Chapter 23

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"Yeran!" The door blew open as soon as the bar was taken off.

A blue blur flew at Yeran.

"Zeke, you...I...can't.. breath..."

The blue blur transformed into Lord Zeke, hugging the prince tight.

He let go of him, though not completely, keeping a hand on him arm to steady him.

"You found us," Yeran said.

"Obviously, it was quite easy, were you trying to get caught?" Zeke asked, gaze bouncing from Aki who stood serenely not far from them, to Ruth, still standing by the door. 

Aki snorted. It was quite an undignified sound which Yeran did not expected from him.

"What?!" Zeke asked, incensed.

"It was easy because it was you, we weren't trying to hide from you, Lord Zeke." Ruth explained in his brother's stead.

"Huh?" Yeran asked.

"I have had quite the time to observe you Lord Zeke, I made certain in leaving clues where you would be looking." Ruth added.

"But you two were ready to flee the moment before."

"Never be caught unaware, there could always have been mistakes." Aki said.

"We should move now that Lord Zeke is here," Ruth replied.

"Yeran seems like a strong wind could blow him over." Zeke asked in concern.

"He will be fine to ride with one of us, we can't afford to wait any longer, already delayed too much." Ruth reassured him.

"Back to capital then?" Yeran asked.

"Yes, I scouted ahead some roads, we will be fine for a while." Aki replied.

"You two seem awfully close so suddenly for mortal enemies." Zeke observed the two brothers. 

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Ruth answered.


Aki dropped down down from the tree, the thud of feet so quiet.

"So?" Zeke asked.

"We are fine, not even a sign." Aki said, mounting his horse.

"How long will it take?" Yeran asked.

"Just a couple more days your highness, if we keep having luck."  Ruth replied, snapping his reins.


"My child! Oh thank gods!" The queen cradled Yeran to her bosom, almost weeping with joy.

"We heard of the attack at the camp, it got quickly deterred by the soldiers of the border and yet, there was no sign of any of you, I sent Zeke as soon I got the word." The king patted Yeran's shoulder.

"Zeke found us, while we were in hiding after Prince Ruth and Prince Aki saved me." Yeran nodded.

"I'm deeply grateful," the queen had tears in her eyes.

"It was our responsibility, your majesty," Ruth bowed.

King Aved nodded at them,

"Any favor you may wish for, ask, and it shall be yours."

"Thank you, your majesty," Ruth, Aki and Zeke all bowed, again.


"It is time!" He insisted.

"I don't agree," the other denied.

"Listen to me, we have to, sooner or later it is all going to come out, he has eyes everywhere, it is better to reveal all now," he grabbed him by the elbow, turning him to face him.

"Yh right!" Was the sarcastic quip of the 2nd figure.

"Eyes that did not know of traitors among his own midst."

"Not even eyes see everything, you know that very well." Said the 1st voice.

"That is why we have other senses and not just eyes!" The other hissed.

"Don't give me that look, you know I'm right,"

"Agh! Fine, whatever! If all went to bad, I will hold you responsible."

"Anything you say," the 1st figure grinned as the cat who got the cream.


"Yeran, I want to speak with you," Ruth said.

"Go ahead."

"Not here, somewhere we would not be overheard."

Yeran frowned. Wondering what he is up to.

Just as he was about to open his mouth, his eyes caught a slight shift in the shadows.

"Let's go to my room." He said.


"Sit Ruth, how many times do I need to tell you," Yeran sighed, tiredly.

Ruth gave him a look, but nevertheless accepted the invitation.

"Tea? Wine?" Yeran asked,

"I sense that this is a long conversation."

While questioning, he quickly scrawled a small sentence, sliding the paper to Ruth.

"We have company," Rurh looked up, surprised.

Yeran slid his eyes to the window and looked at him again. Ruth's brow jumped, but he nodded all the same.

"No thank you, your highness, it is only a small request, but I did not wish for anyone else to know." Ruth replied, casually, no sign of mislead.

"A request?"

"May I have a leave for a week, your highness?"

"A leave?"

"My...ah...." Ruth stuttered, pretending a bashfulness.

"My lover's birthday will be in 3 days, I wish to be with them on that day, I haven't missed any of their birthdays before, but I didn't wanted everyone to know of this, it's a bit...unsuitable of me to forgone your highness' safety for a trivial matter."

Yeran blinked, 'Wow!'

"The matter of heart is never trivial Ruth, no worries, but, a lover? This is news for me,"

"Ah, yes, it..never came up?" Ruth said, biting his lip, his eyes filled to the brim in mirth.

Yeran bit his lip, trying not to laugh.

"Yes Ruth, you can have your leave, will you be leaving today?"

"After I have met with 1st knight and arranged for your highness' safety."

"Tell him that you are on an errand for me and that it is a secret, he won't question you."

"Thank you, your majesty,"

" exchange, you have to do me a favor,"

"Anything, your highness,"

"Tell me all about how it went, and about them too, you never talked about them,"

"Ah, okay?"

"May I take my leave now, your highness?"

"Yes of course, Ruth," Yeran said, exchanging slips of paper with him. 

Ruth nodded, standing to leave.

Yeran took a look and nudged the paper Ruth gave into a chandelier, wondering on what Ruth truly wanted.

Ah well, he will know, soon enough.


"What do you think we should do? Should we agree?" Zeke asked.

"No idea, these brothers can be quite so secretive even while in plain sight." Yeran replied.

Zeke snorted.

"Let me guess, one of them gave slip to your eyes, again,"

"No, not that, it's just, it's so hard to find anything about them, every source is more or less says the same thing!"

"Isn't that a good thing, if it's the same thing, maybe it is what it is," Zeke furrowed his brows.

"No..same thing as in same thing, as if they are hypnotized or taught to say it, it's not genuine, it makes me wonder if the information we found are actually true or just what they wanted us to know."

"Yh, after that, you only knew because we wanted you to know thing really caught me off guard as well," Zeke agreed.

"Let's wait and see I guess, that's all we can do at the moment." Yeran said.

"When will Ruth come?"

"Two days from now,"


"Thriple boarder valley,"

"Should you go that far? On your own?" 

"We don't have a choice, and they have no use of betraying me,"


"It's okay, I'll be back as soon as I can, if I'm fast, I can probably come before dark,"

"I will not be talking you out of this, will I?" Zeke asked.


"Very well then, be safe! If you died, I will resurrect you only to kill you myself," Zeke warned.






Damn it's been a while. Sorry for that, anyway, not edited, yet, feel free to point out mistakes.

See ya,


PS: next update won't be this late, hopefully, 😅😅

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