Chapter 25

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"Yor Derhan changed his name to Dilherra, stole our father's name and had been pretending to be the king for 14 years already by then. We wanted to know how he had installed himself on the throne so seamlessly with none the wiser." Aki started again with hatred burning in his eyes.

"We wanted to know why no minister protested, why no general came to our aid, why people were scared to even speak of Yor, how our father's name got erased from history.

For almost a year, we had nothing, and after our mother's warning we had been paranoid, it is only after we realized how neither of us ever went anywhere truly alone, there had always been someone, a guard, a servant, someone, anyone was always there.

And we started noticing how Yor had been trying to create a feud between us. We already knew that, he would casually ask which one us wanted to be the next king, how if we completed a certain task before the other we could certainly be eligible for the throne, praised us how one is better than other, small things really, but never successful, Yor had 4 sons older than us, we never even expected a throne,"

"But we were still stuck, we did not know how to move forward. Then Nuwee was born. He was actually Yor's son, but he said he wasn't, because he didn't wanted a son of his own blood, from our mother, there was a chance of him being eligible to the throne." Ruth said.

"And he wanted to kill him. We interfered. Well, actually Aki did,"

"And then Yor asked Aki to kill you, he almost did, you two fell out, Aki became Yor's assassin,... or was that another lie?" Yeran snapped.

"It was the truth, just, not the completet truth." Ruth admitted.

"Yor did asked Aki to kill me, and he almost did, the key word was almost, like I said earlier, if he wanted anyone dead, they would be dead."

Yeran raised brow.

"We had already talked about that, the more allied the two of us are, the more guarded Yor was with us, we decided to start showing a dispute, but he presented a golden chance himself." Aki said.

"So it was a plan of yours from beginning." Zeke asked.

"Yes," Ruth agreed.

"Aki had always been an impulsive one, he's pretty straightforward with what he thinks is true and will follow through with a single minded focus."

Ruth jumped. Aki having hit his leg under the table with a frown.

He smirked at Aki, but continued on.

"So, it was logical for him to be the traitor, everyone knows if someone is being threatened he'd never keep his mouth shut.

Then, as you said, we had a fight and a falling out, Nuwee was saved, and Aki fell under the control of Yor,"

"I'm assuming that was also your intention?"

"Of course, he thought I was completely under lock and key," Aki's smile had too much teeth.

"And he thought I was betrayed by my own brother and was completely on his side."

"Yor sent me after many officials, militia, and even foreign leaders."

"And you killed them all?" Yeran asked.

"Some yes, some no, there were many who had collaborated with Yor to fabricate the claim to throne and gas light the people. Yor wanted them dead for if they revealed anything, his plans would fall through. All of them, I killed, they deserved no mercy.

Others, those who he wanted dead because they tried to stand against him, well, you would never know how easy it is to fake a death." Aki said with an innocent blink.

That face far more unnerving than the previous predatory smiles.

"It also got easier to gather more information, if he expected me to be at places not many could get to, that was exactly what I did."

"Our mother passed before we could complete any of the plans, second pregnancy took too much of a toll on her," Ruth added, almost emotionless.

Aki's hand tightened his, squeezing to drag him back from memories.

"Ruth and I have been gathering allies in secret, everytime he sent me on a killing spree and everytime Ruth went out, but his supporters were proved a little stronger than we imagined. He had support of kingdoms, Vasras and Ruwanyen as well, he had shared ownership of the gold mines in Dilhevia with them."

"About a year and a half before, I think Yor got suspicious. He locked me in my chambers and only let me out when he wanted someone dead, so, we wanted an out."

"The wedding, did you plan that as well?" Zeke asked, no idea whether to be impressed or alarmed.

"No actually, that was a coincidence. When your mother, the Lady Queen had visited Delhevia not that long before, he had seen Aki, we do not know when or what he had been doing, but the Queen had taken a liking to him, the devil may have possessed her to like this one, but it was for our benefit." Ruth chuckled and Aki made a face at him.

"You took advantage of my mother!" Yeran bit out.

The brothers blinked.

"It's not as if we did anything to make her like me, I haven't even met her before." Aki said, bewildered.

"When the proposal came, we really didn't look a gift horse in mouth.

I had our allies convince father that it was for the best to build an association with Aved and I myself left some hints that if Aki was distanced from his supporters, it would be beneficial." Ruth added.

"Then he got it into his mind that if I married you and you died, since there are no other heirs, I will one day get the throne and through me he could get Aved as well, that's how I received the order to kill you. He sent Ruth with me incase I failed, so Ruth can twist the story around even if I tried to tell you the truth . "

"He's such an idiot to believe that we could be turned against each other," Ruth snorted.

"That means you were here to kill me from the beginning." Yeran asked.

Aki shook his head.

"Like I said, if I wanted you dead, you would have been, and it would have looked so natural not even your best physicians could have found anything amiss. Besides, you are much more valuable alive," Aki said, grinning.

Both Zeke and Yeran felt a shiver run down his spine.

"It was much easier to sketch out the final touches of our plan out of Yor's constant vigilance." Ruth continued.

"There is one thing I do not understand," Zeke said.


"Why didn't Yor just kill you, and your mother?"

"We thought of that too, and we could only make a speculation, but I think it is because he actually doesn't have any legal claim to the throne. It is possible he wanted to turn us against each other because he thought at least one of us would turn to his side, then, he could have that one legally handover the throne to him, then it would be a legitimate assertion."

"That sounds sensible." Zeke admitted.

"Is that all you have to say?" Yeran questioned.

"Yes, that is, if you have more questions, you can ask. Our preparations are almost complete. We wanted to ask if you could support us when we will raise arms against Yor. Or, at the least, stay neutral so as to not support him." Aki answered.

"And you are being completely truthful?"

"We will swear on our honor, no more deception." Ruth vowed.

"Very well," Yeran said, rising from his seat.

"We will think on what you have said. We will need to have another conversation."

"We understand." The brothers rose as well.

"Thank you for your time," Aki said with a shallow bow, one prince to another.



There, the plot is out, and as promised, before night.

See you soon,


Ruth and Aki

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