III. Chapter 2

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Ruth stood still, sword unsheathed and wary. His eyes glanced from left to right, to the two boys who stood infront of him. They were young, a couple years younger than him, fifteen or sixteen in age.

"That was quite impressive," it was the brown haired one, his eyes glittering a beautiful sea blue, a playful smile dancing upon his lips.

Ruth raised a brow, refusing to answer.

"Your sword work, he meant, you can't be more than, what, sixteen? seventeen?" Spoke the other. There was no smile on him, his face stuck in a default frown. Eyes as black as the abyss and silvery white hair.

Ruth did not replied yet.

'Are you not even younger? Your sword work is nothing to scoff at either,' he rolled his eyes in his head.

Just outside the city gates, in the surrounding woods, he had gotten entangled with a flock of bandits who soon proved to be too much, even for him. It was thanks to these two he manged to chase them off and yet, Ruth had learned his lessons on trust very early in his life.

"Not much of a talker, I see," the brown haired boy stated.

"Why did you help me?" Ruth opened his mouth for the first time.

"Well, it looked like you were in a bit of a tough situation, and, fifty against one? Didn't seem like fair odds." The same boy answered.

"And they were bandits, were they not?" Asked the other.

"It could have easily been me who was robbing them," Ruth inquired.

"Yeah, no, too hard to imagine, you don't fit into the type, and, those robes are definitely high class, not something bandits would use"

"Looks can be deceiving," Ruth cut him off.

"Which means, you definitely did not picked a fight you cannot win because you did not wanted to save those merchants who scampered away just a moment before we came?" The silver haired boy countered with a raised brow, sarcasm dripping from the words.

"My intentions aside, how am I to know you are not bandits?"

"Who fought with our own kind?" It was the same sarcastic tone.

Ruth raised a brow.

"Bandits are particularly keen on removing competition,"

The silver head frowned, his dark eyes darkening even further.

"A simple thank you would have sufficed."

Ruth smirked.

"Yes indeed, thank you, you did save me, your motives aside, whatever they may be,"

"We are looking for someone, could you help us find him?" Brown haired one quipped up, cutting through their passive aggressive politeness.

"Despite my appearance, I'm not exactly all knowing," Ruth turned to him.

"But, do say, I will offer as much assistance as I can,"

"OH I think you can, Prince Ruth, we are looking for your brother, after all, and you, of course,"

Ruth's spine straightened further. Not many were in knowledge of their existence, much less identify them from sight alone.

"Who are you?" He asked, voice as hard to iron.

"You do not have to be alarmed Prince Ruth, I am Yeran Avos, crown prince of Aved and this is Zeke Venon, my knight in training." The brown haired one raised his hands in a pacifying gesture.

Ruth did not, in fact, relaxed.

"And what might be that you are looking for, your highness, with a meeting, for you to personally attend, not to mention,"

"I think it is best spoken with your brother present as well, is it not?"

"OH no, I assure you that I do not think so,"

"Please Prince Ruth, you and I are both aware that the dispute between you and your brother is nothing but a play,"

Ruth's grip on his sword tightened, discreetly.

"What makes you assume such a bizarre thing your highness," he laughed.

Yeran stepped close, Ruth stared straight into his eyes and did not move.

"Let's stop going around in circles and get right to the point, if you insist on it. I want an alliance with Delhevia,"

"Your focus should lie elsewhere if that is so your highness, you would have more success if you were to meet our father,"

"If you found a way to visit the netherworld, do tell, we will give it a try," Zeke deadpanned from a side, having stayed silent so far.

The sudden shock gripped Ruth from the neck itself, his eyes widened, heart pounding.

"How...how did..." he stammered.

"Your brother told us,"

A cold fear spread through Ruth. When? How? Why? What had he done this time.

"And you just agreed? Do excuse me for finding it hard to believe." He did his level best to even out his voice.

"Certainly not, Prince Ruth, I'm not interested in benevolence, I am not a Saint. I am, however, is interested in the benefits I can reap with allying with you."

"And what might they be, if I were to ask?"

"You can ask, yes, but it does not say I'm obliged to answer,"

"If that is so, Prince Yeran, we can forget this, obviously," Ruth smiled with too much teeth.

He saw, from a corner of his sight, Zeke taking a hard swallow.

'Good', never let it be said that Ruth was anything but the same blood of Aki.

Yeran smirked.

"You draw a hard bargain Prince Ruth, much like your brother,"

"We are twins, after all,"


Ruth wasn't aware of the reason for the veiled hat donned by Aki, but he wasn't going to say a word with strangers in the midst.

"Prince Aki, a pleasure to meet you, again," Yeran bowed his head, slightly, to which Aki replied in kind.

"Please, take a seat," Aki invited.

Aki appearing no later than Ruth meeting Yeran and Zeke spoke of a prearranged meeting and the minute pause of Aki's postures at the sight of Ruth only went noticed by his twin.

Aki recovered not a second later and acted as if nothing was out of place. He had lead them here, a small cottage out in the woods, the same place Ruth and Aki had found when they were no older than ten, once.

It was small and abandoned, with only a seating table with four stools and some other ensemble of minor furnishing.

Aki took the initiative and sat, moments graceful as usual and Yeran followed suit, his straight spine and stiff body betrayed a slight nervousness.

Ruth stayed standing, at his brother's elbow, hand resting on the sheathed sword at his hip. Aki did not needed protection, he knew, but a section in his mind was put to ease, still, at being able to do so.

Zeke mirrored him, crossing his hands over his chest. But his posture was confident and easy going, or at least pretemding to be, the very picture of apathy.

"I hope I am not being too bold to persume that your__personal attendance speaks for glad tidings"



Took a while ah, sorry for that.

Ruth being there knowing nothing but rolling with it caz he can't slap his brother over the head with other's present, ah...I love my petty petty boy.

Nope, I said petty, not pretty.

See ya,







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