Meeting at the park.

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Hazel Swift  ( also known as Swift.) was sitting on a park bench having left the house after being yelled at for something she had nothing to do with. Hazel had golden color eyes, brown hair and she was average hight at 5' 4".

Dark Wolf (aka Dark.) was jogging in the park a new scent catches his interest. As he approaches Hazel he smiles and says.
"Hello, lovely evening to be in the park. Wouldn't you agree?"
Dark Wolf stands 6'1", he looked like a wall of muscle and was covered in a dark fur.

Hazel crossed her arms over her chest, unsure of this figure she stands up and looks at Dark. "I'm not having a good evening."

Dark smiles and nods.
"Well have a wonderful evening, and if you need someplace to stay, here us my address."
Dark smiles and continues his evening run.

Hazel stands there confused and surprised about what he had said. Shaking her head Hazel walks back home. Upon arriving she is called a abomination and a monster, her parents refuse to open the door and let her back in. Hazel turns and walks away with her head hung low tears fall as she walks to the address Dark had given her. She gets to the address and it was a huge house, two floors. The outside was magnificent Hazel knocks on the door she was still crying.

Dark opens the door and smiles.
"Hi, come in, come in. Would you like some tea?"

Hazel nods and walks in looking around.

Dark smiles and says.
"Please follow me."
Dark walks through a massive living room with a 65" big screen tv and a massive couch.

Dark smiles and chuckles.
"Please sit, I'll be right back with the tea."

Hazel sits on the couch and looks around, standing up she looks at a picture. It was Dark with a child and a woman he looked happy in the picture.

Dark walks in the living room and says. "Here is your tea, I need to go prepare the guest room. Please make yourself at home."

After he had gone upstairs Hazel continues to look at the pictures sipping her tea. The tea was warm and soothing, a light lemon flavor tickled her tounge as she enjoyed the tea. Hazel sits on the couch and waits for Dark to come back.

Dark returns a few minutes later with a cup of tea himself and sits on a chair.
"So what brings you to my humble home?"

Hazel looks at Dark and smiles weakly.
"I've been kicked out of my home, and I remembered you saying I could stay with you if I needed to."

Dark nods and smiles.
"Well this is your home now. You are always welcome here, you can stay as long as you like." Dark finishes his tea and smiles. "I'm going to go to bed, the guest room is at the top of the stairs first door on your right."

Hazel nods and finishes her tea and Dark takes the cups to the kitchen.

Hazel stops at the bottom of the stairs and says.
"Is there a pair of pajamas that I can use?"

Dark calls out from the kitchen.
"There is clothes in the guest room, go ahead and use what you want."

Hazel still unsure of Dark and still confused about how he just took her in. Before she goes upstairs she asks.
"Why take me in? I'm nobody to you."

Walking to the bedroom Dark smiles and says.
"That may be true, but you were in need and I wasn't going to let you suffer. Have a good night and pleasant dreams." Dark goes into his room. Hazel goes to the guest room and finds a shirt big enough to use as a night gown. Laying down she cries herself to sleep.

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