Ch.12 - The Unknown

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Yup.  I am back with an update for Orphans/Breaking Free.  After 5 months.  I know I am terrible.  Please forgive me.  I am sorry to all the readers who have been waiting so long for this update.  Too many things happened at the same time.  But I am back, that's what counts.  A special gift for all Teja fans (it's her bday on 10th!) and for my mentals.  Welcome back cutie cuteangelzaya and a big thank you to Rini riniitta for making me find the lost parts of this ff.  Ullu silent-writerr  thanks for assuring all the fans of this ff that it will resume.  Sorry for any trouble you had to go through. A BIG WALA HUG TO ALL MY MENTAL SISTERS  :* 

Let the show begin now :)

Recap: Just look back to ch.11 


"Madam, ek cup chai aur?" The man asked her.

"Nahi bhaiya."  Navya replied distraught.

"I am closing the stall in a few minutes." 

Navya understood his cue and began to leave.  


"Find another way."  She read out loud looking at the message she just received.  Giving a heavy sigh she walked straight with no clue where she was headed.

Scene Shift: DT Mansion

"Sleep well Ragu.  Call me if you need anything."  Shivanya said caressing her cheeks and tucking her in the warm comforters.  After shutting the lights off, with the exception of the table lamps, Shivanya went out and closed the door behind her.  

Ragini was silently watching her as she exited and for some reason her heart felt as if a thousand bricks were dumped on it.  She felt sad to see such a young woman transition into a fully matured wife mainly because she was pushed into it.  But Shivu never let it show on her face, the fact that she missed being a careless 22 year old girl who had no worries and responsibilities.

Scene Shift: Rivanya's Room

"Ritik?  Why is it so dark here?  Ritik??" Shivanya stressed her eyes to find an image of Ritik in the lightless room.  She then turned on the flashlight in her phone and aimed it across the room.  Pity that the switches in her room were right next to their bed rather than the door.  But the lamps were on at all times.  Very unusual of him to turn them off.  

"Ritik?"  She called again, now heading to the bed, looking at the man who had his head rested on his own legs like a little kid trying to sleep. She kneeled near him, turned the flash off, and brushed her hand in his curly hair.  Slowly she put her head against his and closed her eyes, trying to eradicate all the worries in her mind.  

"I am sorry." Ritik mellowed

"You don't need to be."  Shivanya replied, both of them still in the same position.  Ritik finally lifted his head and wiping his tears he walked over to the switch to turn the lights on.  Shivanya was still kneeling near the bed, startled by Ritik's quick moves but also wondered what was going on with him.  Now he was out in the balcony just looking down at the lonely street. 

"Are you okay?"  She asked walking to him.

"No.  I am not okay.  I feel guilty and...and weak seeing Mishti like this.  She has completely changed.  And the fact that I was responsible for it eats me everyday."  

"Ritik..."  Shivanya wanted to assure him but he simply pulled her to the nearby sofa and said, "I have a lot to talk about but I never got the chance to tell you.  So much running through my mind and I have no clue how to handle it.  I am glad Mishti came back to us but since her return she's suffering one way or another.  At times I feel as if I understand her and at others, she seems completely alienated from me.  Its becoming harder and harder to know her, to understand her feelings, her thoughts.  It's frustrating for me!  I don't know what to do so that it can all be normal again, back to the way we were with maa papa."  He closed his eyes in dismay.  "I don't know what to do."

"You can't reverse time Ritik.  Let the present play its part.  I know you want Ragini to be how she was but that's not possible.  She is mature and she has moved on."  Shivanya tried to calm him down.  "It would be selfish on our part to wish for her to act as we wish to see her.  Let's try not to make it harder for her.  I am sure she wants some time to understand herself."  

Ritik shook his head and snickered, not the mocking kind, but more of a guilt ridden one.  He was the one who brought this on himself and his sister. 

 He looked up at Shivanya who offered him a weak smile.  It was clear on her face that she was drained of energy after all the happenings that day.  He realized that she was aging way too fast for a girl her age and somewhere he was responsible for this as well.  I can't give anything except misery to the ones in my life. He caressed her hands as his thoughts took over.  The roughness of her palms surprised him.  The last time he remembered, her skin was soft like a baby's, so delicate that just holding her hand in his would leave prints on it.  And the hand he was touching now was almost like he was holding sand in his hand.  

Then it hit him like a hammer.  He completely ignored his wife for the past few days because of everything around him.  He refused to see her turmoil and help her with the problems she was being faced with, mainly for him.  He wanted to slap himself for his ignorance.  How worse could he get. 

Shivanya felt as if he was disgusted by her unkempt hands and all she wanted to do right now was pull away and hide them under the covers.  Ritik knew exactly what she thought and he wanted to show her that nothing mattered more than having her next to him.  

