Chapter 7

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"Do answer, Prince Aki, what did you mean by that?" Yeran questioned.


"It was not meant for me, your highness, or you, even if it ended at out table, for all times I were to take meals in the royal dining room, I have yet to touch anything alcoholic, it would be clear to anyone observing, that rules me out..." Aki hesitated.

"Go on," Yeran nodded.

"And your highness does not join me in meals, which means it was not intended for your highness either." Aki continued with a subtle glance at Mira who looked down with a sullen face.

"But you had asked for it to be brought to your room." Yeran lifted a brow.

"True as that may be your highness, it is not a habit of mine," Aki replied with a lowered gaze.

"It would have been safer for them to add the poison to some food or the tea if I was targeted."

"Also, they could not have interpreted that Lord Zeke was going to intervene the servant to take the bottle for himself, which means Lord Zeke wasn't the original target as well."

"I can sense there is more, Prince Aki," Yeran asked impatiently at another hesitation.

"I think this is to be a distraction for something of a greater cause your highness, the bottle getting mixed up must have been a mistake of the culprit, it could have been served to anyone and a situation would arise."

'You might just be a pretty doll meant to be nothing but a bargain chip by my side, but you also seem to have some worth in you, don't you, Prince Aki?' Yeran wondered to himself.

"And what cause would you follow if you are to catch the culprit my Consort?"

"I think it would be wise to check the delivery of wine and what places it was meant to be served." Aki replied.

"Wise?" Yeran's brow twitched.

"Forgive me, your highness, I was only trying to be of an assistance," Aki bowed low in indifference.

Yeran rolled his eyes, 'If only this doll had more life in him.'

"I will consider your words Prince consort, I came here to say that you are released from house arrest."

"Your highness need not have bothered." Aki replied.

"My mother is expecting us at her chambers, we need to be there together," Yeran said, powering over Aki's words.

"Yes your highness, shall we, we ought not keep her ladyship waiting." Aki asked.


Yeran carefully assessed Aki, noting how he kept a good couple feets between them, easily a hands width away, adjusting his speed to Yeran's to not change that distance.

He had no clue if this was a normal behavior or if Aki was still spooked from that night.

He threw a glance at Ruth, following behind, out of distance of eavesdropping, giving them a semblance of privacy while always on guard.

Not that it mattered, neither the Prince nor his husband speaking or even barely sharing a glance.


"Prince Aki, I heard of the terrible news, my child you must have been in such fright!" Queen mother did not waited a moment after they were seated to start fussing over Aki.

Aki gave her a small smile,

"I am grateful over your concern your majesty,"

"Nonsense child, that poison was meant for you, to escape death so narrowly, how devastating!" The queen put a hand over her heart.

"My oh my, is that a bruise dear child, were you attacked after the poison failed!" Her eyes widened.

"Mother, calm down," Yeran said, suddenly uncomfortable.

"I am alright your majesty, I was just absent-minded and walked into a door." Aki repeated the same lie.

"Ah, understandable, understandable, you must have been in shock." The queen nodded.

"Let me have a medicine brought in,"

"Thank you, your majesty, but please do not bother on my behalf, it is already healing."

Yeran's mood changed so rapidly to anger at how her mother was so concerned over a small bruise while his lover had been unconsciousness for three days and only yesterday opened his eyes.

"I...if you are certain," the queen gave Aki an indulgent smile.

"Dear child, could you wait in the garden for a moment for me to have a bit of privacy with my son?"

"Of course your majesty, excuse me," Aki rose to his feet with a small bow.

"Yeran," the Queen's attention turned as soon as the door closed behind his back.

"You ought to be with your husband at times as this, he is new to this palace and I have been hearing even servants talk that you have abandoned him for that boy again and again," she said with a disapproving glare.

"Mother, that boy was the one I was planning to marry, the one I love." Yeran tried to reign in his anger.

"Nonsense! Do not forget that you are married now Yeran! You must spend time with your husband, this is an oder or mine,"

"Mother.." Yeran started protesting before the queen cut him off with a stern look.

"I do not need to hear your reasons Yeran, you will do as I say, be with that child at least till he get some authority in this brutal place, life inside a palace is not easy as I need not educate you from start, specifically for a foreign Prince newly married that does not hold even his husband's favour,"

"Mother, this marriage was only for Father's will, why must I suffer at the same time while making Zeke suffer as well?" Yeran pleaded.

"You must forget that boy now Yeran, even if you can't, at least pretend you have some sort of care over your husband, do not think I do not recognize a bruise from a fist and from being clumsy, today only you lay a hand on him, what about tomorrow?"

"No one would dare, he is my husband, even if it is only by name."

"How are you to be certain? Will you even notice?"


"I told you I do not need excuses, you will spend three nights a week in his chambers, arrange that as your will, that isn't my concern, but you will, end of discussion" the Queen rose in a flurry of dresses, following after Aki to the garden.

Yeran released a breath slowly, feeling a headache rising. He put his head on his hand, knowing his mother to be right, but not liking a word of it.


He cursed, getting up, knowing both his mother's stern looks hidden from his husband and his husband's empty smiles, seemingly sweet to his mother, will be expecting him beyond those doors, the only company he will have for the evening.





You might wanna stay tuned in, there's a possibility of uploading another chap today 😇. Halfway done through it.

See ya,


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