kept watch. As for the bad guys, they didn't invade the house that night because they were still recovering from their injuries.

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