Hazel Throws Down.

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Hazel looks at Dark as she drinks her tea, her wolf had an idea.
"Hey, let's have a little fun. Let's challenge him to some hand to hand combat training." Hazel nods liking that idea, she puts her tea down and says.
"Dark, I was wondering if you would like to have a little fun. Hand to hand combat training, unless you are afraid."

Dark looks up at Hazel surprised from a book he was reading, Dark almost always had a book to read as he enjoyed a cup of tea.
"Really? You actually want to go one on one with me? I have no problem with it, my only concern is you getting hurt."

Hazel smirks and says in a mocking tone.
"What are you afraid that I might win? What are you a pussy? I am sure that I can easily smack you around." Hazel's wolf says.
"I'm all for challenging him, but be careful with your words."

Dark nods and smiles as he picks up the tray that had the tea pot and the protein bars. Dark puts it on a table.
"Alright Hazel, if you want to throw down then let's have a little fun."

Hazel nods and puts her cup on the tray, she walks to the middle of the room on some mats. Dark walks over and nods. Dark stretches as he prepares to spar with Hazel. Hazel stretches as she gets ready. Dark nods and smiles as he looks at Hazel.
"How much training have you had in hand to hand combat?"

Hazel looks at Dark and says.
"Nothing really, just things I picked up to protect myself."

Dark nods as he thinks about where to start.
"Alright, I guess we just go free style."

Hazel nods and takes a fighting stance. Dark smiles and takes a fighting stance. It was obvious that Hazel had some kind of training, unfortunately Dark couldn't tell what. Without warning Hazel attacks and lands a solid punch on his jaw. Dark stumbles as he shakes his head. Thinking to himself.
"Holy shit! That was jujitsu."

Hazel continues her attack driving Dark backwards. Dark starts to block her strikes and return counter strikes. Hazel stumbled backwards as Dark advances, in a desperate attempt to slow Dark down she kicks him in the nuts. Dark drops to the floor holding his balls as tears fill his eyes, he looks at Hazel and says.
"Ouch, holy shit Hazel. That was one hell of a kick."

Hazel's eyes open wide as she kneels beside Dark.
"I'm sorry, are you ok?"

Dark nods and smiles weakly.
"I'll be ok, nice move. That's one way to stop an attacker." Dark gets up and slowly walks over to a chair and sits down. Hazel walks over and says with tears in her eyes.
"I'm so sorry, it was instinct. It happened so fast I don't know what I was thinking. Please don't be angry at me."

Dark smiles and kisses Hazel on the cheek.
"I'm going to be fine. You did the right thing, I'm proud of you."

A couple of days later Dark and Hazel were in the same room sparing again. The battle goes back and forth between the two. Hazel lands a strike and Dark stumbles stopping when his back hits the wall. Hazel pins Dark to the wall their bodies so close together Dark could feel her breath on his face and her body pressed against his manhood. Dark smiles and nods.
"What do you want to do now?"

Hazel looks at Dark and says without thinking.
"If I do what I want, I'll be taking you to the bedroom." Hazel suddenly realizes what she just said and she blushes bright red.

Dark smiles and kisses Hazel on the lips he puts his arms around her and says.
"Then do it. Don't fight it, I see it in your eyes your wolf wants to. Don't deny your instincts or your feelings, and don't deny your wolf. She could actually take control and do what she knows what you both want."

Hazel nods as she blushes her cheeks were a rosey red color now, Hazel puts her head on his shoulder and takes a deep breath. Hazel's wolf shudders and says.
"Oh god, Hazel please don't deny us this."

Dark smiles and pulls Hazel close to him, Hazel gasps and moans when she feels his manhood against her body. Her wolf whimpers and moans in pleasure as the sparks race through her body.
"Please don't tease me Hazel." Her wolf whines as another moan comes from her wolf.

Hazel looks into Dark's eyes, she takes his hand and leads him to his room. Closing the door Hazel turns and looks at Dark, her wolf was showing in her eyes. Another needy whine comes from Hazel's wolf.
"You know you want this just as much as I do." Hazel nods as she puts her arms around Dark, her lips crash into Dark's lips. Letting her wolf guide her Hazel starts kissing Dark with passion filled kisses, Dark pulls Hazel close as he returns her passion filled kisses. Hazel pulls back from the kiss and says.
"Dark I want this, I want you. Please be gentle."

Dark nods and kisses Hazel.
"I promise, I promise to only make you feel pleasure. Pure pleasure, I will show you how true love feels."

Hazel nods as she kisses Dark with another passion filled kiss, her body felt like it was on fire, a fire that only Dark could satisfy.

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