Chapter 2

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"Your highness, it's time to wake," Aki turned from the window to the sound of knocking.

"Come in," Aki replied.

"Were you already awake your highness?" It was a servant.

Aki didn't replied, just nodded.

"May I help you....", the servant trailed off seeing Aki was already dressed.

"I....", she seems to be in a loss of words.

"I am capable of dressing my self..."

"Mira, your highness,"

"Mira, thank you for your help." Aki gifted the girl with a small smile.

"My lord, ah, it's one of your duties as the consort to wake the crown prince and help him dress,"
Mira spoke through a blush, prince consort really is too handsome for his own good.

"Yes, should I depart now?"

"That would be good your highness,"

"Your highness, as for your today's schedule, you will be taking breakfast with crown prince, and her majesty the queen has invited you for tea, and after that, minister of culture will be here to explain your duties and responsibilities." Mira listed out while escorting Aki to Yeran's chambers.

"Mmhmm....." Aki hummed along with her, his gait calm and graceful, one hand folded along his back.

'Is that not the new prince consort? Wah! So handsome!'
'Our prince is so lucky..'
'No! Prince consort is so unlucky, everyone knows prince Yeran is in love with lord Zeke,'
'Sh....he will hear us!'

Mira glanced at Aki uneasily at the whispers of passing servants.

Though Aki pretended to be oblivious, he also could hear the whispers clearly.

'Zeke, I wonder what sort a person he is?' Lost in thoughts Aki barely realized when they reached Yeran's door.

The door opened so suddenly, Mira who had raised a hand to the handle jumped back with a small cry, startled.

Seeing who came through, she paled terribly, easily as white as paper.

"L..l..lord Zeke," Mira stuttered.

"Ahh, you must be Aki," Zeke's tone was extremely patronizing.

"OH, forgive me, his highness, Aki Dilherra, I mean," he swept in a mocking bow.

"Nice to finally meet you lord Zeke, I have heard quite a lot about you " Aki replied with a benevolent smile.

Zeke's smirk wiped away at Aki's 'you are beneath me' attitude.

"I will visit the future queen as according to tradition, excuse me," he sneered and swept away with a swish of his clothes.

Aki noted how he emphasized queen as if it was an insult. 

Aki closed his eyes, releasing a deep breath before arranging his face back into a pleasant smile.

Forcing himself to take another breath he pushed his hands against the double doors.

"Good morning my lord." He greeted through opened doors before stepping through.

Yeran looked up, a frown already decorating his pretty face from where he was seated at the dressing table. Their gazes met in the mirror before he stood to face Aki.

"What are you doing here?" Yeran was definitely annoyed.

"I was hoping to assist you in dressing my lord," Aki's hands were folded together infront of his stomach, hidden inside the sleeves. He bowed his head, slightly, in difference.

"No need, you can leave, I'll have it arranged for that to be removed of your duties." Yeran narrowed his eyes at him.

"I....Forgive me, my lord," Aki bowed low, at a loss of words, knowing not what to say.

Yeran didn't bother replying instead taking his leave, ignoring Aki who was standing stock still at the door.

Aki stared after him, his emotions running haywire.

"Your highness?" Mira whispered, timid and quiet.

"Let's go," Aki gave her a small smile, collecting himself.


"Yes, It would be helpful if you could provide me with those books as well Minister, thank you." Aki inclined his head while the minister bowed low at the waist.

"It will be my pleasure your highness," he bowed again.


"Ah prince Aki, come in come in, welcome," the queen smiled.

"You look radiant your majesty," Aki replied with a small bow.

"Sit, sit, I did not even got a chance to speak with you before,"

"I saw how busy you were at the wedding your majesty, but I must say I was so looking forward to speaking with you." Aki replied taking a seat.

"So was I my child, oh my, you were so much more handsome up close, even more than your ministers described for you to be."

"You flatter me your majesty," he smiled, shyly.

"Almost forgot, I brought this specially for you your majesty, I had to search the woods for an entire week to find this."

Aki gestured. Mira was quick to place the box in her hands on the table they were seated. The box, made of wood was carved and painted charmingly.

The queen removed the lid revealing a flourishing green plant carrying some small clusters of blue blossoms. She reached into the box and lifted the small golden pot out of the box.

"So beautiful," she said with awe.

"Not only it is beautiful, the fragrance helps for a peaceful sleep as well your majesty." Aki replied.

"Really? How wonderful, I've always been a restless sleeper, this is quite a thoughtful gift prince Aki,"

"I'm glad you like it my queen."


"I suppose I should take my leave now your majesty, it is getting rather late." Aki bowed his head.

"OH yes, your husband must be expecting you for dinner," queen replied with a chuckle.

Aki lowered his head with a forced smile.

"May you have a peaceful sleep your majesty,"

"How many times must I say dear child, just call me mother, you are after all family now, there is no need of formalities."

"I am honored, your majesty,"

The queen laughed shaking her head.  


"My lord," Mira's voice roused Aki from his thoughts.

"His majesty has sent a massage saying he wouldn't be joining you, my lord." Mira uttered with a downcast face.

Aki smiled, gazing at the table arranged for two people.

"It is fine, I'm certain he is busy."


Yeran Avos


your Author here,

A short chapter, I know, but if I were to add the next part this would have been too long, so, stay tuned, I might upload another as well 🤫😉


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