Chapter 19

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"We need to do something Zeke, we can't prolong this any longer." Yeran was pacing in his rooms, woring a path onto the carpet.

"Calm down, you are giving me a headache." Zeke said, unbothered, swirling a glass of wine.

"How can you still drink those?" Yeran inquired, dropping onto a chair infront of him.

"If you think a little of poison is going to deter me from enjoying a good glass of wine, you are gravely mistaken I'm afraid your highness," Zeke replied with an immensely serious tone.

Yeran rolled his eyes, put off with his antics.

"You didn't answer me,"

"We can't trust them." Zeke said.

"I'm aware," Yeran said, putting an elbow on the table to let his face rest on the palm.

"But it is not like we have much of a choice Zeke, we can't trust anyone,"

"But him! He's..." Zeke protested.

"I know! Alright, I know! But we don't have a choice." Yeran pressed.

"Why him of all people?"

"For one, he has no enough connections within the city even if he were to betray us. And second, who will believe him over us? Besides, is this not your plan from the beginning?"

"You do have a point," Zeke said, thoughtful.

"I had three points, if you cannot count." Yeran replied sarcastically which Zeke pretended ignorance.

"Do you truly think this is a good method of going forward?"

"No! This is not good, at all! But we have to"

"Fine! Whatever, but I am not picking up after you," Zeke said, standing.

Yeran went still, face snapping to a side, attention completely lost.

"Yeran?" Zeke asked, concerned.

Yeran quickly glanced at him, placing a finger against his lips in a shushing gesture. Zeke raised his brows and Yeran beckoned him close.

"Zeke...please, let me speak with my mother,"

Zeke's mouth parted in understanding.

He quickly responded,

"No Yeran, it would not be of use, your mother is too fond of your darling consort to ever agree with you," he let his voice curl around the world 'darling consort' in disdain.

"I cannot do this anymore Zeke, I am lonely here,"

"I know my love, please forgive me, there is nary a thing I am capable of doing in this situation," Zeke said, reaching out to hold one of Yeran's hands in both his.

"Zeke, I.." a soft knock interrupted Yeran's words, making Zeke let go.

"Come in," Yeran said.

"Your highness," it was Ruth who stood by the door, but he stepped aside, letting a servant through.

"Your highness, His majesty requested your presence in his majesty's office room." The servant quoted.

"My father? Why?" Yeran asked.

"Forgive this servant your highness, I am unaware." The servant bowed.

"I will be there," Yeran dismissed him with a wave of hand.


"Father, you had me summoned?" Yeran bowed.


King Aves looked up from where he was inspecting some documents. Behind the huge marble desk he looked majestic.

Yeran had not shared any physical resonance with his father, instead assumed to be looking exactly as his late mother who passed at child birth, the new queen taking it upon herself to raise the Prince.

The queen was a true mother, unable to bear a child, for her, Yeran was truly her son.

"What do you know of the troubles at Southern border?" King Aves inquired.

"I am aware that there have been restless situation at Southern border father, people of kingdom Mehera have been found too often crossing the border in secret, investigation are jn work to pursue whether they are spies or regular citizens fleeing the kingdom," Yeran said.

"Yes, kingdom of Mehera have been tense past couple of months, I want you to go to the Southern Border and oversee the investigations and find out what exactly is in work."

"Yes father," Yeran bowed his head, able to identify an order.

"Take your Consort and bodyguard, your entourage will be prepared." The king lowered his head down to the scrolls, a clear dismiss.

"Yes father," Yeran said, not about to argue, though seething inside at the order of bringing his Consort as well as not being given permission of choosing his own entourage.

He matched straight towards Aki's chambers, mood dark.


The doors banged open, startling the Prince reclined on a couch, book in hand and robes askew, a dark mess of fabrics. Due to years and years of courtly practice he prevented himself of any visible alarm, instead raising his head in a lazy manor.

Yeran was not surprised at the lack of courtesy he was given, even the smallest difference Aki used to show absent since the night of hunt.

"What brings you to my chambers, your highness," Aki asked,

Yeran pulled on a smile, fake enough to be visible for even a blind.

"We have been ordered an issue from the king to oversee the disturbances at Southern borders, pack your bags Prince Aki,"

"You could have just sent a servant you know," Aki said, rising to his feet, body uncurling from where he was sprawled. Yeran had not an idea why that seemed far too likely to a snake about to pounce on pray.

"And ignore all the courtesy? How could I ever do such a thing?" Yeran replied sarcastically.

Aki's eyes narrowed for a second before his face changed to a condescending smile.

"How kind of you, your highness, I am utmost grateful." He said, inclining his head.

Yeran scoffed.

"We leave at dawn," he didn't bothered saying or staying more.


Aki's gaze was far, chin pillowed on his palm, the arm bent at elbow and resting on the window sill of carriage.

"Why exactly could we not have used horses? It would have been faster."
Yeran jolted out of his thoughts at sudden, unexpected question.

Yeran raised a brow.

"You are not simply a prince far out of inheritance Prince Aki, you are the consort of a crown prince, you cannot just expect to ride a horse where you will be under the threat of outside forces."

Aki sighed,

"I'm quite aware who I am Your highness, I am simply asking what use is there of protecting me on the road when we might as well be heading to a battle?"

"You would not be participating in any battle Prince Aki," Yeran said.

"Excuse me?!" Aki seemed thoroughly offended.

"In which country does the Consort goes to battle, Prince Aki?" Yeran had to admit there was a slight mocking in his voice.

Aki stared at him. His face frosted over, eyes as freezing as ice.

"Then please, enlighten me of the purpose of my joining?" He almost spat out the words.

"To show a united front to any who oppose us, obviously, Prince Aki, or had you already forgotten that you are a prince of Dilhevia? With us there, they will see that our kingdoms are allied now."

"Of course, as an exhibit to be paraded by your side," Aki scoffed in disdain.

"And, as an encouragement for the soldiers as well, they will feel honored of me trusting your safety on their hand." Yeran added.

Aki's brow jumped, thoroughly irritated.

"Would you care for a display of how in detail I do not need protection, your highness?" Aki smiled, leaving Yeran to wonder if Aki's teeth actually looked sharper or if it was just a trick of light.

"I'm intimately familiar on that, Prince Aki, please do not trouble yourself on my behalf," Yeran smiled at him, fingers lightly grazing the still visible scar on the back of his hand.



You can guess who it is ah?
Yep, yep, it's Aki



Been a while ah, deepest apologies, I got stuck on some details of the book, 😅😅. All good now, hopefully, expect daily updates from tomorrow....

See ya,


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