Ch.5 - Strength

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HI! I am soooo sorry for not posting anything the past 5 days...I was really busy going places but I am back with another chapter! Yipeee!  SORRY TO KEEP YOU ALL WAITING

Ok so to start off, pleaseeeee any 1 person who still hasn't commented on the little thread of who to pair with Dev, please comment now.  I was going to wait to get 15 comments but it seems impossible lol so i just need one more only and that will decide the pair cuz its tied right now with 4-4 for Dev and Sona (Shaheer & Erica) or Dev and Navya (Shaheer & Veebha).  Just 1 more pweaaseee :)

This chapter is a bit long but very interesting cuz it has more RAGSAN! Btw, the picture on the very top is just a little bribe for being late hehe....Varun, Teja, and Dhanya look so adorable..

Anyway, lets get started


"How can you be so irresponsible bhai?!?" Laksh questioned his brother over the phone.  "I told you I desperately need that bouquet.  My life depends on it."

"If that's the case then you can go and get it yourself... Don't ask me to be your pick up/ delivery man!" 

Laksh was a little confused at the sudden change in Sanskaar's tone.  He never got annoyed with Laksh's tantrums.  Nonetheless, he gave it another try.  "Bhai(bro)...get it for me this one time.  I will never ask you again.  Please bhai....I am stuck here in office with Dad's hawk eyes on me for the whole day!  I escaped to the washroom just to talk to you.  I am in a terrible condition right now.  Have mercy bro"

"I didn't know Bade Papa was so scary that you have started using the girls bathroom instead."  Sanskaar taunted his younger brother.  

Laksh bit his tongue realizing his mistake as he paced in the office area, where a few girls were discussing something.  "Ok fine.  I did lie that I am in the bathroom, but trust me I am not lying about Dad.  He is still looking at me, as if he'd eat me alive. " He exaggerated.  

Sanskaar couldn't help but laugh at his younger brother, he was a real clown. 

"Ok fine.  But you owe me one for this"

"I love you bhai!" Laksh replied enthusiastically.

At the Farm:

He turned the key counterclockwise and pulled it out, opening the door of his car with his foot.  He gulped down his anger as his eyes fell on the spot he first saw the girl.

Sanskaar's POV:

Breathe in, breathe out Sanskaar.  It's okay, you are doing this for Laksh.  Forget the girl.  Just walk in, buy and leave.  It's that simple.  In the back of his mind he was thinking, "That girl better be gone, because if she comes across me, she will regret it."  He walked with his chin high and hands inside the grey pockets of his suit.  He noticed nothing unwanted and was glad about it.  

He walked in the flower arrangement shop, received the red rose and calla lily bouquet and rushed out.  Just when he was about to reach his car he felt a hard object bump into him and bounce off his right arm.  The bouquet fell down and a tacky bright colored bag fell on top of it.  

Damn!  Sanskaar cringed looking at the ground and kicked hard in frustration.  The force made dust and sand fly and simmer on his pants, soiling his suit, angering him further.  He looked as if he could explode and disappear from the place anytime soon.  He looked at the bag again and noticed a girl picking it up as well as the flowers.

"I am sor... YOU!" She exclaimed with annoyance as she was about to hand him the crumbled flower bouquet.  

Sanskaar was furious now.  This girl is getting on his nerves.  Any other day girls like her wouldn't even be lucky enough to get a look of his, let alone the constant encounters this one had with him.  Usually girls like her did not mean a mere penny to him, but this one had become a big pain.  If he wanted he could crush her like an ant for the rude behavior in the morning but he let it go as he didn't want to spoil his mood.  "Not this time though" he thought.

With a sudden shift of his hand he pulled her in front of him, her back facing the car and then pushed her against it.  His right hand held her left arm tightly against the window as he moved near her.  His left arm was touching her waist, feeling the saffron silky cloth that was a part of her white anarkali kurta.  For a second he was lost in her fragrance.  It seemed as if she had swam in all kinds of flowers.

This is very disturbing.  Why the hell am I attracted by a low life like her?  She doesn't even deserve my anger."  He said to himself considering the importance he gave her.  Sanskaar was about to leave her hand but looking at her painful expressions gave him peace.  He loved seeing her so distraught.

"This is getting interesting" he said noticing Ragini who struggled in his hands, a river seemed to flow from her eyes.  She was trembling like a puppy left in the snow, unaware of everything Sanskaar said.  She was weak and helpless in his hands even though she fought with all her might to get out of his strong masculine grip.  

Ragini's POV:

NO!! He can't do this! How can he?  He has no right to touch me, this is my body and no freaking human has the right to touch me without my permission!  I can't fall weak.   

"No Ragu you can't fall weak now" She remembered her imagining her mom's voice when she had been crying for days long in the dark room.  Jhanvi's voice soothed Ragini a bit, as if she found an extra heart filled with strength just the way you did in games.  This was her last one though.  

She had to get herself out of this situation before she broke into pieces.  She didn't want to travel back down the horrible memory lane again.  She had just gathered the will to move on but this would drag her deeper into the pitch.  "Nobody had a right on her!  Absolutely no one!" she thought and stopped struggling all together.  She couldn't waster her energy.  

