Chapter 8

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At around 2am, all of the rooms were invaded. The bad guys look around to see where they characters are.

Bedroom 1: Lucy: "Now!"

Bedroom 2: Mike: "Now!"

Bedroom 3: Mickey: "Now!"

Bedroom 4: Anna: "Now!"

Bedroom 5: Red: "Now!"

Once they give the signal, everyone attacks the home invaders. They were caught by surprise and couldn't fight back. After a minute, they all fled the house. All the characters celebrate. Then they finally get a good nights sleep after days of staying awake.

The next morning, an alarm starts going off. It startles everyone.

Max: "Where's that coming from?"

Sulley: "I don't know but it's very loud."

They go downstairs and walk outside. They see that it's coming from the store that they went to the previous day. Scary Larry and his entire crew start running outside of the store and towards them. Larry speaks in a megaphone.

Larry: "We've tried everything. And you just won't die. Now we have to go aggressive with you. We did rolling pins, we did crowbars, obviously that's not enough."

Donald: "Run!"

Kristoff: "What about our stuff?"

Elsa: "Forget it. Let's get out of here."

Judy: "Red, I don't see your friend here yet."

Red: "I don't understand. He said he'd be here in the morning."

Everyone starts running away from the entire gang of bad guys.

Larry: "You can't run from us." He pulls out a gun and starts firing.

Tony: "Oh we're so dead."

Bingo: "Mum, I'm scared!"

Chilli: "Stay close to me, kids!"

Gru: "Everyone get in the sewer!"

Zeta: "Have you lost your mind?"

Katie: "No, it's a good idea! Hurry!"

Mr. Incredible and Shrek lift the sewer lid and everyone jumps in. Scary Larry ran out of bullets as they start jumping into the sewer. Once everyone gets in, Mr. Incredible and Shrek get in and close the lid.

Shrek: "Quick. That way."

Everyone starts running down the sewer line. The Ogre Triplets slip and fall into the water. They start calling for help because they couldn't swim. Rick, Celia, and Barley get them out. Then they continue running.

Back at the top, Larry and his gang try opening the sewer lid, but they weren't strong enough. Larry grabs a few dynamites and lights them. They flee from the sight.

Leonard and his two ships start sailing towards the island.

Leonard: "I don't see them."

Gary: "Do you think they were killed?"

Leonard: "Gee I hope not. They said they'd be here."

All of a sudden, a loud explosion occurred in the island.

Courtney: "They must be over there."

Leonard pulls into the dock and yells, "Everyone off the boat!"

Eagles from Eagle Island, birds, and pigs rush out of the boat and towards the explosion. On the other boat was the ZPD, the Zootopia Police Department. Once they get there, Leonard stops them and they see some of the bad guys run into the sewer. As soon as they all get in, Leonard runs towards the sewer and says, "They probably chased them into the sewer."

Chief Bogo: "You go down there. We'll stay up here in case they get back up here."

Leonard gives a thumbs up. Then he jumps in and yells, "Cannonball!"

As soon as Leonard jumped, the rest followed while the ZPD stayed behind.

Meanwhile, the characters continue running down the sewer line. They get to the end.

Sam: "Oh no. Dead end!"

Aaron: "We're trapped! We're gonna die!"

All of them start panicking, knowing that there was no way out of this. After a minute of freaking out, Scary Larry and his crew catch up to them.

Larry: "I told you that you can't run from us. You really thought you could get away, did you? Well I've waited long enough. It's time to get this over with. And when we're through with you guys, we'll build the island back up and advertise it again next month. We'll do this over and over again."

Mickey: "But why? Why would you do this to us? To other people? We didn't do anything to you."

Larry: "I'm sure you weren't aware. All of us here were former criminals. We caused havoc everywhere we went. We realized that there was probably more than causing trouble. Then we found this gorgeous island and took it over. And once we did, we built a resort so we can do what we've been doing these last few days. Pretty crafty isn't it?"

Barley: "It's not crafty at all. It's evil."

Larry: "Evil, is my middle name." He and his gang point their guns at the characters.

The characters group hug each other and close their eyes.

Rick: "Oh no."

Jade: "I love you Katie."

Katie: "I love you too, Jade. See you on the other side."

Olaf begins crying.

As they say their goodbyes and I love yous, Larry begins counting.

Larry: "One. Two."

While he counted, Leonard and the rest snuck up to them.

Birds, Pigs, and Eagles: "Three!"

They all jump on top of the bad guys and hold them down.

Chuck: "Leonard!"

Larry looks back and sees all the bad guys tackled. He points his gun at them. Before he fired, Elastigirl grabs the gun from his hand while she stretched her arm. She throws it into the sewer water.

Larry: "NOOOO!!!"

The bad guys push the pigs, birds, and eagles off of them.


They point their guns at the characters. Ian grabs his staff and says, "Aloft Elevar!" He causes all the guns in the bad guys' hands to float. Then he throws all the guns into the sewer water and they float away.