He pulled her palms up to his lips and gave them a long kiss, letting her arms relax in his.  He looked up at her pale face to say, "I will love you till the end of my life.  I don't care how you look now, how you will age later.  All I want is you until I breathe my last.  You know I have always loved you and I will do forever Shivu.  Thank you for being in my life and standing by my side through all the problems life threw at us.  I have never appreciated you for all your work and support.  I am sorry.  I realize how badly I ignored you." 

"Ritik please..." Shivanya placed her hand at his cheeks and looked lovingly in his eyes.  It seemed as if years had gone by.  

"No.  Please don't.  I got so busy with my work and Mishti, I didn't give you any time." He got up and sat next to her, pulling her into a tight hug. "I have such a beautiful wife and what am I doing?  Having dinner parties with old people.  I am a horrifyingly terrible husband." He joked rubbing her shoulder in the process.  

He broke the hug to tell her something again.  "Let's do one thing.  You and I go for a little vacation once Tej Uncle and Rashi Maasi is here.  They can take care of Adi and Mishti.  And your parents will be here of course."

"There's no need for this Ri-" 

He cut her off, "There is.  I need some alone time with my wife.  And its nearly impossible in this house now."  That made her blush.

"Okay. But a very short one.  3 days only."  She negotiated with him.

"Fine.  We will leave in 2 days.  By then Mishti's security will be sorted too.  And of course Aditya is there for her as well."  He said laughingly and pulled her in another hug.  Just then a loud knock sounded at their door. They separated instantly and Ritik went to open the door while Shivanya waited.  

"Mom...Dad?  Is everything fine?" Ritik shifted his gaze from the tall lady to the man she was wheeling in into their room.  It was very unusual for Mr. & Mrs.Thakur to show up in their room like this.  They never left their room, especially since that fateful day when he almost lost Shivanya.  Fortunately she was saved but sadly her dad paid the price by losing his legs.  Now he was wheelchair bound, but the predatory features did not leave his face one bit.  

"Sorry to disturb you both so late but I needed to talk urgently with you."  Mr.Thakur said in his usual serious tone.  

"I understand papa, but I am sure this can wait till the morning.  You can discuss it with Ritik over breakfast tomorrow."  Shivanya intervened, not wanting to burden her husband with another bad news.  Whatever her dad wanted to say was definitely very important, otherwise he would never have come out of his room.  It's been almost 7 months since she saw him out of that place.  

"I said the same to him.  But he's adamant."  Mrs.Thakur commented from the back.

"No.  Ritik sit down and listen to what I say very carefully." Ritik followed his orders and sat on the bed, coming face to face with the elderly man.  Shivanya sat next to him, worry painted on her face.  Mrs.Thakur stood next to her husband with a poker face as was known of the Thakurs. 

"The Calcutta Business Summit meets every 4 years to discuss the way businesses will collaborate with each other and the leeway given to each corporation.  During the Summit, the head negotiates all the business relations and rivalries and is also the main source of protection for those businesses.  We have to make sure we keep good relations with the head and come to terms about the main area where our business will be extended to.  The last Summit was attended by your father and I, before Dixit and Thakur Industries became one.  But now as you can see, I can barely move around on my own, let alone attend the Summit.  And your father is not here with us either.  So it is on you to represent DT Industries now."  Mr.Thakur's emotions gave away when it came to Ritik's father and his own disability. 

"I would be glad to Dad.  But how come I never heard about this Summit ever before?"  Ritik was curious.

"It's not something people discuss about.  You will understand once you go there." 

"Thank you for telling me about this.  I will definitely try my best at this Summit."

"Great.  I will have your tickets ready for tomorrow then."  Mr.Thakur said with a small grin.

"Tomorrow?"  That was a bit unexpected for Ritik.

"Yeah.  The Summit is on Friday so you have to leave by tomorrow in order to reach Shimla Friday morning."

"Shimla? The Summit is in Shimla?"  Ritik couldn't help asking questions.

"Yes.  Is something wrong?" Mrs.Thakur asked him now.

"No.  Not at all.  Shivanya and I were just planning to go out for a few days.  Maybe she can join me on this trip instead.  Shimla is a beautiful place."  Ritik happily replied, turning to Shivu to ask for her opinion.  She seemed elated by the idea.  "Perfect.  We both will leave in the evening then." He announced after seeing her happiness.  

Mr. & Mrs.Thakur both had weak smiles plastered on their face but it went unnoticed by the two youngsters.  

Scene Shift: Maheshwari Mansion

The whole family, including Dev, were at the table having their late dinner.  They all ate in absolute silence but Sanskaar's face had a fresh glow to it.  He was smiling.  Laksh and Uttara as usual were at each other's plates, occasionally getting glares from DP. 

 Dev ignored everyone and ate his meal as graciously as possible.  In reality, he wanted to be far away from all this family business.  He felt uncomfortable sitting around a table with so many people and so much food.  He was accustomed to eating alone, and mainly fried rice or on special occasions, two different dishes.  The concept of family dinner hurt him in an unwanted way.  

