Chapter 14

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Aki didn't went much further than a single bend away from his chambers, standing stock still in the middle of the passageway, trying to figure out what the hell happened to him.

He put his face into his hand, groaning.

'Idiot! Do not catch feelings for forbidden fruit, he would never even consider being with you.' He scolded himself, the feeling of his arm wrapped around a slim waist engraved to the mind.

To say that Aki had no attraction towards his husband would be a lie. Yeran was pretty, tall, even if lacking a good two inches to his own height, and also strong and intimidating. A good warrior as he discovered from their last fight, clever and kind when needs to be.

Aki reminded himself of the barely tolerating glances, the tired faces Yeran would make at him, the hateful eyes he thought he hid from Aki, but in reality did not.

'You don't have a chance, not in a millenia.' He squeezed the bridge of his nose.

'You have things that must be done Aki, feelings are nothing but a burden!' He straightened, folding a hand behind his back, the other also folded to hold infront of his body, composing himself.

He slightly touched his side, feeling the burn, pondering weather the stitches were torn. He shook his head, dismissing the worry, not concerned enough to check without feeling any warm wetness.


"Your majesty, you had called for me?" Aki swept into a small bow, the same polite sweet smile back on his face.

"Child, child, child, when will you stop with the courtesy, just call me mother,"

The queen gestured for him to get seated.

"How can I ever be so disrespectful, your majesty," Aki replied with a small smile, accepting the invitation.

He leaned over to pour a glass of wine for the queen.

"But I insist, don't I?" The queen said with a small frown.

"Forgive me your majesty, I will make effort," Aki laughed, softly.

"Better than none," Queen nodded.

"Tell me child, how is your condition, I was oh so worried when I heard that you were injured."

"I am alright, your maje....mother," Aki changed the address seeing the Queen's face.

"It was but a simple wound, I was caught off guard." He insisted.

"The medicine mother specifically sent for me was very affective, I'm almost back to normal, I am utterly grateful."

"It was nothing, it was nothing, you are a child of mine as well now, are you not?" The queen questioned.

"Thank you for the honor, Mother," he bent his head to hide a smile. 'Ah, how easy it is to wrap her around my fingers,'

"Yeran spends his time with you now, yes?" The queen asked.

"Yes mother, all thanks to you, my husband is a delight to be around," Aki replied with a besotted voice and sparkling eyes.

"Good, good. Good to hear you getting along."

Her mood suddenly turned serious.

"Remember Aki, the palace is a nest of vipers and you must always be vigilant. No matter what happened, you must never show any weakness, always remember that you are the next imperial consort and no one else, don't let anyone make you believe otherwise, that is how you survive. Being a prince and being the consort is two vastly different things my child, keep that in mind."

Aki listened diligently.

"I understand mother, thank you for your guidance."

"Find a way to separate Yeran from Zeke!" The queen said so suddenly, the name Zeke filled with venom even Aki startled.


"I have never trusted that boy, there is no good in his heart, call it a mother's intuition. Trust me, as long as he is there, nothing will happen between you and Yeran, my son is too honest for that."

Aki blinked.

"Would it not be a sin to separate those in love mother,"

The queen reached over to grasp Aki's wrist.

"Will you be satisfied with being the second choice always?" She asked.

"I want what is best for my son, Aki, and I know that it isn't Zeke,"

"There is something between them, something that is not exactly right, I just cannot point my finger,"

"I..." Aki trailed off, at a loss of words.

"Do you know why I specifically chose you out of all your siblings Aki?"

"Ah, no," Aki admitted.

"Because no matter what Yeran thinks, I know him, I know what he likes, what he desires, and you, fit almost perfectly."

'Always a piece of chess, no matter who's board it is' Aki smiled to himself.

"Seperate them, take Zeke's place, no, create a place for yourself that Zeke was never able to reach, be the imperial consort not just by the law, but in Yeran's heart as well. The coming times will consist of nothing than challenges, you two must face them together if you need a chance of winning."

Aki was quite startled at the sudden change in the happy go lucky queen. But he realized that, that is what it means to be a queen.

"I shall endeavour to the best of my capability to not disappoint you, your majesty." He bowed.

"I know you shall, Aki," The Queen nodded with a smile, back to her usual mood.


Aki stopped to glance back at the closed doors, still contemplating the Queen's words.

'I never wanted to get tangled in the web of politics, did my best to keep out of palace and still, this is where I ended up, wound up so tightly I can barely breath.'

He sighed, gazing through the open passageways, stuck in a foreign country with only the bare bones of a plan on how to continue.

'What am I to do...what am I to do....'

He closed his eyes, heaving a deep breath, turning around to change his original course, not yet willing to be alone with his husband who is becoming more and more dangerous to both his mind and heart.



A short chapter, I know, but if I added next part, it would be too long, be satisfied. 🤣🤣

See ya,



(Been a while, just in case you have forgotten him.)

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