II. Chapter 5

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Three occupants of the table jumped high at the sharp clang, scarily raising the eyes to the fourth, the last, occupant.

The one who had just speared the piece of chicken in his plate, right through the middle, with, definitely is not a dining knife.

A sharp dagger stood erect on the plate, embedded as it was.

"I'm going to bed." He rose to his feet.

"You," he pointed with another dagger, appeared out of where, Yeran had not had the slightest of the idea. "Will sleep elsewhere,"

"How come his robes always dramatically flare like that?" Zeke asked.

"You know the answer I got to that question? 'Magic!', he did a nice hand wriggle as well," Ruth said, pressing on the bridge of his nose.

"There goes your kiss," Zeke smirked.

"Ah...." Yeran sighed, leaning his cheek on his palm.

Ruth gave him a weird look.

"Aki seems a bit...prickly?" Zeke asked.

"Give him some time to cool off, he hates when people play with emotions," Ruth advised.

"But I didn't..." Yeran whined, awoken from his lovesick daze.

"But he thought you did, think of him as a porcupine, the quills haven't had the time to go down yet. Best not to provoke him, or you'd end up with more holes in your body." Ruth shot a glance at Yeran's injured shoulder.

"So he's not mad?" Yeran asked eagerly.

"OH he's definitely mad, but it's mostly regarding the fact that the two of you completely blindsided him. He doesn't take not knowing things, well.

Yeran wilted like a flower under harsh sun.

"Say, Ruth," he perked up in the blink of an eye, almost giving the other two whiplash.

"You know your brother best right?"

"I would say so?" Ruth asked, suspiciously inching away from Yeran.

Zeke, knowing the 'I have a harebrained idea that might kill me, but I'm going to do it anyway,' gaze in Yeran's eyes, sighed, deeply, again.

"How can I...woo your brother, to say?"

Ruth's brow jumped.

"That my friend," Ruth leaned closer.

"You will have to figure out yourself." He smirked, standing up to leave.


"Your highness, Lord Zeke," Ruth only inclined his head as an acknowledgement and chased after his brother.

Yeran's gaze turned back to Zeke.

"OH no, no no no, I am not getting involved in whatever scheme you are cooking up in that bird brain of yours, it will, at the least, have both of us pinned down with daggers, or at most, be relieved of some limbs." Zeke shook his head.

"I'm leaving tomorrow, we cannot dillydally." He said, changing the subject.

"Yes, right," Yeran sat up straight. For all his tendencies to lose his head over a pretty crush, he could always be counted on to be responsible, when needed.


"I think it's time we proceed with our plan," Aki was being his usual self from next morning.

"The kings of Vasras and Ruwanyen has agreed to hold a meeting with us." Yeran said.

"Good, have they said where?"

"Yes, the triple boarder valley," Yeran informed.


"Tomorrow, at sun set. They said it was to indicate the sun setting for Delhevia,"

"Dramatic much?" Aki scowled.

Yeran laughed out loud. He rolled out a map, figuring out the best defense and offense tactics.

"Do you expect to be ambushed?" Aki asked.

"It never hurts to be prepared."

"Fair, the correct question is, will they ambush?

"I would say there is a chance, my spies have been keeping an eye on both of them, and Delhevia. Yor is definitely on the verge of declaring war himself, and he is certainly trying to recruit Vasras and Ruwanyen back. If, if they had a change of mind from then to now,"

"Yes, I understand, what would you be expecting from me?" Aki nodded in agreement.

"A kiss?" Yeran muttered.

"Excuse me, your highness, I did not hear what you said," Aki's stare had sharpened into icicles.

"Ah, nothing, I suppose I would have to trouble you with my protection,"

"Hmm...." Aki stared down his nose at him.


"Ruth," Yeran called.

"Yes, your highness?"

"Can you at least now, drop the formalities?"

"Yes, Yeran,"

"I want you to stay back, tomorrow,"

"What? Why!?" Ruth protested.

"Because I do not want to take all my best fighters with me, if it came to an ambush, it would be best not to reveal all the cards in my hand, Zeke will be staying back as well."

Ruth's lips pressed together in displeasure.

"Very well," however displeased, he saw the wisdom in the strategy.


"Prince Yeran, prince consort," Rawul, the king of Ruwanyen was the first to greet them.

"Your majesties," Yeran and Aki, bowed with a slight inclination of their heads, as of their rank.

King Rawul was short, and quite fat, a potbelly covered with expensive silks and jewelry. A ring in every finger and several necklaces weighing around his neck.

King Fewley of Vasras, on the other hand, had the body of a warrior, he was tall and fit, bulkily made. He was dressed in a military style outfit, hair cropped short.

Though King Rawul was smiling heartily, King Fewley had a scowl on his face.

Aki's eyes narrowed. The way King Rawul's eyes went over Yeran not at all polite in a company.

Aki moved closer, a hand moving to rest on Yeran's lower back. Yeran jumped, though he covered it with a slight turn towards Aki, his skin feeling very sensitive all a sudden. Aki shared a look and leaned closer to whisper in his ear.

"There are too many people than agreed upon here," he said, making eye contact with Rawul.

Yeran faked a giggle.

"Of course husband,"

"Anything wrong?" King Fewley grunted.

Aki straightened but didn't removed his hand.

"No no, just my husband being silly, he wants to know where your robes were made of Lord Rawul,"

Aki pinched Yeran's waist in retaliation. He did not had to make such a ridiculous claim.

King Rawul laughed.

"But of course Prince consort is already dressed very well," he said, giving Aki a once over for the first time.

"But if your highness asks, I could send over my personal tailor," he said to Aki, but his eyes were on Yeran.

"Thank you, your majesty, but I do not want to trouble, we can arrange a visit to Ruwanyen, can't we, husband? Later though, after we solve this...problem," Aki smiled, politely, pulling Yeran closer to him.

Yeran suppressed a shiver, his whole body fighting in-between hot and cold and adrenalin of anticipation.

'This man, is going to be the death of me,'


Hey hey,

Wassup? So, more interaction between Aran (Aki+Yeran), what do you all think?

I want votes, I want comments and I want more love.....

See ya soon,







P. S.: I was feeling generous today

Peace out

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