Unexpected turn of event (part 1)

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The weather seemed to clear up after a week of rain. The drops of water still freshly falling from the roof, you find yourself jumping back in through the window taking inside the heavy bucket of fresh rainwater. Placing it on the ground you shut the window behind you, taking a last look at the looming signal tower in the distance.

You carry the bucket of rainwater to the small fireplace you had built, placing the bucket on the hook to boil. You make your way back to the window you came from, grabbing the journal that laid on the makeshift bed you sit on the window seal.

The journal contained various lists and reminders simple things like remembering to find food and supplies while on scout runs. It contained maps of the areas as well where danger was most common with small Xs on the areas that viewers gathered most. Recently they seemed to be wandering around everywhere apparently some of the TVs having been shutting on and off more recently. It really didn't help with your plan of rebuilding the  safe TV.

Last month
(1st person)

After almost getting run down by another group of viewers I found myself walking down an alley, turning into a corner hoping to find at the very least something useful. "Please please let me have some luck tonight ple- UFFGH!!" I end up having to pick myself off the dirty ground after falling through a broken floorboard, I looked around the area spotting a small pile of wood fuming with smoke, it seems someone has been here recently.

Walking over to the smoking pile of burnt wood, I find myself walking away from it to something bigger that caught my eye the large wall had scribbled drawings and writing.
Getting closer and reading it.

We are the survivors
We will help all
We always travel
Use the following safe channel to find our next locations '

Present time
(3rd POV)

A loud whirling noise catches your attention as you look out the window "What in the-" you look over at how the tall signal tower bends and warps from place, it keeps getting closer towards your area, you stand up staring in shock.

You find yourself jumping a fence and falling on top of a pile of damp clothes. The following 3 days it had been dry except for the second day where you had to take shelter from the rain. You rolled down the pile accidentally stepping on something seemingly dry. You look up seeing an extension of a roof which had kept the ground below dry, however that hadn't been what you had stepped on. You look down to see that you're stepping on top of an old paper bag. Something seemed to urge you to pick it off the ground, doing so you grab the bag in your hands shaking the dirt inside of it out you find that although dirty and crooked it still seemed to be sturdy, but on further inspection you find that two holes had been cut into the bag. The peculiarity of it seemed to give you a sense of keeping it as a treasure. You neatly fold the paper bag and place it in your bag, straightening your wind breaker. You walk over to the side of the building finding that the side of the wall has been decorated with wooden blocks, you use it as a makeshift ladder.

Wobbling to the top of the roof you scan the entrance of the signal tower noticing how all the electrical post seemed to have bended down to the ground almost like melting clay. You had debated whether it would be a good idea or not to travel towards the signal tower but after watching it warp, you concluded that it wouldn't hurt to make a search of the area and figure out if anything had decided to infect itself into the already sick city.

You find a clothing wire connected to the signal tower, preparing yourself to cross the deadly wire towards the signal tower. Now it seemed it wasn't the safest option but the opportunity of viewers catching you below seemed to make it more desirable. You steady your feet on the wire creating a bit of balance you start making your way through the wire. Even do you have a large experience with crossing wires almost on the daily it never seemed to take your mind off the fact that one day you might accidentally fall to your doom.

At the halfway mark on the wire your foot slipped

You desperately held on to the wire feeling it peel into your hands, you cursed at yourself for not having worn anything to protect your hands. You slowly find yourself slipping.

You hastily look around to try to find anything you can use to pull yourself up but when hanging off a wire 50 feet of the ground hope may be a little stringy.

Finally you spot a clothing hanger shifting with the wind a little ahead of you. You try to reach for it with your feet but to no avail. You end up having to go to your last resort.

You intently shift your eyes towards the clothing hanger, focusing on it and your intent. You find yourself staring daggers at the clothing hanger until eventually it starts moving towards you.

You swing your feet towards it missing it. You try again but find that your hand dig into the wire more and more already feeling your hands go numb and feeling a liquid dribble from your elbow, you make a last ditch effort towards the clothing hanger finally hooking your foot on the inside of it you support yourself on top of the wire again. And ignore the sizzling pain in your hands and quickly and carefully as possible you make your way towards the tower roof. Going higher and higher.

The signal tower had been marked as one of the tallest buildings in the city, once having been a radio and tv center where celebrities and people with dreams of stardom had come to record and broadcast their shows, but after the big fall everything had turned around. Suddenly people became obsessed with tv and became glued to them, literally. Leaving their children to fend for themselves and that's if they hadn't died from starvation already.

You climb up a bunch of empty crates which had been carelessly placed around the door almost like a barricade, taking out a screwdriver from your bag you undo the screws to the vent cover and climb through.

Crawling through musty air vent which hadn't been clean in centuries isn't exactly a good idea, and your stuffy nose was already a sign that allergy remedies would be needed but right now you were to focus on finding an opening to this vent before something found you in the vent.

You fell through a loose flooring of the vent.

Almost feeling life flash from your eyes, your sensation of falling was stopped by a loud THUMP, opening your eyes you realize you landed on a chair.

However not just a chair but a floating chair, taking a minute to access the situation you realize that there are multiple objects floating around you, "did I do it again?" You murmur to yourself. Eventually realizing that you were fine, you strategically climb your way down from the chair and landed on a floating toy car, then you jumped to another chair which led you closer to a solid ground, or more say a solid stair case.

Assessing the situation around you find that you are on a staircase with no rails, looking around you could see multiple others leading through pink doorways you look behind you are seeing a pink glowing doorway, you decide to test your luck and wander through it yourself, only to find yourself walking out another pink doorway with stairs "what?" You gasp out looking confused only to find yourself on another staircase, except this time theirs a humming coming from the doorway behind you. "who said curiosity killed the cat?" you whisper to yourself jokingly.

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