II. Chapter 8

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"May gods have mercy on your soul Yeran," he said, voice serene.

"Because I won't!"


"And how do you presume to fulfill your promise?" Yeran asked, keeping a glance at the shut door of the carriage.

"Do you truly think that Yor would just lock me away and be done with it? Or kill me?" Aki snickered.

"Noo...Yeran, sooner or later, he will let me out, after all, I am his best weapon." He scoffed.

"Not without a leash, he would not,"

"Yeran, darling, I've been an assassin as long as I remember, you think I do not know how to..." Aki paused.

"untie, a knot?" He teased, eyes glittering with mirth.

Yeran smiled, inclining his head.

"Challenge accepted." He winked.

"If you did get to me, you can have one request, anything you want,"

"Really...?" Aki sneered.

"I give you my word."

"What if I wanted you dead, in an...excruciatingly fun way?"

"You can try,"

"Huh!" Aki mused, raising an eyebrow.

"Respectfully, your word doesn't amount to much though. No offense,"

Yeran blinked.

"OH who am I kidding, I mean, full offense," Aki rolled his eyes.

"I'm insulted, thank you very much," Yeran pressed his fingertips on his nose bridge, incensed.


The carriage rolled to a stop. Bringing the final sense of a pending doom. The sky was in full gloom, air smelling ozone of a coming thunder.

Aki breathed in deep. Home again, after almost a year, not exactly how he had meant it to happen.

Yeran rose to his feet and exited first, giving a single glance at him.

There were two ways this could proceed. Either he could walk on his own, head held high as he always had, even when he was bleeding half to death from one or the other injury he had accumulated, helpfully butchering people for Yor.

Or, he could be dragged there, kicking and screaming. He could probably send a good few soldiers back to the land beyond living, at least a few concussions, broken bones and a good amount of bruising. But he would get there, they would make sure of it.

And truly, it was not much of a choice at all.

Aki stepped down the carriage with all the grace of a God descending his pedestal to bless the unworthy mortals.

Two soldiers of Delhevia descend went to flank him and he stared them down his nose.

"I will walk on my own," he announced as a royal decree, turning towards the palace entrance with a swirl of his dark robes.

The chains clinked with each step, the sound echoing in the empty courtyard, and mixed with the howl of wind, playing an eerie rhyme.

Yeran fell into step with him. It was only minutes later he saw Aki's fingers moving. He had clasped his hands together in his front rather than letting them half hang in the short chains, tapping out a rhythm on the knuckles. The left index finger kept tapping and tapping, over and over, same pattern.

Yeran looked up, into Aki's face, only to find it as blank as a crafted statue. And just as cold and hard as well.



I know, I know, That's too short! Author! But I had to!!! To keep the pacing correct.

I'll give you the next chap before the end of the day! Promise! 😇😇😇

See ya,

From Aki,

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