Somehow she mustered the courage to say to him "Please leave me." Her feeble and meek voice came as a shock to him.  The girl who argued like a savage and ready to pick a fight just moments ago had such a sudden change.  

Whatever it was, he was really liking it.  She gave up.  He felt satisfaction hormones partying through his body.  The sudden boost in his pride when she uttered a please made him greedy for more.  He would trouble her so much that she'd never come across him again.  

"Please" she mumbled again in her frail voice looking at him with tearful eyes.  He leaned forward, trying to scare her.  She tried to press herself against the car in an effort to create more distance between them and again said "Please" but this was far more imposed and powerful than the previous.  

Again he leaned in closer, bringing himself down so that they were face to face.  She closed her eyes tight and scrunched her face turning to the left to avoid any contact.  She could feel his breath tickling on her neck, at first it was very faint so she was relieved but then it seemed to come closer and closer.  she felt as is she could choke any moment from their proximity.  

"What are you doing?  Don't forget your promise.  No matter what, you will protect yourself!  Whoever is in front of you, don't fall weak!  You can protect yourself, you can do know you can!"  Her consciousness screamed at her.  

For the past 20 seconds Sanskaar had frozen in his position as he examined the girl's frightened face.  She was drained mentally and physically.  "Another victory in my bag"  he thought with satisfaction.  He was done.  He knew this girl would never dare to step in this farm in fear of him. 

 He hated such tractable spineless people who couldn't even defend themselves.  Such a waste of space they are. 

Sanskaar was about to withdraw from his position when he felt a sharp sting on his left cheek that trailed from his ear to his brain.  He backed off a bit, holding on his cheek outraged by the pair of eyeballs staring back at him.  There weren't tears in them anymore.  He stood there infuriated like a wounded lion ready to attack. 


Ragini turned her head to the side hearing the car horn.  She straightened herself taking the support of the car mirror to stand.  Even though Ragini's attention was diverted, Sanskaar remained unbudged by the car or sound.  He was still holding his cheek when he heard a door slam and he was brought back to reality.  He acted like nothing happened.  He couldn't let his image falter one bit.  He gave a quick look to the right and an evil smirk formed on his lips.  

"Dada?"  Ragini muttered.  It was Ritik who had just pulled into the farm area in search of her.  

"Sister of Ritik Dixit?  Not bad"  Sanskaar thought to himself as he eyed the concerned man run to her.  

"What the hell.  Where were you?  Couldn't you inform someone before leaving?  This is not Jodhpur, its Kolkata you get that?  I was so worried!"  Ritik shot at his baby sister.  He realized that he had somehow softened to her now.  

"Finally"  he thought.  He hated how it was only when a loved one is in trouble that a person realized to care for them or show their emotions.  Why couldn't it just be like that everyday, in their normal lives.  He didn't want his Mishti to ever be in trouble.  

Ritik wanted to hug her but when he made a little motion, Ragu took a step back almost as if she was stumbling due to weakness.  This was confusing him now.  He looked closely at her and saw her face filled with fear.  He could see little lines of dried water on her cheeks.  "Something happened"

Ritik turned around and saw a smiling man, standing there with his hands in his pockets.  It was Sanskaar Maheshwari, the owner of MM Industries, Kolkata's most powerful but failing business empire.  The business was suffering losses because of its tyranny in the market where it was monopolizing everything.  However, many small companies gained popularity recently and the consumers had finally found a way out of MM Industries dictatorship.  They were open to new and innovative products with much lesser prices compared to the MM empire.  

DT industries was one of those companies.  Even thought they were mainly focused on stocks, after the merge, DT opened  to other areas of the market as well, and they were taking it by storm thanks to Ritik's creativity.  

Ritik walked towards Sanskaar with a clenched fist.  He couldn't bear the smile on his face any second longer but stopped in his tracks when he heard "Dada" from Ragini who seemed very concerned.  He turned back and nodded at her to go sit in the car.  She complied but also gave him a look that said -not-now- to warn him from doing something he would regret later on.  He opened his fists, turned back to Sanskaar and said in a cold voice "stay away from us."  Ritik then walked back to his car and drove off leaving behind a frustrated Sanskaar.  

Just when he felt he won, this guy had to ruin it all.  "How can he keep his cool damn it!" he yelled out loud.  Sanskaar had always wanted to break Ritik, trying to find his weakest point and hurt him so much that he couldn't handle it anymore.  He wanted to see Ritik suffer.  

Even though it had all started with business rivalries, Sanskaar couldn't help but take it personally.  This guy was way too patient, strong headed, and had a way with words.  They were losing power because of him and a loss in business was not tolerable for Sanskaar.  Their company has had to make many compromises that they didn't want to to keep themselves on top.  

But now that he sees a possible wound in Ritik, he can't wait to hurt him right at the same place.  It will be so satisfying to take him down the ladder of success and out of his way all together.  

"That girl will be the downfall of DT and Ritik Dixit" Sanskaar said with a grin.  

Ok Ok I know I have made Sanskaar terrible and mean but trust me he will get better....I just really love anti-heros so thats why I made Sanky like this hehe...Hope you guys liked reading this chapter... :)  You can expect the next chapter in 2-3 days maybe...Its still a maybe lol 

-Ruch :*

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