Hazel's Nightmare.

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That evening after a day of training and meditation to help Hazel and her wolf work together Hazel was actually sleeping peacefully when dreams about her uncle and the abuse haunt Hazel. Hazel screams waking Dark up, in a flash Dark was at Hazel's room katana in hand ready to eliminate any threat. Hazel was curled up whimpering on the bed.

Dark looks at Hazel and says with concern in his eyes.
"Hazel are you ok? What happened?"

Hazel looks at Dark and whimpers.
"I hurt everywhere."

Dark nods and sits on the bed beside Hazel.
"Where is your pain?"

Hazel was afraid to tell Dark about the pain in a certain spot.

Dark smiles and nods as he goes to get his medical bag. Dark was a fully trained doctor and was the medical officer in his unit.
"It's alright Hazel I'm not going to hurt you. Can I check you so I know how the best treatment for you?"

Hazel nods and strips down to her panties, Dark sees the blood on her panties and instantly knew something was wrong there was too much blood to be her period. Dark puts on a pair of exam gloves, as he checks Hazel, she would whimper slightly as her touches a bruise or a tender spot, leaving one spot for last Dark finishes his exam. Concerned about the amount of blood in Hazel's panties Dark looks at Hazel.
"Hazel, there is one last place I need to check, I'm concerned about the amount of blood in your panties. This is way too much blood to be your period. I promise to only keep my fingers inside you as little as possible. I will check with your permission."

Hazel looks at Dark worried about him touching her there, but her wolf says.
"I trust him, yes it's gonna be difficult to do but if he can help us."

Hazel replies to her wolf.
"I am worried about attacking him. I'm tired of this pain." Hazel looks at Dark and nods.
"I trust you, I'm probably going to growl at you."

Dark nods and smiles.
"You could bite me and I wouldn't hold it against you." Dark gently pulls her panties off and puts them in a plastic bag.
"I'll start when you are ready."

Hazel looks at Dark and nods.
"I'm ready, please help us."

Dark nods and slides two fingers into Hazel gently. Hazel growls and whimpers as Dark moves his fingers around feeling inside her. Dark frowns and takes his fingers out. He grabs a bottle from his medical bag and says.
"Hazel, you have a small injury inside you, this cream is going to help you heal and also dull the pain. It's gonna be cold and sting a little."

Hazel nods and smiles.
"I understand, please put it on my injury."

Dark nods and puts some cream on his fingers, he slides his fingers back into Hazel. Just like Dark said it was cold and then Hazel feels a sting, not bad but it was uncomfortable. Seconds later the sting and pain fade away. Dark smiles as he takes the exam gloves off, he covers Hazel with the sheet and blanket.
"Rest and relax, it's gonna take a couple of hours before you can move around without any pain. And don't worry about not having panties, in the dresser is a drawer full of new boxers that I've never wore, feel free to use them if you want. I would suggest that you do, they will not be tight and allow you to move freely."

Hazel nods and smiles as she gets comfortable to rest. Hazel's wolf says.
"This man is a dream come true, he is taking care of us, letting us use whatever we want for clothes. We need to stay here with him." Hazel nods as she slowly drifts off to sleep. It wasn't hard for Dark to figure out what happened to Hazel, between the bruising and her actions as he was checking her it was obvious that someone had been raping her. Dark knew that what Hazel needed was someone to show her love, care and support, unfortunately because of what happened he knew it was going to be a difficult up hill battle. One he was more than happy to fight. Dark calls his superior that had given him the mission of protecting Hazel.
"Hi, it's me Dark Wolf. Please transfer me to Lucas." After a brief pause Dark continues.
"Lucas, it's worse than I thought, someone at the house she was living in has been raping and beating her. No she isn't in that house anymore, she is in my home. Correct, she came to me. That was my doing, I gave her my address and she came to the house saying she had been locked out and her parents refused to let her back in. Are you fucking stupid? There's no way in hell I'm going to let her go back to that abuse, no fucking way. Alright, if she wants to go back I won't stop her, but I seriously doubt she is going to. Yes, activate my savings account I'm gonna need it. Hazel needs everything. Clothes, undergarments, shoes, shower essentials, feminine hygiene products, everything. Lucas I've fallen in love with Hazel, I know I wasn't supposed to. I'm sorry but I am in love with her. No I'm not going to change my mind, you told me to do whatever it takes to protect Hazel. That's what I'm doing and if protecting her means that I am hopelessly in love with her then so be it. Thanks Lucas, I understand. Don't worry about it, I've got everything under control. Alright no problem, thanks again Lucas. I'll be in touch talk to you later."
Dark smiles as he hangs up the phone, protecting Hazel had just become so much easier.

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