Once everyone regroups, including the birds, pigs, and eagles, they stand bravely in front of Larry and his crew.

Chuck does a trumpet sound, then Gru yells, "Charge!"

Everyone runs towards the bad guys and yell while they do. Larry signals them to charge after them. It was hundreds of characters against hundreds of bad guys

Fiona and Ericka do fighting moves and kick the bad guys in the face and knock them out.

Dracula, Mavis, and Dennis turn into bats and fight the bad guys.

Shrek throws some of the bad guys and jumps on top of them like a WWE wrestler.

Steve runs on one of the bad guys and yanks off his mask. He sees that the person had a mustache.

Steve: "MUSTACHE!"

He yanks off the bad guy's mustache and he screamed in pain.

Flint: "That's right Steve! Perfect time for that."

Larry sees all the action and knows that his team is losing. "No. What are you doing? Just kill them!"

Bad guy 1: "Boss, they're overtaking us. We can't stop them."

Larry: "Yes you can, and yes you will. Now get them!"

Four bad guys go after Celia. When they get close to her, her hair, which is a bunch of snakes, hiss at them. They run off.

Eugene and Rapunzel were back to back, whacking bad guys with frying pans.

Two bad guys go after Margo, Edith, and Agnes. Lucy sees this. She gives Gru Jr. to Gru and grabs her lipstick taser and tased those two bad guys going after the girls.

Margo: "Thanks Lucy."

Edith: "Woah. That was cool. I need to get one of those."

Bad guys: "Retreat!"

All of them run away from the characters. Larry jumps in front of them

Larry: "No! Do not surrender! I will not let you leave until you finish them off."

Bad guy 1: "Every man for himself!" The bad guys trampled Larry and run to the ladder that takes them back to the surface.

Larry: "You traitors! You cowards! I'll kill you all when I'm done with them."

Chuck and Dash start running around Larry at high speed. They stop in front of him and punch him at the same time. He lands on his back. Chuck and Dash fist bump.

Larry gets up and tries running towards them. Violet traps him inside a force field. He hits his head. Violet lets him out as soon as he hits his head. Leonard, Donald, Gru, and Puss in Boots tackle him and pin his arms and legs to the ground.

Johnny: "Go get 'em, Shrek!"

Shrek: "Oh, I've been wanting to do this for a very long time."

Dracula: "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

Sulley: "Only one way to find out."

Sulley and Dracula follow Shrek. They get closer and get mean looks on their faces. Larry starts getting scared.

Larry: "Let me go. Let me go. Please! I'm sorry. Don't let them eat me!"

Sulley, Shrek and Dracula get closer.

Mike: "Everyone, cover your ears, this will get loud."

They do as Mike says. The ones who were holding Larry down covered their ears too. Larry starts backing away. The three roar loudly. Larry screams. Then he falls into the sewer river and starts floating away.

Larry: "No. No. NOOOOOO!!!!!"

The river leads to a fall. He falls down and his scream echoes.

Sulley: "We did it! We're gonna live!"

The characters cheer. Then they walk back to the sewer lid. They climb up the ladder and see the ZPD handcuffing the bad guys.

Judy: "Chief Bogo. Clawhauser!"

Benjamin Clawhauser: "Judy! Nick! You're alive!"

All the other officers hug and shake hands with Nick and Judy, relieved to know that their fellow officers are okay.

Nick: "Wait, how'd you guys get here?"

Chief Bogo: "We received several alerts back at home about many missing people, including you two, Mickey Mouse, and several others. And from what I'm seeing, all of those missing people were with you. We started investigating, but it didn't take long until we got an answer." He points at Leonard.

Leonard: "When Red called me, he showed me everyone who was with him. Then I took a picture and looked at who they were. Then I recognized one of them. It happened to be the hero bunny cop. So we contacted their police station and let them know that we know where they were."

Chief Bogo: "So we traveled to their island and got on their boats that I will never ride again."

Red: "Oh at least I'm not the only one who feels that way."

Leonard: "Well I'm afraid you will have to ride it anyways because that's the only way we can get you home."

After the conversation, the ZPD took the criminals to one of the boats and kept them locked in rooms. The characters and the others boarded Leonard's boat.

Leonard: "All ashore that's going ashore!"

The two boats start sailing away from the dock and towards the ocean. After an hour, Leonard asks a question.

Leonard: "Who's hungry for pizza?"

Everyone: "Ugh!"

Donkey gets sick and vomits in the ocean.

Leonard: "Well I'm surprised."

Mickey: "We'll tell you about it later, friend."

At nighttime, the boats arrive in Piggy Island and drop everyone off there.

Leonard: "Citizens of Piggy Island. I have found the missing ones." The pigs cheer. "Now as king of Piggy Island, I ask that you would kindly open your homes to these folks and let them spend the night while I arrange their trips back home. No I will not let anyone sleep in the castle because of what happened last time."

Everyone tells Leonard where they came from. Then they were given a place to sleep. The homes were small for some of them but at least they were safe, knowing that they weren't going to get attacked anymore.

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