Chapter Seven

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"Wait, are you telling me he has this high-tech room yet he doesn't even use a quarter of it!?" 

Lia and Peko both sighed in exhaustion, seemingly sharing his exasperation as Duri stared wide-eyed at the room before him. So much tech and it was the latest model to make it worse. 

"Can I strangle him this is literally my dream room-" 

"Trust me we want to do that almost 24/7," Hajime deadpanned from his desk nearby. Apparently, the three secretaries were in the same room as their boss, with the AO using the room connected to it for their own work (mainly vlogging, according to Lia during the tour of the building). 

"I'm still surprised you could reuse this old building. I thought it was super dangerous and all that after Rocket Gang used it," Duri remarked while adjusting himself on the desk he had been given, near the window that showed the view outside. The building had been well-known for being the location of many Pokemon poaching operations done by the organisation until it was stopped by the SRS. On the bright side, the view was fantastic! One could see the port from here.

"It took a lot of renovations but we came out of it alive," Nagito shrugged. "Anyway, do you know what to do now?" 

"I just need to make new firewalls and whatever to keep that mystery programmer out of the system right? And rearrange all his digital files," Duri recounted. He already had a lot of ideas in mind. 

"Yep," Peko nodded. "Can you do that?" 

"I mean, you did provide a nice bedroom for me, so I'm sorta well-rested," Duri said. "I can get started right away if you want." 

"No need," a rude voice cut in, and Duri had to repress the groan as Fuyuhiko came in, all dressed up in battle gear with his Tairetsu following him. "Mondo and Kiyotaka found some intel with Kokichi's help; they think that one of the leaders may be showing up here in Kuchiba City. We need you all to come with us, considering how strong either of them is even on their own." 

"Wait, me too!?" Duri gaped. 

Fuyuhiko scoffed, "Did I stammer? You have 3 Pokemon, and you clearly know how to battle. I'm not dumb, and neither is Dan.  He could tell from a mile away." 

"Technically Dan is a bloodhound for strong trainers," Ajit pointed out while stretching. "But point taken."

"Exactly. We're moving out whether you like it or not," he said coldly before he stepped out, with the others sharing exasperated glances.

"Ignore him," Peko simply sighed. "He's just high-strung because of all this. You focus on making better firewalls and all that." 

"You sure? He is technically the boss," he frowned. Wouldn't they get in trouble?

"Oh secretary is just a fancy title to say we're the ones in charge of making sure he doesn't do stupid stuff," Hajime reassured him. "Plus, Fuyuhiko knows us. Even if he doesn't agree with our decisions all the time, he trusts us to make the right decision at the end of the day." 

"Still, we can't have you staying here when Team Alpha could discover you," Dan pointed out. "Not when you are be someone they could use as well." 

"I doubt it, but whatever," Duri rubbed his temple. "So how am I supposed to do my job?"

"Could you multitask and do it while helping us get either Gulus or Haavik?" Wynton offered. "Shun, Lia and I will be there to help you, and Ajit and Lightning can give you moral support." 

He exhaled loudly, and idly wondered if this was his life now; working for the Yakuza on dangerous missions, but eventually, "Alright then." 

He started to understand a bit why Fic liked Dan when his eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas. Wow, he was CUTE. 

Fic, at least you have better taste in people than I do, he drily thought to himself. 

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