He was pulled out of his thoughts by his phone vibration.  "Excuse me."  He left the dinner table and headed out the door to receive the call.  

Sanskaar eyed him as he left.  After a few minutes he got up from his seat without explanation and went out.  As he approached the garden area, he could hear Dev's voice clearly. 

"I said go wherever its needed.  I need all information on her by the morning!  Her family background, where she lives, what she does, every single person related to her.  Don't make me call you again Sanju." Dev's harshness was something Sanskaar hadn't seen yet.

"Don't you think you are a bit too interested in that girl?"  Sanskaar asked with a one sided grin on his face as he walked forward after Dev shut off his phone.

"That's none of your business."  Dev began walking away instantly.  Before he reached his car, he turned around and yelled back to Sanskaar, "I thought Mr.Maheshwari had taught his sons better than to eavesdrop on others."  Saying so he sat in the car and drove away. 

 Sanskaar was still in the garden area.  He's crossing all his limits.  Sanskaar felt as if he was placed on a hot stove at the moment. 

Scene Shift: Ragini's Room

As usual, Ragini found it hard to fall asleep.  She had been reading her book for the past hour or so and finally her eyelids were getting heavier.  She decided to place her book on the side table and go to sleep.  Just as she was about to close her eyes, the flashing purple notification light on her phone alerted her.  Who would message now?  She thought to herself looking at the clock which read 20 minutes past 11. 

Ragini unlocked her phone to read the messages. 

Navya: Hi Ragini.  Sorry to disturb you at this time but I need your help.  My boss fired me and I have nowhere to go right now.  Please help me this once.  I would never forget your favor.  I am at Hiba Junction at the moment.  

Without a second thought Ragini messaged her. 

Ragini: I am coming to pick you up right now.  Keep messaging me.  And don't move from there.  

She got off her bed and tried her best walking down the stairs to go down.  The bandages in her foot made it almost impossible to walk though.  She knew it was a bad idea to wake up Shivu or Ritik.  "They have had enough for a day"  she thought.  

"Going somewhere?"  Ragini turned with a jolt at the voice as she reached the bottom.  Aditya was standing a few feet away from her, arms folded across his chest.  

"Don't worry about it."  She grumpily replied and turned to drag herself out the door.  But before she could make it out, Aditya blocked the doorway, spreading his arms fully across the entrance. 

"Oh I have to worry.  A 19 year old is dragging her half destroyed legs out the house at 11:30 pm.  That is suspicious! Going to a party kya?  Take me along too then."  Aditya winked at her.

She was really not interested in chatting with this thick skulled human right now.  The more she tried to get away from him, the closer he came.  It was suffocating her.  

"People like you can think of nothing but parties.  Can't believe how the Army even accepted useless people like you."  She spewed out all the hate she could find within her.  Aditya was definitely taken by surprise and for a second, just a split second, she felt guilty.  He didn't deserve any of this.  

"Well it's obvious  you don't like me.  Sad.  I hope you forgive me Appu.  I would have never left if I knew you were moving to my house.  I know.  You think I left purposely.  That's why you hate me right?  Because I wasn't there to play with you and help you adjust to your new life?"  

I wish that were it.  Ragini wanted to scream and scratch his face for bringing back more memories but she couldn't lose herself in that now.  She needed to help her friend.  Probably the only friend she has so far.  

"Listen Aditya, I really need to go please.  We can talk later." She didn't want to plead but that was the only option she had.

"Can't do Appu.  You can't leave home in this condition of yours."  He pointed to her feet with his eyes as he said that. 

"I need to go! My friend needs my help. I can't just leave her alone on the road!" She yelled at him.  She normally didn't have patience during such situations but with him it was even worse.  

"Woah woahh calm down.  You can go.  But I will come with you if you want to go out."

"You are not coming anywhere.  I am capable of taking care of myself."  She informed him.

"Oh I am coming no matter what you say.  If you want to go to your friend, you have to take me along.  You are not going anywhere otherwise."  He said stubbornly.  


"Yes.  Either I come with you, or I wake up Ritik bhai right now and tell him."  He said with a playful smirk on his face. 

Blackmail.  He was blackmailing her.  She felt sick.  However, if she wanted to help Navya in any way, she had to say yes. 

"Fine."  She said in a low growl. 

Aditya gave her a wide smile and came forward to help her walk out but she held her palm out to completely refuse any help.  "Don't."  Was all Aditya heard before she headed out.  However there were more words unheard by him that only Ragini knew as she spoke them.

 "I hate you."


Finally done! This took 5 months to get updated haha...please don't kill me all of you.  I love you guys.  THANK YOU SOOO MUCH FOR ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT. KEEP LOVING THIS FF!  We are super close to 5000 reads now!  See you all soon with another update hopefully. 

Vote, Comment, Follow!

-Ruch <3

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